"Cough cough cough!"

Although it was raining, Taiping Ruins in Shenjing City, on the market square where people were still coming and going, suddenly a very young cough sounded in a large carriage parked outside the door of Crescent Restaurant.

After this cough fell, it was an extremely gentle reminder:

"Your Majesty, eat slowly."

After the sound came out, in the carriage, there was no rouge wearing the elegant and luxurious empress robe. Shui Ling's eyes looked at the young emperor who was coughing while laying down the big bowl in front of him. The corners of his mouth raised, and he said with a smile:

"Your Majesty, even though we haven't eaten the noodle soup in the Cheongjang Restaurant for some days, we still have to taste it slowly. You are choking on it."

After the voice fell, the smile on the corner of Rouge's mouth grew thicker, and finally she couldn't help but mutter:

"Unexpectedly, the Great Emperor Fuyao, who covered the sky with one hand in the north, would choke while eating noodles."

"I just felt it just now, as if something quite troublesome happened."

Inside the carriage, Zhao Yu, who also didn't wear the imperial robe, swallowed the noodle soup in his mouth, raised his head, frowned slightly, and the steady Di Yin continued to speak:

"Rouge doesn't have to worry too much. It's just an occasional whim, not a big deal. Continue to eat noodles. After we head south to the Central Plains this time, I'm afraid we won't be able to eat this noodle soup for a while."

After finishing the sentence, Rouge nodded with a smile on his face, and then pulled a bowl of steaming noodle soup from the table in front of him and gently pushed it in front of Zhao Yu.

"Liang Po!"

After a while, the voice belonging to the young emperor in the carriage continued to be heard, and then the curtains of the car were opened, revealing the burly figure of Liang's bald head, and at the same time a magnetic response came out:

"Your Majesty, the minister is here."

"How are the arrangements for going south this time?"

Zhao Yu's question came out, Liang Po's young face remained unchanged, and he continued to respond:

"My Majesty, it has been arranged in accordance with your majesty's will. In terms of government, the cabinet will temporarily handle your majesty's southward period, and the Secretary of the Tian Supervision Department will pass on the news."

Having said this, Liang Po paused and continued to speak:

"However, the veteran ministers in the cabinet submitted a collective letter earlier, saying that your Majesty is the foundation of Great Xia. He sits in the center and must not leave the capital for too long. Therefore, they hope that his Majesty can return within February."

"They were quite veiled about my journey south, saying that they hoped that I would return in February, which is too much."

After Zhao Yu's response fell, the young emperor swallowed the noodles in his mouth. After a moment of thought, the voice of inquiry continued:

"How is the situation on the banks of the North Sea?"

"His Majesty, at Bafeng Pass, the Moonfang Treasure Ship responsible for entering the Central Plains has been prepared, and at the same time the Taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division are also in place."

"Where are the other people I will take this time?"

Inside the carriage, Zhao Yu continued to raise his hand to pick up the last chopsticks noodle soup in the bowl. After the voice of the emperor who was not angry with the prestige came out again, Liang Po didn't have much thought, and he directly spoke:

"The Guanyun Taoist and Tingchuan Taoist from Dayan City have arrived at Bafeng Pass yesterday, while Lord Sima is bringing the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu to Taiping Ruins."

"Since everything is almost done, when Changxi Liu arrives, let's set off directly and go to Shenxian City by the North Sea first."


After Liang Po's young and steady voice of response fell, the young emperor happened to finish the noodle soup in front of him, and then he picked up a big bowl and drank a sip of fresh soup, his voice continued to make his debut:

"Liang Po, I have a few things to explain. First, tell Li Chunfeng that he will continue to be responsible for the affairs of the ancient mystery. This time there are many good seedlings in the younger generation that can be cultivated.

"The second point is to inform Wang Jing that the whole army in Daxia should not be sloppy in training after the beginning of spring. I will check it out. If I can see that there has been no war in the past two years and let me relax, I will ask him!"

Zhao Yu's words contained extremely strong imperial power. Whether it was a young emperor or other officials in the court, he understood that the great summer at this time was not completely fixed once and for all. Today's peace is so hard-won.

Only the strongest army can retain a paradise in the chaotic and turbulent world. Strength is always the eternal truth!


Liang Po's response was full of air, and in a sense, he was also a soldier.

"Next is the third point."

At the next breath, the voice of the young emperor continued:

"This time I went south with Yanzhi, and the two emperors stayed in the palace. Huang Ting was responsible for teaching and the Department of Internal Affairs of the White Emperor Palace and the maid of the Summer Palace were in charge of taking care of them. Bloodline."

"Your Majesty, it should be so."

It is true that until now, the biggest weakness of Da Xia today may be the rare blood inheritance of the Zhao family.

In other words, all the power of this great country dominating the northern border lies on Zhao Yu's shoulders.

And now the cabinet veteran who is worried in his heart is right, and the foundation of Daxia is Zhao Yu!

Throughout the ages, there have been few situations like Da Xia's situation, and the young emperor also understood that Da Xia and himself had not reached the peak.

Great chaos is about to sweep the world, and soul and blood are the foundation of Daxia's continuous rise.

"Okay, go and explain for me. I will take my rouge and walk around the market in Taiping."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After Liang Po's voice full of magnetism fell, he turned and walked away quickly. Then, inside the carriage under the Crescent Moon Restaurant in the Taiping Ruins, a large black umbrella stretched out to block the continuous spring rain from above.

At the next breath, two young figures walked down from the carriage, holding a black umbrella, and walking towards the center of the Taiping Ruins that was gathered not far away.

The weird thing is that even if the **** umbrella and the pair of young people under the umbrella are extremely conspicuous in this spring rain, none of the people who have passed by from both sides have reflected.

The black umbrella of the young emperor, like a vast and mighty power that obscures the line of sight and heaven, made Zhao Yu and Yanzhi walk freely on the endless stream of Taiping Ruins.

"Good, good!"

Suddenly, a burst of enthusiastic applause erupted from the crowd in front of the front, and then Rouge sounded with a little curious voice:

"Your Majesty, there is a storyteller ahead."

"Then let's go see it together."

Zhao Yu watched the trace of desire flashing in his rouge eyes beside him, took the latter's hand, and walked forward.

I saw an old man with white beard and hair in the center surrounded by groups of people.

At the next breath, the old man raised the gavel in his hand and slapped it on the desk in front of him. An increasingly loud voice rolled out:

"I saw that Baidi Xuegong disciple Yu Pengfei, facing the indestructible thunder shot, he closed his eyes directly, and finally cut out the wooden knife in his hand at the moment of the moment!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Yu paused for a while, and in the end he was so excited that he stood up and roared:

"What a powerful knife, the old man can only describe it in one sentence.

"Thunder will be shocked with a stab, there is no **** in the world!"

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