The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1656: Six Ways and Six Doors

When a person who has been sleeping for countless years suddenly sees a former self in front of him, how will he react?

He would be astonished, horrified, even unbelievable.

Therefore, even if it was a top-notch overhaul such as the Ksitigarbha, at this moment, the fire of divine consciousness jumped suddenly, and then it seemed to be too horrified but fell into a halt.

And just as this almost fleeting thought was beating, Lin Xiao was still steady, and there was no trembling sound, directly rang in his ears:

"The Desolate Hell is located in the deepest part of the endless abyss. It is called the **** in the hell, and in this deep hell, there is actually only one kind of enemy, and that is oneself.

"The law of ghosts and intangibles will create a self-reflection for all those who enter. This reflection is almost immortal except for self-dissipation. There is only one way to overcome it.

"That is to kill the past self!"

After Lin Xiao's word-by-word words fell, the Divine Consciousness Fire continued to start beating suddenly, without a word, he continued to make his fists directly in front of him, and violently blasted a fist of aspiration.

At the same time, the Buddha's light above the Baji Buddha Pagoda on the body of the Ksitigarbha His Holiness also shone to the limit, indicating that the Buddha Pagoda will respond with the strongest defensive power in the face of Lin Xiao's unexpected and strange magical powers.

However, there was a figure that moved faster and more violent. I saw the reflection of the Ksitigarbha Khmer King, also clenched his fist and raised his hand, and hit the Octopus Pagoda in front of him with a vicious punch without fancy.

Ancient books once recorded that the Ksitigarbha Khiti was infinitely powerful, tens of thousands of times stronger than the gods!

With just a few words, you can know how powerful the fist of great aspiration blasted by the Ksitigarbha in his heyday has the supreme power of destroying the world.


After an instant, the ringing of the bell rang into the ears of everyone again, and this time the bright bell sound was louder than ever before, and it carried a very strange tone.

"The bells of this eight-pole pagoda are mixed with cracking sounds, broken, and the pagoda around Ksitigarbha Khiti is shattered!"

As the bells lingered back and forth between heaven and earth, Taoist Guanyun, who was not far away supported by the little Taoist priest of Tingchuan, showed a hint of joy in his eyes.

Then Lin Xiao, who was holding the ruined moon wheel, appeared ghostly to the side of the Ksitigarbha Khiti, and the steady voice continued:

"The Octopus Pagoda around you is really solid. It may take a long time for Lin to cut through it, but although Lin is incapable, it doesn't mean you can't do it."

As soon as Lin Xiao's words fell, the crackling sound came out directly and intensively, and then, under the fist that destroyed the heaven and the earth, the reflection of the Ksitigarbha, the countless swastikas on the eight-story pagoda were simultaneously finished. It was completely blown out, and then turned into a billowing Buddha light and spread out.

"The Law of Wild and Evil, really interesting!"

A solemn voice came from the skull of the Ksitigarbha Khiti, and then his right hand stretched forward, abruptly taking the front of his own reflection and continuing to bombard with a second punch.

"Crack, click."

The same flawless fists and palms intersect each other perfectly, and the void is shattered, and in the interweaving of the Buddha light and the flames of desolation, it presents a scalp-numbing chaos.

Afterwards, between the chaos, Lin Xiao's another moon wheel slash came out directly, wrapped in the power of the vast sacred demon fusion, and slashed firmly on the neck of the Ksitigarbha King with only bones.

At this moment, the ear-piercing sound of the impact of gold and iron continued to sound, but this violent slash only caused the Ksitigarbha Khmer to withdraw half a step backward, his hand blasted against the reflection in front of him, and the other hand Shoot directly at Lin Xiao above.


After a low sip, Lin Xiao's tall and straight body split into pieces, and once again scattered into countless desolate demonic flames, indicating that it was still Lin Xiao's phantom clone that was shot and scattered by the Ksitigarbha.

In the next instant, three Lin Xiaos appeared at the side of the Ksitigarbha Dharma king at the same time, and the moon blade turned into three streams of light and continued to be cut down.

As Daxia's foremost talented person, Lin Xiao's sense of fighting is naturally top-notch. Therefore, he seized the short gap where the Ksitigarbha Khiti was restrained by the reflection, and continued to violently cut out countless moon blades against the latter.

At the same time, the great demon horrifying blade behind Lin Xiao also waved the Desolate Moon Blade, turning it into a Heaven-Splitting Blade and slashed it down.

With countless knives in one knife, the world changes colors!

"Supernatural power. Splitting the sky and moon wheel!"

The sharpness between the whole world and the earth directly reached the extreme, and even the people around could clearly feel the tingling sensation that was swept from the front to the outside and brought to the whole body.

"It's a violent knife. I wonder if the Ksitigarbha, who has lost this Octopus Pagoda, can resist Lin Xiao's knife!"

After the voice of Jiang Yue's mouth came out, his eyes became hotter and hotter than his eyes and voice, and then all the eyes of all the people who were watching the fierce battle in front of him lit up.

Because under the extreme purple light cut down by this type of cracking sky and moon wheel, a bone on the shoulder of the Ksitigarbha Dharma king, under the gaze of the eyes, suddenly cracks appeared.

At the same time, wisps of Buddha's light began to spray out from the cracks, and the Buddha's light was accompanied by the unique aspiration of Ksitigarbha.

"The offspring is terrible. I didn't expect that such a powerful offspring would appear countless years after the Lord's death.

"Perhaps this era is completely different from the time when the King was here, but young people, you can still get the respect of the King."

The billowing Buddha light and the strength of aspiration poured out from the crevices of the bones, and the male and female voice of the Ksitigarbha His Holiness continued to sound, and this earth-shattering power from countless ages ago seemed to be something that was brought to the rest of the people no matter what the situation was. All are smooth and indifferent.

It is true that if a person lives in hell, how can he be afraid of injuries?

Afterwards, the half-Buddha and half-skeleton Ksitigarbha Khārāna slowly sat on the ground, his eyes drooping, his hands were sealed, and the fire of divine consciousness beating smoothly.

And even if you can't see his expression at this time, in the feelings of the rest of the people, they all take for granted that the Ksitigarbha Khiti at this time is calm, fearless and fearless.

After a breath, the sound that resounded through the sky continued to be heard from the Ksitigarbha His Holiness:

"Six reincarnations, accompanied by life and death, open, the aquarium seal!"

After he finished speaking, centered on the body of the Ksitigarbha Khiti sitting on the ground, a light blue aquarium phantom suddenly appeared. At the same time, on the aquarium, there was a green willow with several willow leaves hanging.

Then the Ksitigarbha Khiti raised his hand and squeezed it slightly, and then shook it toward the front. The willow above the aquarium was directly picked up and slammed toward the six-door door behind.

Although all this is a phantom, everyone who has witnessed all of this can clearly feel that there are a few drops of jelly, thrown out of the willow leaves, and then merged into the six-way gate.


After an instant, the sound of reincarnation sounded in the six-way gate, and then the gate trembled violently, and it was divided into six.

Six ways, six doors!

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