The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1759: Go in a circle

To the south of Sleeping Tiger County, there is the Tongtian Mountain Range, shaped like a sleeping tiger, and the mist is rolling all day long. Within the tiger’s mouth, countless gorges criss-cross, making it unique.

It is true that this is an extremely rare landform in the entire Taixuan Land.

From Huwen City to the south, after entering the Wushan Sea, I can truly understand why a mountain range is named after the sea.

Because once in this sleeping tiger gorge ridge, the whole body is surrounded by countless tumbling mist at all times, making the visibility of living creatures within it even less than 100 meters.

Not only that, even the divine sense exploration that the monks relied on on weekdays has also been compressed to the extreme. The billowing mist around the body, although it does not feel the slightest weight on the body, but to the divine sense, it is like a heavy burden. Iron and lead are generally heavy.

"It's a weird place."

After the muttering voice fell, Sima Annan, still dressed in white, grabbed a spiritual fruit picked from the shore of Haizhou in the north, and took a bite in his mouth, then continued to move forward and walked slowly. The middle-aged monk Li Zeng who was drinking with a kettle not far away was there.

Under the encirclement of countless mists, the white-clothed elder brother was even more dusty, but Sima Annan has never been able to catch up with Wenrun. One side gnawed the fruit while the other took out another one and threw it away.

But at the next breath, Sima Annan's originally relaxed complexion suddenly changed, and he didn't care about the fruit in his mouth that had not been chewed, and hurriedly ran forward.

Because in his line of sight, Zhao Yu appeared next to Li Zeng with a rouge figure.

At this time, the entire southward team led by Yunwuzong was taking a short break in a gorge somewhere.

After a long journey, many monks who had been highly concentrated all the way took out dry food to replenish their physical strength, while some monks with deep family background used expensive spiritual treasures to restore their vitality.

For Wushanhai, the only thing that can be called fortunate is that the vitality of the world here is not thin, on the contrary, it is even stronger than that of Sleeping Tiger County.

Therefore, the monks can also feel a little more emboldened in their hearts. You must know that Beihai, which had not had any vitality to supplement, was a nightmare for countless monks.

There is no doubt about the importance of vitality to the creatures in the Taixuan land, but on the other hand, although the vitality here is full, the suppression of the divine consciousness by the mist of the whole body also makes the original power in the monk's body several times to dozens of times in normal days. The speed of consumption.

As a result, on the faces of the south cultivators who were sitting in twos and threes, many of them had begun to look tired.

Within the Wushan Strait Ridge, the light was dim because of the presence of fog, but the heavy rain above the sky was still like a curtain of broken beads, crackling and falling.

The heavy rain that passed through countless mists made most of the people who were resting on the ground frown, and most of the monks who did not have mounts and animal carts were already drenched.

The middle-aged monk Li Zeng has lived in Sleeping Tiger County for nearly ten years. He has rich experience. He relied on the large mountain beasts beside him, and built a very simple canopy, which can block the natural rain. external.

Then Li Zeng, under the canopy, picked up the kettle and took a sip in his mouth. He narrowed his eyes and listened to a strange but steady voice beside him:

"Friend Li Dao, meet for the first time, have some fruit?"

As soon as this voice came out, Li Zeng hurriedly put down the kettle in his hand, turned his head and looked around, and saw a young man wearing a black cotton cap, together with a gentle girl standing in front of him.

The young man's right hand was handed forward, and on his hand, there was a light blue fruit, and a faint smile hung on his handsome face, but Li Zeng could clearly feel the smile behind it. The extraordinary.

This is a majesty that he has never felt before!

It was like the simple gesture of handing fruit to the young man in front of him. He couldn't raise the courage to refuse. Although this sense of majesty was fleeting, after Li Zeng came back to his senses, he unconsciously held it The green Tao fruit in front of him.


At the next breath, Li Zeng's pupils suddenly rose and shrank, and the gaze looking at Zhao Yu's young face in front of him also brought a little weirdness.

The spiritual practice of this heaven and earth, whether it is to absorb the qi into the body or outline the law, is simply to use the power of the heaven and the earth for their own use, and once they have cultivated to a terrifying realm, they will be subtle in every move. It affects the changes in the whole surroundings.

Anyone who can do all of this is the supreme overhaul of the earth-shattering weeping ghosts. Li Zeng still doesn't know if the sensation that just passed by is an illusion, but he still condensed his mind and said to the front:

"I wonder if you are?"

"This is our son who is escorting Xiangnan all the way."

As soon as Li Zeng's question fell, Sima Annan's voice came directly from the side. Then Li Zeng looked straight, and after a bow, he spoke:

"The son of God Jun Wushuang is shocked to be a heavenly man, and at the same time, Li is here to thank him for his trust."

"You don't need to be polite. My wife and I stayed in the carriage for a long time. We came out to breathe. By the way, let's take a look at this unique scene of misty mountains and seas.

After speaking, Zhao Yu waved his hand, raised his head and looked around. As far as he could see, there was dense fog, and the steep peaks behind the dense fog could be seen vaguely.

Taking the Wushanhai's landform almost close to the chaotic state, for ordinary monks, both the sense of space and time will become confused, and then a faint inquiring sound will continue to come from Zhao Yu's mouth:

"Sima Annan, let's go south from Sleeping Tiger County to this time, one day, right?"

"Master Hui, it's already two hours a day."

After Sima Annan's response fell, he also raised his head and watched the rolling fog in front of him, and Yinglang's voice continued to spread:

"If I remember correctly, on this road, I waited a total of 1,759 gorge intersections and passed through countless almost identical gorges. The journey was extremely rugged."

After he finished speaking, Sima Annan picked up the fruit in his hand, put it in his mouth and took a bite, and the sigh continued to sound in the ears of the people around him:

"But I have to say that this dangerous place in Sleeping Tiger Gorge really deserves its reputation. We have encountered countless forks along the way. As long as you choose the wrong fork, you will most likely get lost in it.

"But, my son has found a very interesting place."

At this point, Sima Annan turned his gaze to Li Zeng who was sitting aside, and his voice continued:

"Although there are so many ridges along the way across the fog, mountains and seas, in fact, one-third of the time is spent in circles.

"I think this might be one of the measures taken by the Yunwu Sect in order to prevent the route from being known. It is understandable, but on the other hand, perhaps the map owned by this case is like this."

As soon as he said this, Li Zeng who was beside him picked up the fruit and delivered it to his mouth.

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