The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1651: Come prepared

Suppressing the main hall of the government, under the volley of the forest iron wall enchantment, the violent aura inside the enchantment is like completely boiled sea water, up and down violently.

Among these billowing auras, the shining Buddha's light, accompanied by the roaring **** demon aura, forms a black and white soaring pillar intertwined, and at the same time, a six-way reincarnation gate depicting mysterious deep **** runes, from nothingness Come in between.

The weird aura pouring outwards from this six door of reincarnation, soul-eating, if the ordinary monk is contaminated with half of the silk, he will directly fall into endless reincarnation, and he will not be able to transcend.

In front of the huge gate of reincarnation, the half-bone and half-flesh body of the Ksitigarbha Khiti was standing upright on the ground, and behind him, the huge fangs of the evil spirits protruding from the gate were still chewing again and again. Lin Xiao's body was burning with golden immovable Ming Wang Yan.

"Gaj, Gaj."

One after another, the creepy chewing sound came out, making the face of the Taoist Tingchuan directly pale.

At this time, it was an understatement, and the Ksitigarbha-King of the Taoist Taoist Guanyun and Lin Xiao flew directly into the air, and the pressure on this little Taoist priest was not small.

"Buddha Dharma, so strong, the top powerhouse in this place, really should not be underestimated!"

The voice that came out of Jiang Yue's mouth was full of solemnity, but to the surprise of the Taoist Tingchuan, there was no worry in the former's words that Lin Xiao was being swallowed by evil spirits.

"That's the case, your Majesty said, the high-level combat power of this place is the great enemy of my great summer, and it is true."

After Tie Zhu's heavy voice fell, he squinted his eyes and made a gentle move at Taoist Guanyun who was lying on his back in front of him. A vine stretched out from the void, and he rolled the latter directly out of the enchantment. Outside.

"Dao Master, are you okay?"

At this time, in the Zhenyu Gongfu, all the tables and chairs had been completely emptied in the main hall, and then a worried voice from the little Taoist from Tingchuan sounded, and his arms were pulled by Tie Zhu from the enchantment. Guanyun Taoist who came out.

I saw the middle-aged Taoist priest at this time, although the whole person is extremely weak, the entire upper body skin, not an inch is intact, the muscles that have been completely roasted and dried, stimulate the mind of the person I see, especially the chest, even more There is a hole the size of a fist.

But his eyes were brighter than ever before, and then his relieved voice came out:

"Tingchuan, the Taoist is very good, even like a new student!"

The voice of Taoist Guanyun fell, and his shriveled body began to become full at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like a cracked earth that had been burned for countless years, and began to withstand the nourishment of rain.

The hot and flowing blood once again flowed under the skin of the middle-aged Taoist priest, and then an increasingly strong aura swept outward on the former, like a giant whale with its mouth open, greedily absorbing the vitality of the world. .

For Taoist Guanyun, the fire poison that had tortured him so many days and nights was finally pulled out, even if he was still seriously injured, his whole person was still like a new life.

But there was no relaxing expression on his face at this time. With the support of the little Taoist priest of Tingchuan, he strongly supported his upper body, stared at the front, motionless, and muttered:

"The Taoist ancestor is on the top. Since ancient times, people of different origins and fellow practitioners have not been absent. Although they have cultivated to the pinnacle together for countless years, there are even a few people who have left a strong and colorful history in the history of Taixuan. pen.

"But those great abilities cultivated are all complementary sources of power, such as thunder and fire, wind and fire, etc. However, in all the classics known to the Taoist, no one has cultivated completely different and opposed to each other. origin."

Taoist Guanyun said this with a full of astonishment, and then the reflection in his eyes showed that the road in front was not tall, but it was filled with endless magical energy, and the six gates of reincarnation accompanied the figure, and the incredible voice continued to spread. Out:

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm afraid that no one would dare to believe it. In the end, the last Dharma king of Buddhism turned out to be in the flesh, fusing the Buddha and the demons into one body. No wonder it was at the peak of the fairy palace. Keep the whole Buddhism immortal."

At this point, Taoist Guanyun's face became more and more serious, and the mumbled questioning continued to spread:

"When was it hidden in the body of the Dao and entered the north?"

When the question fell, the thinking on the middle-aged Taoist's face became even more intense. In the end, it became extremely green for a moment, and a lot of words that improved a lot came out:

"It's the shadow bone. The Buddha's relic shadow bone that was crushed by the Dao in Changming County retains the divine consciousness left behind before the death of the Ksitigarbha, and it penetrates into the flames of the Buddha in the Dao!"

At this point, Taoist Guanyun suddenly clenched his fists, and his voice continued to be heard:

"Western Buddhism, come prepared, I actually said, **** it!"

After the words fell, the main hall of the Zhenyu Palace, under the guard of the gate of reincarnation and the evil spirit Shura, seemed to be the Ksitigarbha Khiti who came to the world with the whole hell, and the flames of the faint Buddha and demon throbbed in his eyes. :

"Heaven and earth have the rules of heaven and earth. As a dead person, I shouldn't be contaminated with cause and effect anymore, but I really can't bear to watch Buddhism die out. I hope the benefactors in the north will forgive me!"

After finishing the words, the Ksitigarbha Khiti continued to raise his bergamot and point forward. The gate of reincarnation opened again. The evil spirit Shura who was chewing with a big mouth continued to open his big mouth, which swallowed the sky and the earth, facing the countless Fudo Myoshi flying in front Xinghuo, **** hard!


Like a loud noise after a violent wind has passed, a large number of flying sparks began to be swallowed by the evil ghost's mouth, just like golden meteors passing through the void and dissipating, with infinite beauty in the splendor.

"General Lin!"

Taoist Guanyun's shouts contained self-blame, but at the next breath, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen something extremely incredible.

At the same time, within the golden unmoving king fire that was swallowed by the big mouth, wisps of monster purple meaning spread outward, just like the blood of the monster purple began to flow in the golden flower stamens in full bloom.

Then an extremely vast, evil and enchanting abyssal aura suddenly appeared. This aura was different from the six reincarnation **** auras that accompany the Ksitigarbha Dharma King. It was even more evil and weird.

Because it is the deepest part of the endless abyss that people from all the primordial land do not know.

The Ksitigarbha Khiti had never seen him, so he did not take any further action, but quietly watched the golden and purple flames fluttering in front of him.

At the next breath, an indistinguishable male and female voice came from the Ksitigarbha His Holiness:

"It is the original aura that has never appeared before in the land of the profound, and it seems to come from the bottom of the underground abyss, Amitabha, this place is weird!"

When the voice fell, the reincarnation evil spirit protruding from the six-way gate suddenly opened his mouth and let out a scream of pain:


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