"The majesty fades in a blink of an eye, and the noise is a short-lived alias!"

Three rounds of purple moon shining in the sky on Lingcheng, when this faint but completely cold voice sounded, the whole world was once again shrouded in boundless silence.

The voice that came out of the mouth of the fuzzy black shadow did not have any excessive emotions, but it was so high, and it also contained indifference to the entire city, which is being enveloped by fear and intertwined.

This kind of indifference is like high-level creatures who don't care about the life and death of the ants, and perhaps in their eyes, holding a heavy halberd in front of them, together with the roaring silver armor guards of the dragon soul, is just a relatively large ant.

"The happier you call, the faster you die."

The sound of neither light nor heavy sound resounded again in the ears of the Shou General Shang Ling. Then, in front of the former, the pale hand holding the heavy halberd and halberd front, the endless cold of the moon, continued to gush out, beginning in an instant. Frozen everything.

This hand belonging to the third Zhe Yuekong of Shengting Martial Palace was pale, and even showed a very weird purple intent, and under its five fingers, the silver armor guard slammed on the heavy halberd. The dense purple ice began to spread.

At the same time, with the movement of the cold moon law, the air temperature on the entire dome suddenly changed sharply, and a cold wave visible to the naked eye began to be like a waterfall, slamming down at the upper Lingcheng below.

"When you bring up your vitality, quickly, you will raise your vitality to the limit, otherwise you will be frozen to death immediately!"

The purple-blue cold wave rushed in, causing a creature on the ground to let out a howl of horror, and then a high-ranking monk who was shrinking in the city, unable to hide himself anymore, began to pour out. The vulgar cultivation is supernatural powers.

For a time, a large number of magical powers soared into the sky in Shangling City, forming a colorful wave of magical powers, and they opposed the cold wave of the purple moon photographed overhead.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the sound of supernatural powers blasting the ice wave resounded across the sky, and at the same time densely packed ice fragments fell in Shangling City like hail.

But what is horrifying is that after these ice fragments hit the ground and buildings, they began to boil and expand like a raging fire.

The so-called Xinghuo Liaoyuan, but the purple flame that was burning like a blaze at this time, it was not fire, but the ultimate ice!


The harsh sounds were extremely dense, and a large number of buildings in Shangling City began to be covered by purple ice. In other words, Shangling at this time was experiencing an unprecedented icy flame disaster.

"Get out, get out soon, you can't wait and see, otherwise all of us will be buried here!"

In the face of such a swift and violent fierce ice flame, a large group of people in the city showed their cultivation base, either condensing magical powers, or drew swords, trying to use the fiery magical powers to restrain the spreading ice tide.

For a time, roars, supernatural powers blasting, and the neighing sound produced by the evaporation of air, intertwined directly in Shangling City!

After that, the body of the guardian Shang Ling above the sky suddenly trembled slightly, because the indifferent voice in his ear sounded again:

"Have you seen it? Actually, there are quite a few high-ranking monks in the city of Upper Ling, but you might as well think about why these people only thought of hiding in the first place, instead of standing firmly beside you?"

The voice fell, and the fuzzy figure standing steadily beside the purple moon raised his head slightly, and the voice continued:

"If you and everyone in the city start at the same time, you will attack the Ziyue Suspended Sky Formation in this seat at the same time. With such a huge cultivator base, it is really possible to break through the formation, but it is a pity that you are the only one who shoots. .

"Does it feel a little sad, but this is the naked reality!"

After finishing the sentence, Yuekong, wearing a black robe, raised his foot and took a step forward, and abruptly lifted the heavy halberd above his head.

In the next instant, the three rounds of purple moon behind Yuekong glowed at the same time, pouring out purple light, which was dozens of times richer in an instant.

At the same time, the more violent force of the origin of the cold moon rushed out from the purple moon, and then the cold wave of the moon swept across the entire sky, directly rushing to the two silver dragon souls of the purple moon. Completely frozen from beginning to end.

After a breath, two huge dragon-shaped ice sculptures appeared on the entire sky.

If in the past, such a lifelike dragon-shaped ice sculpture appeared above the night sky of Shangling City, there would surely be bursts of applause, but at this time, the two ice sculptures brought only boundless fear to all the creatures in the city.

But this is far from over. With the eruption of the purple moon, the dense purple ice completely icy the guard of Shanglingcheng’s weapon, and even began to follow the latter’s right arm towards the whole body. spread.

After that, Yuekong still maintained its original posture, and her voice once again lingered in the ears of the guard:

"Under the oppression of my holy court these years, whether the monks in the Central Upper Kingdom, or the rest of the Taixuan Central Plains, their hearts have been dissipated.

"In other words, when facing the holy court, their first thought was to hide, not to fight!"

As the voice fell, Yuekong stared at the silver armor guard in front of his mouth silently, the corners of his mouth under the black robe raised slightly, and he continued to speak softly:

"Sooner or later the Central Government will be in the palm of my holy court, but unfortunately, you may not see this day."

"Speak up without shame."

Finally, a short four words came out of the silver armor guard's mouth, and at this time, his arms and most of his torso were covered with purple ice, and even his complexion was shining with purple light.

But in spite of this, the silver armor guard still used his only movable head as a hammer and slammed it into the moon sky in front of him.

Compared with Yuekong, the height of the defender of Shanglingcheng was much higher, so the latter's head was smashed out like a cannonball, so that the ice-bound void was smashed.

"Bang bang bang."

The distance between Yuekong and Shanglingcheng’s guards was very close, and then this hammer hit Yuekong’s face firmly, and even directly smashed the latter three steps out of his body for a while. Unprecedented volatility.

At the same time, the face of the defender Shangling was bloody, and even the teeth flew out more than half, but the roar still rolled out:

"Aspiration? I don't know the aspirations of the rest, but the aura of my garrison is still like a rainbow. I can blow you up with my head."

The roar fell, and the general Shang Ling was about to continue to smash his head against the moon sky in front of him, but his eyes suddenly opened round, and he opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Because a heavy punch had already hit the former's chest, he almost completely punched the upper guard general, arched his body like a prawn, and flew back.

At the next breath, Yuekong stretched out his other hand, grabbed the silver armor guard's neck, and lifted it up. A flat voice came out again:

"To be honest, the deity has something else to do when it comes to Shang Ling at this time, but because of you, the deity has decided to kill everyone below!"

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