The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1726: Mantis catching cicada

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

What Tiandao is best at is to obliterate the mad comber's Luo Tuo, and when you are most proud of it, hit the back of your head fiercely.

For the mad lizard sect that claims to be seamless, and the great elder of this sect, it is undoubtedly a sap at this time.

The meteorite cow that fell violently like a meteor in front of him, braved the billowing black smoke, smashed into his own sect, and the monks who could not dodge were torn to pieces without resistance in front of them, even wailing. There was no sound.

Life and death were in an instant, and the countless snowflakes flying outward at the same time became extremely scarlet because of the blood.

Snowflakes continued to sweep outwards, and as the behemoth continued to blast down, the camouflage of the wild lizard clan's body surface and the surrounding environment was completely dissipated, just like the originally stable lake surface, it began to boil violently, revealing the scene behind the lake surface.

After a few breaths, a mad lizard monk wearing a black robe and densely covered with scales appeared between the steep mountain peaks, panicking and roaring sharply outwards.

Then, among the cultivators of the mad lizard sect, a huge stone cow braving the billowing black smoke was completely crushed. The huge horns rose into the sky, and an extremely hot breath spread out, instantly in the wind and snow. Suddenly stirred up an incomparable situation.

All the mad lizard cultivators are completely familiar with the huge meteorite cow in front of them, because the two have been fighting for countless years.

Compared with the tall mountains in the southern part of Changming County, the county where the Mad Lizard and Stone Cow Sect are located is completely flat and Everglades.

Therefore, the two sects directly opened up their postures, fighting for countless years, but they were attacked by a meteorite cow in front of them, resulting in tragic deaths, and aroused boundless anger in the heart of the head of the wild lizard sect.

"Damn stone bull offal, this suzerain must tore you to pieces!"

An angry roar came from the mouth of the master Xi Kuang, and then his body soared outwards, shattering the black robe outside, at the same time, in the void behind him, an almost condensed racial Taoist image appeared, roaring up to the sky.

That is a terrifying monitor lizard wearing a crown!

Afterwards, Xi Kuang's momentum burst instantly, and the scales on his body continued to fluctuate violently. During the color change, a faint golden glow appeared directly. The entire huge body jumped up and rushed to the sky meteor cow ahead.

However, there is a figure that is faster than this West Kuang. Although there is no earth-shattering aura, the terrifying speed like teleportation reveals its own power to everyone.

"It's the Great Elder. After so many years, I finally saw the Great Elder take action!"

A mad lizard monk raised his arms and roared. Before the roar fell, the figure of the elder of the mad lizard sect had already appeared on top of the head of the meteorite cow. At this time, the scales outside his body even showed amazing The colorful colors.

This is a direct manifestation of the bloodline infinitely close to the ancestor of Taoism!

"Supernatural powers, crack ice!"

The extremely cold words came from the mouth of the great elder of the mad lizard sect. At the next breath, on the extremely long tail behind the great elder, the deep blue ice suddenly began to spread, and the chill was splashed.

After that, the great elder flicked his tail abruptly, and directly smashed the giant tail surrounding the law of frost to the sky meteor ox ahead, and the entire space in front of him was instantly frozen.

Between the heaven and the earth, there appeared a particularly dazzling dark blue light!

This blue light was like a dazzling thunder from the sky, while tearing the air in front of it, it blasted on the top of the sky meteor cow.


After an instant, a roar resounded across the sky. This sound was like the scream of gold and iron made by a heavy hammer hitting the armor, which showed the meteorite cow's defensive power this day.

But the great elder of the mad lizard sect was unfathomable in strength. The two stood in a stalemate for only a short moment. The fierce frost power on the giant tail of the former completely tore the head of the meteorite cow and continued to chop. Down.

Celestial meteorites are fire, and the scarlet aura flowing down like lava represents how hot the surface is, and the interweaving of ice and fire is destined to explode particularly powerful power.


The piercing sound of evaporation began to radiate outwards, and immediately under the gaze of all eyes, the head of the sky meteorite cow suddenly became blue, and countless frost spread out, and the lava head of the sky meteorite cow was completely frozen. Finally, It just clicked and fell directly.

"Roar, the great elder is mighty!"

More enthusiastic cheers came out, but this monstrous mad lizard elder did not have any slack on his face, but continued to improve the cultivation base and Qi in his body.

He understands his sect's enemy, this cut is not so simple.

Sure enough, a reddish red shot directly from the broken neck of the stone cow, and then billowing lava spewed out, just like a volcano erupted completely in an instant.

In the next instant, between the thick smoke and the lava, a red light and shadow that was too fast to be caught by the naked eye rushed out directly, and the roar between the sky and the earth was instantly occupied by a roar.


And before the roar of the bull rang through the world, two extremely sharp scarlet horns had already appeared in front of the elder of the wild lizard sect.

"Old Stone Bull, you are not dead?"

After an unquestionable exclamation came out, the old man who had already turned into a colorful mad lizard had no time to stretch out his hands to block him, and the whole person was pushed down from the top of the sky by a crimson blood cow.


There was another loud noise!

Then the blood-colored stone cow covered with lava, pushed the old man of the mad lizard clan on the top of the mountain, and the two horns directly pierced the latter's chest.

The old man was also unwilling to show weakness, the mad lizard's claws kept tapping the blood-colored stone cow's head, splashing blood.

The two rolled into a ball along the mountain, the rocks splashed, and the momentum was huge.

Countless mad lizard cultivators along the road were smashed into blood foam, and the entire surface of the mountain seemed to have been cut open by a sword with a huge scar, which was extremely dazzling.

"Old lizard, if you die, I won't die."

A deep voice came from the blood of the bull, and then it suddenly lifted the horns of the bull. The horns were sharper than a sword, ignoring the old lizard’s sturdy scales. On the latter’s chest, it opened a deep visible. Bone hole.

"The old man knows that his wisdom is not as good as you, but what about that? I just need to lay down a spy and see what you do."

After speaking, the blood cow raised up to the sky and laughed wildly, slammed his head, and threw out the severely injured old lizard, and finally stood proudly on the mountain, and continued to roar up to the sky:

"The monks of My Stone Cow Sect, use iron hoofs and horns to trample these lizards into powder!"

The roar fell, and at the top of the mountain peaks across the southern border of Changming County, scarlet bullhead monks appeared one after another, with thick smoke billowing and mighty momentum.

Condescendingly start a violent charge!

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