The New Year’s Eve is approaching, and every [Literature Museum] is all lively.

Not only the vast land of China and the mainland of summer, but also Jiaozhou and Haizhou, which are countless miles away, have gradually begun to emerge a festive atmosphere that belongs to the upcoming festival.

The New Year's Day is the most solemn festival in China!

These two outer states have just been included in the map of Daxia. Although the people living in them are mainly the human races of the descendants of Wuxianshan, there are still many forerunners who have been sent here from the vast land of Shenzhou to participate. Under construction.

Once the will is unified, the speed of fusion between the races will be beyond imagination. What's more, the descendants of Wuxian Mountain, and the people of Daxia, have a look at the hot blood of the human race, and they also have dark eyes like ebony.

The two belong to the same source, so it is not too difficult to merge. In this year and a half, the descendants of Wuxianshan, who enjoyed the sun and freedom for the first time in tens of thousands of years, began to accept their new identity. , And cautiously touched the society and the world around him that was completely unfamiliar.

However, although most of the cities in Jiaozhou and Haizhou live in descendants of Wuxianshan, but the Great Wall Pass is stationed in the frontier, but the Daxia Wilderness is a serious army.

The soldiers of the Wild Army were all men from the three southwestern states, and their personalities were notoriously enthusiastic. Therefore, the New Year atmosphere at Xiongguan on the border was much stronger than imagined.

On the solemn dark-brown city wall, a red lantern symbolizing the prosperity was hung, and the young men in the army patrolling the border also had heartfelt smiles on their faces.

At the next breath, the three ancient black dragons who escorted the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship to the Xiongguan Pass. After a roar, their wings stretched out, their stature rose up into the sky, and flew back to the ancient guard tower platform in the mid-air.

At the same time, the middle-aged general above the city pass opened his mouth and let out a roar that resounded across the wild:

"Crescent Moon Treasure Ship returns, open the outer city gate, Manghuangwei and Anjiang Secretary General prepare, board the ship and check!"

The roar fell, and the huge gate at the middle gate of the outer city of Xiongguan suddenly pulled up under the rotation of gears? At the same time, a loud noise like thunder rose to the sky? The scene behind the gate gradually appeared on the treasure ship. Right now.

The Great Wall at Xiongguan on the Great Xia border, with a total of three gates across the world, between the first and second gates, is a huge battlefield.

At the same time, at the end of this battlefield, above the majestic inner city gate? Two scarlet and dazzling characters, shining the world? Unleashing endless iron and blood power? It makes people want to worship.

Ba Feng!

"Master Jiang, this pass is called Bafeng?"

On the Crescent Treasure Ship, it took a long time before he came back to Guanyun Taoist, watching the two iron-blooded characters in front of him? Muttering? Then Jiang Yue, who was flying in his robe under the north wind, nodded, and the response came out:

"It is the Bafeng, with the jade dragon in front and the Bafeng behind? Both are the unbreakable iron walls of the country, protecting the safety of trillions of people!"

Jiang Yue's words? It is categorical, because every male pass in Daxia? Even if it has completed its historical mission like Yulong Pass, the pass that has been set up as a training ground for recruits? They all carry the unyielding will and soul of all Daxia soldiers.

"The glory of Daxia? Immortal!"

Jiang Yue continued to hear word by word? The eight earth-patterned tortoises under the Crescent Treasure Ship began to slow down under control, and then slowly passed the outer city gate under the gaze of countless iron-blooded eyes. Enter the battlefield.

On the battlefield, there were already two men and horses waiting in an array. One was a reckless army wearing black brown armor, and the other was an Anjiang secretary in plain black official robes.

At the forefront of Anjiang's men and horses, several people stood upright. One of them was burly and violent. Together with his beard, he looked like a wild boar from a distance.

As the name suggests, this person is Zhang Zhu from the original Daxia Yulong Guan Shield Armed Forces, among the three brothers of Zhu, Niu and Yang.

And beside Zhang Zhu, there stood a man with broken blond hair. He was blind and had a broken hand, but he was smiling and full of momentum. He was already retired and could not rest. Veteran of the Southwest Wilderness Army, Lao Jin.

It is worth mentioning that both Lao Jin, Zhang Zhu and others were Sun Qian’s team in the Guanyou Division. Therefore, at this time, together with Sun Qian, they were transferred from Guanyou Division to Anjiang Division. One of the core personnel of Jiangsi.

"Lao Jin, Sun Sicheng asked me to greet him all the time. It can be seen that our Anjiang Division attaches great importance to the return of this treasure ship. I wonder if there is any adult on the ship who has such a weight?"

On the battlefield covered with pieces of solid rock, the sound of the urn that belongs to Zhang Zhu sounded in the Anjiang squadron formation.

In the following year, instead of getting old, Lao Jin, who became younger, did not squint, while watching the behemoth approaching in front of him, he said in a low voice:

"Zhang Zhu, you will sleep less and learn more about the news on weekdays, and you won't be as full of doubts as you are now. This ship is called Crescent Moon, and you can guess whose property it is."

"It turned out to be the treasurer of Yue!"

Zhang Zhu's response sounded with a sudden realization, and then he seemed to think of something, and his deep voice continued to speak:

"This month, the shopkeeper can actually do business in the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land, which is deeper than our soldiers. With this alone, I admire the five bodies."

After Zhang Zhu's praise fell, his speech suddenly changed, and he continued to speak:

"But when I think that these arrogant creatures in the Central Plains can also eat that evocative hot pot, it doesn't feel good in my heart."

"I think you are really a stupid pig who only knows how to eat. A year and a half ago, the treasurer Yue made a military order in front of your majesty, saying that he would take the broken leaf city in the south without a single soldier.

"What's more noteworthy is that the shopkeeper Yue didn't come back last year, but now he has returned home in a mighty manner. Do you understand what this means?"

After Lao Jin's words came out, Zhang Zhu's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he spoke with excitement:

"That is to say, the promise made by the treasurer Yue, has been completed?"

"Now you should understand why our important personnel from the Anjiang Division are here to greet us, and even Lord Ximan came from the Wuxian City in the rear to host a banquet in Bafeng Pass with our Master Cheng."

There was an uncontrollable excitement in the voice that Lao Jin continued to ring, and then in his one eye, the black pupils reflected in the image of the Depot ship became clearer, and the lowered voice continued:

"The treasurer of the month, who owns more than half of the business territory, is finally about to start planning for the city with business.

"If the treasurer of the month really takes the Southern Broken Leaf without a single soldier, then the entire Daxia counselor will be opened to a new world!"

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