If the creature itself is a secret hiding place walking in the universe, then the two core parts are undoubtedly the flesh and the soul.

The body is the shell, and the soul is the spirit.

Only when the spiritual shell is one can we communicate with the world and cultivate through Qi.

In fact, after tens of thousands of years of separation between the native monks in the Great Profound Land and the people of the human race in Daxia, there have been great differences in practice. This difference includes not only the flesh, but also the soul.

As we all know, the creatures in the Supreme Profound Realm cultivate the bloodline and the racial Taoist image. Therefore, some races are born with strong souls and strong physical bodies, while the human race cultivates the Tao soul, which is the unyielding power in the bloodline. Therefore, the starting point of the soul is not not tall.

But the spirit of the human race has a characteristic that all the creatures in the land of the profound mystery are dreaming of, that is the infinite growth!

Between heaven and earth, after countless years of development, under the competition of natural selection, everything left behind will gradually tend to be fair. Some people are born to be extremely powerful, while some existences have unlimited potential.

In the side hall of Zhenyu Gong's residence, the Taoist Guanyun standing with his hands on his hands did not understand the cultivation methods of the Shenzhou human race, so he put this multiple choice question to Lin Xiao, whose lips were tight and his eyes were firm.

In Lin Xiao's eyes, there is an extremely rare calmness of his age, and his short life has experienced many ups and downs and partings, and then climbed up again after falling from the clouds.

Anyone who knows Lin Xiao knows how heavy the burden on his shoulders is.

Then a warm palm stretched out and gently grasped Lin Xiao's big hand. No matter when the support Qing Niantong gave Lin Xiao, it was always so firm. Then Lin Xiao turned his head and smiled. , Said softly:

"If it is Lin Xiao's own decision to burn the divine consciousness with Fudo Mingwang fire and sharpen himself, then I will naturally support it as a brother."

After speaking, Lin Xiao raised his hand to the Taoist Guanyun in front of him and gave a fist, then said loudly:

"Thank you Mr. Tao for your confusion, I feel relieved a lot."

"What General Lin said, you can get rid of the torture and residual fire poison in my body, and it is too late to be grateful."

After the words fell, Taoist Guanyun's eyes rolled slightly, as if thinking of something, a deep voice came out:

"General Lin, he suddenly thought of a method, but he can restore Ling brother's sanity to the greatest extent without pulling away from Ming Wanghuo."

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of everyone in the side hall suddenly lit up, and Lin Xiao stepped forward directly, speaking with a little eager voice:

"Look at Taoist Master Yun to elaborate!"

"General Lin, this is the thing."

Afterwards, Taoist Guanyun raised his hand and grabbed a small emerald green fruit from the big sleeve of the Taoist robe, his lips opened, and his voice continued:

"This fruit was originally one of the rewards that the Dao wanted to give to General Lin. It has the purpose of consolidating the soul of the child. At this time, the situation of General Lin’s brother is mostly closed in the mind, but in fact it is not open to the spirit. The children are not much different, so Ben Dao boldly believes that this result may have miraculous effects on it."

"Good, good, very good!"

The smile on Lin Xiao's face grew thicker, and finally he even raised his head to the sky and let out a long and irritating roar. In this howl, there were too complicated emotions. Since Zhenyuhou died in the wasteland, there have always been two The mountain was firmly pressed against Lin Xiao's heart.

One of them was removed after Lin Xiao personally killed Tuo Tuo Ba Yun, and the other was the injury of his brother Lin Xiao.

Now that the latter is showing signs of improvement, Lin Xiao's aura erupts from all over his body, and amidst the violent aura rising into the sky, it even brings a faint breakthrough trend.

"God bless the Lin family!"

Qing Niantong, who was holding the child in her arms, secretly hid the faint tears in her eyes and let out a long breath.

This is the best and most perfect New Year gift for the entire Lin Mansion!

As time goes on, the big sun hanging high above the vast sky of Shenzhou gradually moves westward, and then the last day of this year's big sun shines half-obliquely on the land of Shenzhou, and at the same time is reflected on the big lake in the Palace of the Kingdom of Wei in Zizhu Lane.

A big sun floats on the surface of the lake. In the next moment, the big sun above the lake changes from one round to two in a short while. Then this new round of big sun becomes brighter and brighter and more dazzling. The lake jumped up and fell into the martial arts field above the lake pavilion.


A loud noise and skyrocketing fire exploded from the void, and the domineering aura suddenly swept outwards, and the force of this sweeping outwards, in addition to the fiery heat of the big day, also constantly oscillated void fluctuations.

After a breath, two extremely embarrassed figures were blasted off from the flames of the martial arts field, slammed on the ground and rolled a few times, and then coughed.

Then Xu Hao, whose entire robe was burned out of a tattered shape, stretched out his hand to support the ground, opened his mouth and said:

"Grandpa, you're slanderous, you only shot one arrow, why are you still adding the power of the void to the blazing arrow!"

Before Xu Hao’s words fell, the second wave of void power within Blazing Sun’s Arrow exploded once again, flying the former into the sky again, and Xu Hao’s wailing voice came again:

"Grandpa, this year, don't make your grandson too embarrassed!"

After Xu Hao's pleading sounded, Xu Sheng, a burly figure standing proudly on the martial arts field, nodded and waved away the third wave of void power that was about to erupt, and the old and strong voice came out:

"That's all for today's martial arts performance. You two little guys go and clean up. Let's go to the backyard and give your parents incense."

Although Xu Sheng's voice was still extremely flat, the expression of these words made the extremely embarrassed sister and brother Xu Hao and Xu Jin, their complexions dimmed suddenly.

Then Xu Hao climbed up from the ground, scattered the Dao Soul bow in his hand, raised his hand and wiped his stained face, an inaudible response came from his mouth:

"Okay, grandpa!"

After the voice came out, Xu Sheng's tiger-like eyes narrowed, and the complex colors intertwined.

At the next breath, Xu Sheng looked around and saw the shadow that he had originally watched on the side, but disappeared, and then asked:

"Where is Xu Qing that girl?"

"Back to the master, the eldest lady said she went to the backyard to pay homage."

The voice of the old housekeeper in the rear was not light or heavy, Xu Sheng nodded, strode forward, and stopped speaking.

At the same time, the old mansion in the deepest part of Tsing Yi Lane, Gwangju Metropolitan City, central Daxia, opened again with a creak.

Then a black horse-drawn carriage drove out at the junction, and drove slowly back to the old house along the street.

After the reconstruction of Liuye Lane, the streets were filled with big trees. It was deep winter, and the yellow leaves were flying and scattered all over the sky. Then inside the carriage, a steady voice sounded:

"Liang Po, I've seen my mother, go back to Beijing."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

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