"I heard that you were in the Taihang Palace during this period of time in order to see me. Even the folds of the Gyeonggi Prefecture were sent to my imperial table, and this kind of disturbing folds was taken by me. It was the first time I saw it."

On the underground platform of Taihang Palace, inside the top compartment of the Silver Dragon puppet, a steady and young voice sounded.

With this imperial voice lingering, the door between the driving room and the first carriage in the puppet car was completely opened, and immediately in the sight of everyone, beside the driving platform, a black robe appeared with a thick The face of the young figure is lowering his head, reaching out and groping for something.

At the same time, within the first carriage of a large area, the red-robed body of Shengting Nantian King Xiliu stood upright under the binding of the spirit rope, with golden eyes staring at the not burly tall young man in front The figure from the back, although seemingly calm, still flashed with a vague inexplicable color.

This northern emperor is really too young!

At the next breath, the Nantian King Xiliu put away the different color in his golden eyes, his red lips lightly opened, and he responded:

"I beat the people from the Central Committee to the country, not all to see you, or those people are really too hypocritical and extremely uncomfortable."

When the voice fell, Xiliu paused, and his voice continued to be heard:

"The Great Northern Territory, you are even younger than I thought!"

"In the land of the profound mystery, age can't represent too much, can it?"

After the young and stable Di Yin continued to be passed down from the front, Zhao Yu continued to lower his head, stretched out his hand to touch the control platform squarely in front of him, and the curiosity in his ebony eyes flashed away.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu seemed to have thought of something. He turned his head and looked at Lao Fan and the young man from the Transportation Department who stood motionless like two wooden stakes. The voice of inquiry came out:

"Lao Fan, did you feel much pressure when you operated this steering console to control the ashamed car?"

Zhao Yu's question is not nonsense, because at this time, inside the puppet car, there is still a lot of light coercion after the gathering of heaven and earth vitality.

Although this coercion gradually weakened due to the stoppage of the puppet, a monk with a high realm could feel the weight behind it.

The vitality of heaven and earth has weight, and it is difficult for living creatures to feel it, because it is too thin after being dispersed.

In order to pursue almost the ultimate speed, the ashamed car needs huge vitality energy. Therefore, there are not many spirit gathering formations on the puppet. This means that for the controller in the control room, so much vitality. , Pressed directly on the body, like a big mountain.

After Zhao Yu's question fell, Old Fan, who was extremely nervous and tense, came to his senses and had the time to explore his body.

And just a little bit of relaxation, Lao Fan's strength seemed to be completely emptied at this moment, and the whole person staggered forward. If the young man on the side had quick eyes and quick hands, he might just grab it. In front of the emperor planted a big somersault.

"Thank you."

A very grateful voice came from Lao Fan's mouth, and then he stood upright, took a deep breath, his face was firm, and shouted vigorously:

"His Majesty, although the pressure generated by the accumulation of vitality when the puppet is driving is not small, please believe that the Weichen will definitely be able to take the role of the puppet driver!"

The roar from Lao Fan's mouth, he tried his best to speak eloquently, and then Zhao Yu nodded, raised his right hand, spread his five fingers to hold down the driving platform in front of him, and the steady voice continued:

"Liang Po, take these two traffic secretaries down to take some purification potions."

After finishing the words, a faint silver light radiated out from the young emperor's hands and slowly poured into the ashamed car below, and then the emperor continued to linger in everyone's ears:

"Li Yi, let go of the spiritual **** of the Nantian King Xiliu. I want to hear how hard she is trying to see me?"


After the two unanimous response sounds fell, Li Yi raised his hand and shook his hand, and put away the golden spirit binding rope. Then the Nantian King Xiliu raised his hands and shook his robe, his red lips lightly opened, and the voice spread. Out:

"New Lord of the Northern Territory, you should know that the origin of the heavenly king, I come from the East Jade Hub Fire Mansion, which is the place where the great sun rises."

After the voice fell, Nantian King Xiliu raised his head, like his eyes burning with flames, and continued to stare at Zhao Yu's back closely, his voice came out again:

"My Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion has always settled in the East Pole and did not participate in the Central Plains disputes. Therefore, the Northern Territory, there is no too irreconcilable conflict between you and me, right?"

As soon as the words of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu fell, Sima Annan, who was leaning against the wall of the carriage behind Zhao Yu, raised his brows, and directly sounded with a little sarcasm:

"When you brought the entire palace to the North Sea, Your Excellency Nantian was not just saying this. If you see your Majesty just want to say this, it can only show that this trip is not worth it."

Sima Annan’s words were merciless. No one in Daxia would be taken lightly to the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu. After all, in the battle of the North Sea, he turned into Da Ri and crashed down in the domineering posture, which is still remembered until now. Still new.

"Your Excellency Southern Heavenly King, although you are from Yushuhuo Mansion, first of all, you, the Southern Heavenly King, belong to the Holy Court!"

After Sima Annan's continued speaking voice fell, he stood up straight and took a step forward. With an aggressive gaze, he approached the Nantian King Xiliu, who was almost as tall as himself, and his cold voice continued:

"My Daxia has set rules since the beginning, and those who cross the border are responsible for the consequences, so you must understand that it is your majesty's kindness to stand here and speak at this time.

"After all, when discussing the method of disposal, Zai Xia did not propose a direct execution, but he hoped to directly smash the bridge of heaven and earth, blast down the mortal world, and never turn back!"

As soon as the words Booming Fanchen came out, the atmosphere in the entire carriage suddenly became extremely cold. Then the Taoist Tingchuan and the young girl Yuliu, who were brought into the carriage, directly raised their hands to cover their mouths. Let the exclamation come out.

It is true that for the terrestrial fairyland monk who has gone through a lot of hardships and has only set foot on the bridge of heaven and earth after nine deaths, it is far more painful to blast down the mortal dust than to kill directly.

"My Daxia has never been kind to the enemy, so Lord Nantian, this is your last chance."

In the voice of Sima Annan's words, it became more and more cold, and you could even hear those who perished wailing in the sea of ​​time.

Then the young man in white clothes locked his eyes on the Southern Heavenly King in front of him, and continued to speak with a tumbling and killing voice:

"Every prisoner in the Taihang Palace has a last chance, either to live or die, and it will be terminated today!"

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