The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1896: Super shock wave

In the land of Taixuan, monks have realms, and supernatural powers naturally accompany realms.

The more powerful the supernatural powers, they will inevitably accompany the surging of the laws, but there are some exceptions, they are illusory, but powerful.

This includes the so-called power of air transport, the power of extinguishing the gods, and the power of chaos that is now outside Fengyuan City, overwhelming all cultivators.

The so-called chaos is destruction!

This huge meteorite that tore through the sky, shining the entire world, the surface of countless lava flowing, red to the extreme, even showing a horrible scene of black flames burning.

In these black flames, there is an unimaginable violent and chaotic power, and under this frenzy of destruction, all the words used to describe are so pale.

Outside Fengyuan City, the countless ice crystals, rainstorms, and even thunder that had originally shrouded the void were all evaporated and annihilated after the chaotic meteorite appeared in the world.

Under the power of chaos destruction, even the original law of the original fierce gods and evil spirits is like encountering a stronger nemesis, retreating and dispersing, and surrendering.

Then the Chaos Meteorite continued to face the front and rolled down, looking from a distance, it was like the big sun above the nine-day firmament, suddenly losing its supernatural power and falling down.

At the same time, along with the falling of this meteorite, a huge black trace appeared directly in the void behind the former. In the trace, the power of chaos destruction rushed back and forth. This is even if the power of this outer space is doing its best. It's hard to heal the scarred wound.

"The sky is above. Didn't the old man go back to the war between immortals and gods in ancient times?"

With an incredible cry of exclamation, it was heard from the monks outside Fengyuan City. It was indeed that the scene in front of him at this time was too shocking.

There was a hurricane that swept across the sky before, and then the chaotic meteorite was destroyed. Such a ruining scene made the pores of countless people's bodies directly show dense goose bumps. The soul trembled, and the voice of horror continued to be heard:

"It turns out that the hurricane and this meteorite, these two types of supreme spells, turned out to be combined magical powers, so terrifying, really terrifying!"

As soon as this extremely shocked voice fell, the monks under the Daxia Treasure Boat once again discovered with horror that the three rounds of the Austrian Mathematical Orbs that circled and revolved around Qiu Hengji once again began to fluctuate and change.

"Also, more?"

The stammering voice came from the monk's mouth. At some unknown time, fine beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of these people.

Because all of this happened so fast, it took just a few breaths to complete the calculation.

In this fleeting short period of time, Tongtian completely stormed the hurricane, and had already swept the monk from the Princess of Xuemei Kingdom, together with the land **** and fairyland master, into the sky, making it difficult to get out.

As the first powerful hurricane, it only took a moment to create the most perfect environment for destruction of the chaotic meteorite that was smashed by the blazing flames.

But this is not over yet, because the third type of supreme spell has been quickly condensed by the figure on the deck.

"The fire of falling from the sky, burn it out."

A steady voice came from Qiu Hengji's mouth. The next breath was that the strong hurricane that had flooded the world suddenly dissipated, but the Princess of Snow Mei Kingdom, who had finally recovered her ability to move, opened her mouth and let out a sharp roar:

"Supernatural powers, everyone is pouring forward with supernatural powers, and they are not allowed to step back. My sister must die!"

Before the roar of the princess fell, the chaotic meteorite smashed from the sky was rapidly magnified in the eyes of all the Xuemei Kingdom cultivators who had not had time to lift the Qi machine.

Then the extremely fierce destruction aura swept across, and these monks were extremely shocked to discover that their bodies had actually begun to burn.

"My, my life is over?"

With an unbelievable murmur, it came from the mouth of a monk from the Snow Charm country, and among these voices, more of them were unbelievable, because they really couldn't think of why in the blink of an eye, there was a good situation in the first place. I must face the infinite and eternal darkness.

In the next instant, the second wave of chaotic flames rushed once again, and then the chaotic meteorite began to pour into the void where the princess of the Snow Charm Country was located, burning all the power and shattering everything that was enveloped in the surroundings.

"Bang, bang!"

With one crackle after another, a large number of monks who burned their bodies in flames, without a scream, turned into ashes and exploded, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Crack, click!"

The sound of the chaotic meteorite crushing the void makes the scalp numb, and under this world's ultimate destructive power, the entire void has almost completely turned into the burning sky purgatory.

In purgatory, fate is like a straw.

After that, the princess waved the treasure fishing rod in her hand and used the power of the golden dragon to protect her body. Looking around for a week, the color of infinite fear appeared in her eyes.

Because of her whole body, the army of cultivators that had covered the sky and the sun all disappeared, leaving only endless fireworks and huge meteorites that were crushed by the head.

Then an emotion of infinite fear surged from the depths of my heart, and he opened his mouth and let out a stern roar:

"Not reconciled, this palace is not reconciled!"

Before the roar fell, the last trace of vitality in the princess's eyes burst into flames, because a strand of ice crystal appeared directly beside her, and at the same time burst outward.


After a loud noise, a hand stretched out inside the ice crystal that exploded, grabbed the princess's arm, and flew it to the side.

At the same time, a vague figure rushed forward. Under the might of destroying lava, it was divided into three and spread out, mysteriously and mysteriously breaking free from the scope of the chaotic meteorite.

In the next instant, the figure turned into a flashing phantom and continued to move forward, but due to the endless heat emitted by the chaotic meteorite, the law of frost was rapidly evaporated, and billowing smoke rose.

It is precisely because of the dense smoke that everyone can clearly see where this figure is, and they exclaimed:

"On the side of the princess of the Xuemei Kingdom, there is actually a top-level overhaul hiding in the dark. He is going to complete the final beheading of the little princess!"

Before the exclamation sounded, the figure had already appeared in the void beside Han Wen Xing who continued to move forward, his right hand stretched out into a claw, and he directly photographed the latter's forehead without mercy!

Braving the palm of billowing white smoke, it hurriedly approached the girl's head, and let out a harsh whistle:


In a moment, the situation changed drastically, and in this moment, the void in front of the girl, a blue and white light of space exploded in an instant.

In the next instant, Qiu Hengji's dancing body in a big robe jumped out of the void, then came first, and slapped it directly in front of him.

At the same time, the arcane spell ball above the void had already completed the switch, and the red, blue and purple colors all jumped out of the void, triggering the arcane law to form another supreme spell.

Ancient taboo magical powers. Super shock waves!

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