The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1738: Lei Lian Zun

The sun was completely sinking, and the sunset completely dissipated.

Then the boundless darkness followed one after another, beginning to envelope the entire core area of ​​Taixuan Central Plains.

Baolian sword ground, lotus platform city, the light of Akashi shining in the night sky, brightly lit.

Compared with the ever-burning lights, Akashi is convenient and fast, but its brightness is affected by the material.

The pure Akashi material can perfectly store the light of daylight and then emit a particularly dazzling light at night, while the cheap Akashi used by ordinary citizens emits extremely turbid and dim light.

Actually speaking, compared with the core area of ​​Central Shangguo where the people are rich, the Baolian Sword Land, which is adjacent to the north, is actually like a slum in the rich land.

Regardless of the fact that there are many buildings in Liantai City in the daytime, it is still prosperous, but once it is night, this fig leaf is completely lifted by the turbid light from the windows of every family.

The brightness of Akashi's light can reflect the wealth of a region to a certain extent, and if someone carefully explores the lighting situation of this treasure lotus sword ground Akashi, they will be surprised.

It was really because the sword repairmen in Baolian saw that they were shy in their pockets, and there were too few cents in their pockets, and even some Akashi could not be purchased. This caused the lights in almost every house to be extremely muddy.

It is true that since ancient times, the sword practitioners of Baolian Sword Ground, except for practicing swordsmanship, their other life skills, as well as the so-called business skills, are pitifully weak.

In other words, the sword is almost all the monks in the Baolian sword ground!

"The Sect Master's natal Dao Sword is broken. That is the Lei Dao Sword that I have worked hard to build. Damn, damn!"

On the street outside the Lotus Terrace restaurant, under the murky and dim lights, the screaming roar of Lei Lian Sect Master's Young Master Lei Ming clearly lingered in the void.

I saw this invincible Young Sect Master, who looked very embarrassed at this time, with disheveled hair and blood stained face, like a madman.

Under the fate of the Dao Sword, this Young Sect Master was absolutely uncomfortable. The seven orifices flowed out with blood stains, and his mind was severely injured. Then he looked like a wounded dog, with blood in his eyes, jumping from the ground. He started and rushed straight forward in front of the Lotus Terrace Restaurant.

But at the next breath, the thunderous and mad figure was firmly grasped by one hand, and then the old man in purple clothes of Leilian Sword Sect mobilized the only source of power in his body to hold on to the former, anxiously The voice came out:

"Master, don't be impulsive."

"Damn it, you let me go, this young master's natal sword has been destroyed, and he is stupefied about what he is doing, and he hasn't taken anyone in to skin the people inside and cramp!"

The purple-clothed youth kept roaring thunderously, and at this time he had almost completely lost his mind, struggling desperately to rush forward.

Then the purple-clothed old man's wrinkled face became more flushed, and under the shock of his energy, he spit out a mouthful of blood, but he tried his best to stop him:

"Young Sect Master is not allowed. The opponent's strength is unfathomable. It is very likely that it is the Heaven-defying Power of the Supreme Realm. At this time, rushing in is no different from seeking death. This matter has to wait for the Sect Master to return before making a decision."

"Shut up to Ben Shao, you coward, Ben Shao is my father's most beloved heir. Charge me in and stab these thieves to death. Come on!"

Thunder Sweeping Lotus Sword Sect's young master thunderous face was even more distorted, and then the purple-clothed old man who clung to him firmly wanted to speak again when he heard a thunderous voice from his side:

"Old Lei, don't stop him, let him go."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Lei Lian Sword Sect turned their heads, and saw that on the slightly dim street, a figure in a variety of sword robes appeared in the void.

These figures are middle-aged and old. You can see from the style of the robes that they belong to different sects, but they all have the same characteristics.

That is the infinite sharp edge, and the sword intent that is so powerful that the void can't stop shaking, and among the four headed, there is a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe with a cold complexion.

Absolutely, it is the Sect Master of Lei Lian Sword Sect, the Supreme Land God Lei Lian!

As soon as Lei Lian's figure appeared, the Young Sect Master Thunder, who looked like a lunatic, seemed to have found a savior, and his face showed ecstasy for an instant.

Then, within his extremely weak body due to the collapse of his natal Dao Sword, a sudden burst of strength came from nowhere.

This force caused the whole body to break free from the imprisonment of the purple-clothed old man directly, and rushed on the Leilian Zun in front, and a stern voice rolled out:

"Father, you are here, you want to be the master for my son. The thieves in the lotus terrace restaurant in front not only snatched the divine sword in our sword sect, but also chopped off an arm of a disciple of our sect.

"the more important thing is."

Speaking of this, the thunderous blood-stained face was even more distorted, and tears burst into his eyes. The tears burst for a while, and a stern voice came out again:

"More importantly, these people shattered the son's natal sword, dad, save me, I don't want to become a useless person, save me quickly."

When the sound came out, Lei Ming stretched out his **** hand and pointed at the lotus platform Jianzong girl Fanxing and others standing not far away. The curse continued:

"And they, the cultivators of the Sword Sect of Lotus Terrace, instead of helping their sons, they let those responsibilities be violent. You have to be the master for your son!"

After he finished speaking, Thunder suddenly raised his head and stared at his father's face, but after the next breath, his face showed a thick look of astonishment.

Because he always prefers his own father, his face is full of coldness at this time, especially in his deep purple eyes, there is no anger, but there is a cold indifference that makes thunderous mind.

An icy chill suddenly rose into the sky from the thunderous tail vertebrae, and then his body began to tremble violently, and he opened his mouth and let out a low cry:


Before he could say this, Lei Lian, whose face was even more icy, shook his head slightly, still did not speak, just raised his right hand. He slapped it against the thunderous dog in front of him.


Under this slap, there was not only the trembling void, but also the roar of lightning and thunder, which showed the fierce force of this Venerable Lei Lian.

At the next breath, Young Sect Master Thunder failed to even make a scream and was shot directly into the air, and then slammed on the ground far away, after rolling two laps, lying on the ground, motionless.

Then Admiral Lei Lian retracted his right hand, arched his hand to the people next to him, and said:

"Everyone, the child is reckless and almost broke a major event. As the father, the deity will make amends for him."

After speaking, Zun Lei Lian bent forward again to salute, then the former turned around and looked at the Liantai restaurant in front of him, his eyes narrowed, and his words came out again:

"If the Supreme Being Taiqing still needs to pursue investigations, the deity will unscrew the head of the evil man himself, in order to behave like you!"

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