"My lord, you can save her."

In the middle of Changming County, on the edge of the pothole formed by the bursting of the Buddhist eight-level Buddha statue, the middle-aged North Sea wild bird flew against Jiang Yue, who was flying in the black robe.

"From the beginning to the end, this Miss Yushu Huo Mansion did nothing, and I hope that the lord can raise her precious hand and save her."

The voice of the North Sea Wild Bird was filled with urgency and fear, and the slender figure standing in front of him under the light of the dawn remained unmoved. Then Jiang Yue's black eyes stared at the one that was still hitting the ground with one punch after another Girl, the voice faintly spread:

"There are so many innocent people under this world. If I save them all, can they come?"

Jiang Yue's voice fell, he paused, and continued to speak:

"This is her own decision. Before the blood runs out, she can stop, maybe she is forcing me to help her?"

Jiang Yue's voice just came out, and the Beihai Wild Bird behind him directly spoke very seriously:

"My lord, it's not like that!"

After he finished speaking, the North Sea Wild Bird stood upright with his original body, staring at the back that was as strong as an abyss in front of him, but for some reason, a courage that he had never had before poured directly into his heart.

Then the Beihai Wild Bird increased the volume, and the voice came out:

"My lord, perhaps we are insignificant for your superior existence. No matter what we do, we may be regarded as having ulterior motives.

"It is true that we people desire to be stronger than anyone else, and desire to dominate our own destiny. We often dream of becoming major practitioners one day, but this does not mean that our lives are cheap.

"No matter who, there is only one life, and every life deserves to be respected? What should be respected more? Those who use their lives to do more important things."

Perhaps it was because he said so many words in front of the existence like gods and monsters? That made this uncle of the North Sea Wild Bird out of breath for a while? Then he took a deep breath and bowed to the front again? The voice came out:

"Small can guarantee that this young lady does not have the idea of ​​holding the adult's will? Although there are tears in her eyes? But her will is much stronger than most people."

A series of voices from Beihai Wild Bird came out, and then Jiang Yue in front of him fell into deep silence.

The silent silence means that the heart of the young man of the Radiant Army? Is not as calm as on the surface? After a long while, the young voice continued from Jiang Yue's mouth:

"When I traveled from the north to the south, many people warned me that the most complicated thing in the world is cause and effect? ​​Many things do not know the origin, but they are enough to affect a person's life? Even affect the overall situation.

"I'm a soldier, in a sense? Soldiers are out there, and I can't speak and do so casually with the scattered people? Although I don't know the identity of this person in the Dongji Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion? But it is not low to want to come.

"If it is because of my words and deeds that Da Xia behind me and the Yushu Fire Palace behind this girl leave cause and effect, this is not what I want. Do you understand this?"

Jiang Yue's explanation sounded neither light nor heavy, but every word was pearly, and the Beihai wild bird behind it sounded like a heart sinking.

As the so-called heaven and earth, there are too many people involuntarily, and then the North Sea Wild Bird stopped begging, just silently kowtow, and there was a desperate despair in the world.

The life of this wild bird of the North Sea is not ordinary, and it can even be described as having a long life, but it has always been positive and optimistic, but at this moment, it is like being in a dark abyss, and it is cold all over.

Because it has no way to find the slightest temperature in this cold world!

However, in the next breath, the young and stern voice continued to sound in his ears, but the North Sea Wild Bird suddenly raised his head, and a thick and incredible color suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"You are right. Every life is worthy of respect, and people and things who have the courage to transcend life should be respected, so I fell into a little hesitation."

Jiang Yue's voice fell, and then he focused his eyes on the pit below. The thin figure that was still hitting the ground again and again, the voice continued:

"In Daxia, when all the Radiant Army and the Taboos of the Night Dire Division were in trouble, they would think about what your Majesty would do, so at this moment, you moved me."

After the voice fell, Jiang Yue raised his right foot under the brighter eyes of the Beihai Wild Bird behind, and then stepped heavily on the ground below him.


After a loud noise, the tumbling scarlet iron-blooded battle aura shot directly from the void, and then poured down towards the ground beneath the young man of the Tianhui Army.

After a breath, countless cracks appeared on the glazed coating of the pothole, and then the cracks got bigger and bigger, and accompanied by the spread of blood, they burst directly.

At the same time, the already bleak eyes of the girl in the Fire Palace of Yushu suddenly brightened, and she raised her head inconceivably, watching Jiang Yue who was bathed in the light of dawn above her, tears even more.

The girl wanted to say thank you, but the strength that had been completely lost in her body made it difficult for her to speak, and she could only make a vague whine.

Then the girl who came back to her senses continued to use her **** hands to support her body, crawling to the place where the rest of the big sun elves stayed, slowly peeling away the ground that was crushed by Jiang Yue's foot, and began to search for her own thoughts. Something you want.

Once there is no second place, and the second place is not the third place. Finally, when the scorching sun above her head was completely rising, the girl tremblingly held up something under her arrogance, and she burst into tears for an instant.

It was an extremely inconspicuous bead, and within the bead, there was an extremely dim blazing fire spirit sleeping. This blazing fire spirit was so vague, it would be impossible to see it clearly without careful observation.

"Master, the disciple finally found you."

The murmur came from the girl's mouth, and then she couldn't hold on anymore, holding the bead and falling down, lying on her back on the ground.

The light of the great sun from the East shining on the girl's embarrassed face, and the temperature from the sun, like the brilliance of Xi and the godmother, smoothed the girl's frowning brows.

"For this bead, are you worth it?"

After the low voice of inquiry fell, Jiang Yue's figure appeared next to the girl, and then the girl held the bead tightly and placed it at the heart, and a weak response came out:

"Of course it's worth it. The big sun elves of the Jade Shuttle Fire Mansion have all been blessed by Xi and the **** mother. If the accidental body is broken and the shining pearl is retained, the shining pearl can be hung under the hibiscus tree to absorb the essence of the sun. Cast flesh.

"So this shining pearl is the hope of Master's survival, and it is naturally worth it."

The girl's voice fell, Jiang Yue's black eyes moved, and a serious response came out:

"Really interesting."

After speaking, there was no response from below. Then Jiang Yue lowered his head and found that the girl under his feet had completely fallen asleep.

The sun shines on her face, like a ruby ​​covered with dust but cannot be covered!

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