Master Guanyun led the little Taoist priests to listen to the purpose of going north of Sichuan, not only for healing, but also for killing.

Kill the monk!

The cultivation base of the middle-aged Taoist priest was suddenly called the sky. Although the cultivation base was sealed by nearly 80% because of the suppression of the immovable Ming Wang Yan in the body, the killing character was still in the entire void, directly setting off an infinite blood sea murder .

Not only the temperature suddenly dropped sharply, but even tiny blood-colored ice crystals appeared.

Not to mention the blood and blood feud between Taoism and Buddha for thousands of years, but the life and death grievances of the Buddha in the past year and a half after the Buddha's advancement have already made Tao and Buddha want to kill each other and then quickly.

"Between Buddhism and Taoism, there is no end to death. Buddhism has been rushed to the Western Regions and struggling hard since the time of the Immortal Palace. Now I am trying to return to the Central Plains. The confidence is nothing more than two points.

"First, the great chaos in the Central Plains and the changing secrets of the heavens made Buddhism think there was an opportunity."

In the corner of Crescent Treasure Ship, a voice that was neither light nor heavy came from Master Guan Yun’s mouth, and then the evil spirit in his eyes became stronger, and the cold voice continued to sound:

"The second, it is said that the reincarnation of the ancestor of Buddhism has quietly descended into the world."

"This so-called reincarnation body is the little monk in your mouth?"

"Not sure, but don't let it go!"

After Master Guanyun finished speaking, he raised his hand to face the front in a salute, and at the same time directly expressed his intention:

"As long as there is our Taoist gate in the Central Plains for one day, there will be no temples in the Western Regions. For the well-being and inheritance of countless people in the entire Central Plains, I still hope Jiang Secretary for guidance."

As soon as this statement came out, Jiang Yue, who had originally turned and left, stopped his movements and turned slightly. The corners of his mouth under the hood of the Radiant Army's robe rose, and he spoke with a faint voice:

"I want to use the so-called Central Plains security to suppress me, you are afraid that you have made a mistake. My Daxia is located in the northern border, so what is the life and death of the Central Plains?"

The voice fell, like a thunderbolt in the blue sky, rumbling back and forth in the void, and then the smile of Jiang Yue's mouth became even greater? With a little sarcasm, he continued to spit out:

"After my Daxia was born in Beihai? You, the Central Plains forces, are the happiest people who came to the north to clamor. Why? It's only a year now? Instead, they talked about common people's righteousness and repaying grievances with virtue? It sounds ridiculous.

"Our saints are notorious for holding grudges. These forces that once extended their paws into the North Sea? Daxia will not forget them? Sooner or later they will be liquidated one by one!

"Furthermore, there are so many war criminals in the Taihang Palace of Shenjing City, not to mention the little monk's appreciation, if the people of the holy court come to find the Nantian King Xiliu? Central Shangguo will come to their land gods ? All are satisfied one by one, really treat me as an inn?


The words that came out of Jiang Yue's mouth, every word, every word, utterly convincing, directly set off infinite waves in the hearts of the two people in front of them.

Regarding the fact that the great forces in the Central Plains went north to find opportunities? Although the Taoist Temple in Dayan Pass did not participate, it is absolutely clear? But now the key to breaking the game is in the North. I have to say that this is a huge irony.

"The Northern Territory is now different from any time before? The relationship between Daxia and the Central Plains is not good. I hope you and the sects who are accustomed to being superior can set their mentality? Otherwise, they will really die miserably."

After the cold words fell? Jiang Yue took a step forward? The figure suddenly disappeared in place.

When Jiang Yue's figure disappeared from the deck for a long time, the little Taoist priest Tingchuan who fell into deep silence came back to his senses and muttered:

"Master, listen to the tone of the official Jiang, this, is this Buddha's Jianhuai being kept in the capital of the great summer?"

"Even the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu has been captured. This Daxia's strength is unfathomable. However, it is said that this person has an unusual relationship with the East Jade Junction Fire Palace. It took a year and a half for the people of the Fire Palace to react. Up."

Speaking of this, the originally solemn Master Guanyun turned around and watched the torrent of light formed by the countless Changming tribes pouring down the treasure ship below, and the meaningful words continued to be heard:

"This Crescent Ship is about to go north, and this road is destined to be uneasy. Not to mention the various forces that originally wanted to establish a relationship with Daxia, the Western Region Buddhism should have secretly sent people north to find the missing Buddha.

"Moreover, the Master has a hunch. Perhaps the creatures of the Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion may be on this ship. In addition, there are quite a few great monks who disappeared in the North Sea a year and a half ago, and all major countries have land. There is no news of the gods in fairyland."

As soon as Master Guanyun said this, the little Taoist listening to Sichuan directly turned up the stormy sea in his heart, and murmured subconsciously:

"Could it be that these forces are going north to rob people, how is this possible!"

After the horrified words of the little Taoist fell, the middle-aged Taoist did not speak, but silently watched the bright city in front of him, which was regaining its brightness, with many thoughts.

At the level of Taoist Guanyun, in fact, he has already understood that in this world, there are no surprises, and any person and thing can happen.

But at this time, the closer he gets to the vast country in the north, the more mysterious and powerful he will find.

Daxia, the nine-day phoenix, has gradually revealed to the world a few glorious feathers on his gorgeous body, but these feathers are already so magnificent and magnificent.

And once this blazing golden phoenix no longer hibernates and fantasizes its own wings, it will directly set off a monstrous fire in the entire Taixuan land.

"Even now, most people in this world are still underestimating Daxia in the North. The Central Plains of the Great Profound Land has been arrogant for too long and will suffer."

An inaudible voice came from Master Yun's mouth, and then the bright crescent moon above the sky began to slowly rise to the top, just intersecting the silver crescent made of moonstone on the bow of the treasure ship. echo.

At the same time, a ringing bell rang across the sky suddenly within the entire treasure ship, followed by Dong Yuan's voice:

"It's midnight, the treasure ship closes, please disembark the merchants of Changming City, this ship can carry passengers, if necessary, you can buy tickets to stay on the ship, the next stop is Broken Leaf City."

After the words were finished, there was another extremely pleasing bell, which rang under the stars, like countless wind chimes singing.

"Jingling bell, Jingling bell."

Accompanied by the pleasant breeze, the last group of Changming people walked down the winding stairs and walked off the treasure ship contentedly. Then, under the eyes of eager anticipation, the eight turtles directly stood upright. Body.


After a roar resounding throughout the world, the tortoise started to raise its legs and move forward at the same time. After going around Changming City, it turned to the north.

"Dear merchants, after one month, you will see or leave by Changming City."

Accompanied by the loud voice lingering in the void, the Crescent Treasure Ship gradually disappeared under the northern starry sky, and the earth trembling ceaselessly for a while, and smoke was everywhere.

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