In fact, when Bo Tie’s Zun pointed a finger and pointed Li Zeng from the front, within the latter’s body, bones, muscles, or flesh and blood meridians were all shattered. Of course, this also included teeth.

Therefore, Li Zeng, who sent Dao Guo to his mouth, didn't have any teeth in his mouth, and it was extremely difficult even to open his mouth.

The vague figure floating in the air in the gorge, shattered all the raindrops with great power, no rain can drop on Li Zeng's body, and for Li Zeng, rain is sometimes life. Source.

"When I saw you look so embarrassed, I suddenly felt a little bit sigh. I think back then, your Da Luo Yushi line was also a famous family in the entire Taixuan Land, but in just tens of thousands of years, it declined to such an appearance.

"What's even more ridiculous is that perhaps the last inheritance of your line will be cut off in the hands of my Feng Bo clan."

After the ethereal but inexplicable voice sounded in Bo Yan's mouth, the former raised his hand to face the front with a gentle stroke, and the gray wind rolled forward like a long dragon, encumbering the secret box that was rolling on the ground, and flew towards Boyie's figure guarded by the wind.

At the next breath, Bo Tie's voice continued:

"But today's times are very different. The bloodline of the Eight Immortals of Da Luo, who was once invincible, can really stand firm."

"That's why you belong to the Lord, and why have you become the ten philosophers of the martial arts?"

Li Zeng's voice fell, Bo Tie paused, and responded:

"Otherwise, in this era when the holy court dominates the world, if you don't let go of your previous glory, would you like to eat a fruit and wait to get on the road?"

A slightly icy voice rolled out of Boye's mouth, and then the former held the former of the secret box with one hand, and the other hand was facing a little in front of him, a blown gun directly condensed from the whole body of gray.

At the same time, Li Zeng, who was ready to go to death generously, opened his mouth and lightly bit the green Tao fruit.

Although Li Zeng did not have any teeth, this Tao fruit was like a soft stream of water, melting in the mouth.

The next breath, an incomparably rich breath of life, madly gushing out of Li Zeng's mouth, turning into a mighty torrent of life, rushing into the limbs of the former.

The richness of this breath of life even made the middle-aged cultivator's mouth directly gushed out the light of materialized life visible to the naked eye, and subconsciously let out an exclamation:

"What is this, it's so fierce!"

Before the words fell, Bo Yan, whose eyes became more and more fierce, grabbed the gray wind gun at his hand, directly raised his hand, and wanted to violently throw it out at Li Zeng below.

Just as Zhao Yu said, Li Zeng had too many treasures, so many that even Bo Jie, who was the ninth place among the ten philosophers of the Saint Court Martial Arts Palace, could not help but leave directly with the secret box, but wanted to grab it.

In fact, Bo Xian would not understand the truth of Ye Chang Meng Duo, but the joking thing about the development of the situation is that it was because of the relevance of blood ancestors in the body, and he said a few more words with Li Zeng.

A few words may not add up to 30 breaths, but in many cases, there are too many things that can be changed in a matter of seconds.

After an instant, a wind that sounded particularly far away suddenly resounded within this gorge.

For ordinary people, the sound of wind in Sleeping Tiger Gorge is the most normal thing, and since the emergence of Bo Tie, the harsh roar of the wind has not stopped for a moment.

But at this time, the sudden sound of wind caused Bo Jie's action to hold the gun to a momentary pause, and then he looked at the void ahead suddenly, stretched his body, and continued to throw a shot.


Between the world and the earth, a sound louder than the thunder burst, but this tearing void shot was not Li Zeng lying on his back, but at the end of the gorge in front of him that was tumbling with dense fog.

That's the direction from that weak wind!

In Bo Tie, the pure blood of Uncle Luo Feng is flowing, so since he was born, the wind between the world and the earth has been everything in his palm, but now there is another unheard of wind in this gorge. .

This undoubtedly made Bo Ying's heart a strong shock!


Bring a heavy and majestic loud shout, rolling out from Bo Tie's mouth, while the gray air gun that shattered the void continues forward, wherever it passes, the law of wind that cuts outward is materialized, intertwined into dense The ventilated wind net cuts all the space in the front gorge into powder.

With a wind gun, the void is completely shattered, and the majesty of the ten philosophers of the Saint Court Martial Palace is undoubtedly displayed.

But there was no light on Bo Jie's vague face, because the sound of the wind lingering around his ears became clearer and closer!

This wind sound is completely different from the gray hurricane roaring around Yu Bozhen, crisp and whispering, just like the breeze running through the treetops.

The innumerable dense fog shrouded in the foggy mountains and seas can not only completely compress most of the monks who enter it, but even the great power of the land gods will be greatly affected.

After a breath, letting the wind gun tore him to pieces in front of him, suddenly raised his head and looked at the misty sky, the voice came out:

"It turns out that you are above your head, supernatural power. Wind hurricane!"

Before the words fell, the extremely violent gray hurricane, like a mighty army charging collectively, turned into a substantial tornado and rose into the sky, centered on the volley-suspended Bertie.

At this moment, the sky was completely pierced by the hurricane, and the law of wind pouring out over the sky, like a pair of hands, trying to capture and kill the strange wind hidden in the depths of the void.

In the next breath, when the entire upper and lower four quarters were completely filled with gray wind blades, a wisp of strangeness above the void finally appeared before everyone's eyes.

A wisp of bluish-golden wind.

Then Boye's gray pupils swelled and shrunk, because this wisp of blue wind could be described as dexterous to the extreme, but it was always difficult to catch the surrounding wind law how to encircle and suppress it.

That is a wisp of wind in the wind!

"The wind of the world, my Feng Bo clan controls almost all of it, who are you?"

This is Bo Jie's second question, and then the wind and hurricane supernatural powers rolling around his body exploded several times again, and the storm leaning against the sky continued to ruthlessly strangled the blue wind that came directly like a sharp arrow.

But after an instant, the green wind suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

At the same time, in front of Bo Jie, a vague spatial fluctuation emerged. The former looked down and saw the light of azure gold suddenly appear, and a slender hand stretched out between the blue breeze.

With such a scene, Boyi was very familiar with it, and then a steady voice resounded between heaven and earth:


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