The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1675: The sky above the sky

Joy and peace.

When Zhao Yu sent his sincere blessings to all the people of Daxia, the festive atmosphere of the New Year in the entire country suddenly reached its peak.

"Long live your majesty, long live Daxia!"

The cheers from the heart of each of the people rose up into the sky, and even spread out over the entire North Sea. The distance is clearly audible.

As we all know, Daiyu Xianshan, where the Great Xia Shenzhou is located, is drifting around the almost infinite Beihai at this time. Under the power of Zhao Yu's sky-reaching power, Beihai is regenerating at an unprecedented speed.

The vitality of heaven and earth nourished everything like a blowout, and various marine life began to multiply.

Beihai is step by step returning to its once glorious cave world, and the speed of revival is getting faster and faster, and beyond imagination.

Although the Beihai now looks like a prosperous and rejuvenated one, the sky and the sky, which was cracked and collapsed by **** battles tens of thousands of years ago, still has indelible wounds in unknown places.

In the sky above the land of China, countless smoke and flowers bloom, shining through the vast void, and above these fireworks that turn into stars and sparkles, is the true sky of Beihai.

As the saying goes, there is still the sky above the sky. Originally, the entire North Sea, including the sky, was filled with the mist of Taoism, but now that the gray mist has completely dissipated, what remains is not the sky full of stars, but a lot of people. Shocking scars.

The complete recovery of the torn sky's trauma cannot be accomplished overnight, but it will take countless years to make up for it a little bit.

If you start from the fairy mountain land where the vast land of Shenzhou is located, and go straight up the sky, after passing through the long void, you will find a scroll enchantment formed by the first divine artifact mountain and sea map.

This enchantment is like a huge bowl falling down in one mouthful, blocking the turbulent flow from above and blessing the billions of Daxia people within it.

At the same time, above the barrier, stood an ancient huge stone gate with dense runes, mysterious and unusual, and the heavy suppressive force swept from the inside to the outside, covering the entire sky like a tide, suppressing everything.

The northern gate!

The broken sky in Beihai was suppressed by this gate.

This magnificent gate, which was originally located in the northernmost part of the vast land of China, swallowed almost all the fog of Taoism in the entire northern territory, and the dirt and frost on it were completely peeled off, directly showing the most peak appearance, and at the same time it was like one The roots set the sea **** needle, standing on the northern sky, suppressing the void.

The rune above the gate exudes a faint silver light, but a more intense luster is uploaded from the body of another giant sitting in front of the gate, shining the world.

And if anyone could see this place, they would definitely find that a huge silver mountain stood beside this northern boundary city.

The Great Silver Mountain, who shades the sky, is ordered to suppress the northern boundary city, sitting in the void, and every inch of its vast boundless skin is flowing outward with a mercury-like luster, and this mighty silver light and The runes on the gate of the city echoed each other, blinking.

The body of the Great Silver Mountain was too huge, even not much smaller than the northern gate that suppressed the void of Beihai.

Therefore, above the nine-day void, a large piece of silver light and shadow was left, the light and shadow intertwined, bright and dark, and above this piece of silver light was the real nine-sky firmament of Beihai that was shattered.

In the deepest part of the dark sky, there was a huge wound that penetrated directly from head to tail, like a sharp sword, abruptly torn the skin of a creature.

At the same time, around the torn wound, dense space cracks spread outward like tentacles, and the trace of ruin and destruction remaining on it, even after countless years, is still extremely violent, enough to tear most of the practitioners in the world.

The mystery of the outer sky involves the secret of birth at the core of the entire world, so almost no one knows it. The world only knows that there are nine layers of heaven, but they don't know what it looks like after these nine layers.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, bursts of loud noises enough to shatter human eardrums sounded at the fragmentation of the sky behind the northern gate. The sound was violent, even surpassing the most violent thunder in the world, because it was the core collision between heaven and earth. .

One force of vitality, which represents life, and another force of death, which contains infinite destruction, oppose each other under the influence of the infinite.

The confrontation between life and death is chaos!

At the next breath, in the depths of the sky dome of the North Sea, chaos suddenly appeared, a burst of dazzling light shining directly outwards, just like the flash of a thunderbolt.

At the same time, within this void crack wound, countless external void forces poured inward, and then rushed into the opposite of the two most original cores of life and death.


An even more violent roar resounded through the nine days again, and after an instant, a ray of primordial chaos was born in the collision.

This plume of cosmic chaos is colorful, and it seems to be moving back and forth as if self-consciousness is being born.

Immediately afterwards, the power of this misty Chaos began to collide and roll for some reason, forming a violently trembling pellet, which might split directly in the next breath.

The chaos outside the territories is intangible and intangible, and even time has become extremely chaotic here. I don't know how long it took, and the first cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the opposing chaos balls.

The appearance of this first crack represents that the inside of the chaos ball has completely split.

Then inside the chaotic ball, the tremor became more and more violent, and the cracks spreading out more and more, between the moments, suddenly burst out, and directly divided into two parts.

Part of the original force of the transparent space, after spreading outwards, it turned into the strongest glue in the world, very quickly bonded to the surrounding void cracks that were cracked open.

After the power of the void passed through the border, I saw the cracks in the sky like centipede with thin feet, which were made up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although compared to the densely packed cracks, it was still a drop in the bucket, but it was undoubtedly used by this world to heal One of its own ways.

After a few breaths, another billowing blue aura burst out from the chaos ball. If there are the powers of the Supreme Profound Land here, they will recognize it at a glance. This breath is the entire world. The power of luck that you all dream of.

Since ancient times, the power of air transport has been one of the most mysterious things in the world, and even the way it is produced is unknown. If someone sees this scene in front of you, you will definitely drop your jaw!

This qi was actually produced in the reorganization after the sky was broken!

In other words, only when the heavens and the earth are born, this qi will appear with it, which is why the power of qi luck has only been reduced for countless years.

Standing after breaking and transporting out new students, it is the principle of heaven and earth, even the power of air transport is no exception!

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