The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2030: Watching someone's eyes grow old


When the word disappointment came out from the Holy Venerable's mouth and resounded in the ears of everyone in Taiwaitian, everyone who heard it felt an unreal emotion.

It is true that humans have not been completely shaped since the beginning, and the Lord at this time, before becoming the now-superior god, he was first of all a human.

No one knows how much it takes to go from a person with true feelings to the now indifferent god.

But what is certain is that it must be the belief in the heart, which has been destroyed and reorganized countless times.

At the next breath, except for the Nantian Gate, the bright figure after the Huanghuang Shengyin fell, continued to stare indifferently at everything in front of him, and in the eyes of the former, except for the Taiqing Great Sage holding the sword in front of him, the rest were all. Ants.

"Taiqing, people have their own ambitions. You choose to return to the way of heaven and become the sharpest sword of the way of heaven. Different ways will naturally divide life and death."

The voice of the saint's still indifferent, clearly showed that his own way is the way against the sky.

After that, this dazzling figure stretched out his right hand and shook it forward, as if directly holding the chain of Mietian that was stirring in the void below, while the sound continued to be heard loudly:

"Since you choose to go against the sky, you will be completely against it, and spend countless immortal palaces to create a so-called immortal world to escape the world. What a great road!"

Gungun Shengyin, with dissatisfaction with the former fairy court palace, spreads to the world!

At the same time, the power of the three extinctions gushing out from within the dazzling body of the saint reached the peak of destruction in an instant, and then the entire chain of extinction below, even began to change to an incomparably dark color.

Looking from a distance, it was like a black hole in the shape of a chain appeared in the void of the sky, and in the next moment, the black hole began to riot with the hand that the Lord was waving.

Under the chain of Mietian, the void was completely swept into nothingness. Immediately after the chain, he swept down the Great Sage under the Taiqing once again.

The power of the three destructions in the chain of Mietian destroys all things, and at the same time, I saw the two swords of Divination that had been completely shot before the chain of Mietian, once again appeared like a teleport.

On the two swords of the Supreme Separation Sage, the materialized cyan fireworks burst out suddenly, turning into a dazzling streamer, and directly blasting against the chains of Sweeping Mietian.

From beginning to end, for the Great Sage Taiqing who is holding a sword forward, the best defense is always an offense!


There was another extremely piercing and sharp sound resounding everywhere, and then all the monks in Fengxin City could clearly see that outside the former Nanxian Gate was the center, countless dense void fragments, like spider webs. Rapidly spread outside.

At the same time, within these rifts, there was a terrifying breath of void outside the territory, causing countless sect monks who had noticed all of this to open their mouths and let out a strange cry:

"Everyone, quickly release the original source to reinforce the defense, don't leave any more hands, otherwise once the enchantment of Fengxin City is broken, everyone will be torn apart!"

The roar has not yet fallen, and the mighty volatility of the void swept across the entire Fengxin City in an instant. In just a moment, the countless barriers erected outside the city were directly shattered, and the scream again One after another:

"The barrier is broken, no good!"

The word "bad" sounded, and the monks in Fengxin City who looked desperately closed their eyes.

Except for the high-ranking sect on the lotus platform above the city, it may be able to protect themselves from this terrifying void. These incompetent monks who have gathered in the city, once the city breaks, it is a proper death. Character.

Therefore, the sect monks who closed their eyes were surrounded by deep despair, but the next breath, the energy that could destroy the whole body without hindrance, did not come, and even the space that sounded by his ears was shattered. The sound also stopped abruptly.

This caused the monks in Fengxin City to quickly open their eyes, and a deep ecstasy appeared in their eyes again.

I saw outside the huge area of ​​Fengxin City, a white cloud appeared out of nowhere, and at the same time, above this white cloud, a figure flying in neon clothes and feathers stood proudly in the void like a fairy in the dust.

"Hallmaster of Tianyun Hall, look at the Hallmaster of Tianyun Hall!"

A cry of exclamation with excitement began to spread out from Fengxin City, and then countless lights condensed on the sky princess.

And even if it is above the surging sky outside the sky, the Lord of Heaven Cloud Palace still exudes his own unique charm.

Dust and elegance!

I saw the Heavenly Cloud Palace Master pursed his lips slightly, his brows were picturesque and extremely indifferent, as if his feet were not the dangerous void battlefield at this time, but the Yunshang Hall where all the sky races worshipped.

After a breath, wisps of wind visible to the naked eye began to wind around the body of the Lord of Tianyun Hall. At the same time, this wind not only blew the cloud outside Fengxin City, but also made the clothes of the Lord of Tianyun Hall. On the flying feathers, Qi Qi began to tremble.

The trembling of the neon clothes feather clothes means that the sky princess is about to rise into the sky, and at the same time, a question hits the heart of the cultivator in Fengxin City.

Since the Lord of Tianyun Temple is about to spread its wings and soar, where will it fly?

Soon, the soaring Heavenly Cloud Palace Master told everyone the answer to this question.

After an instant, between Fengxin City and Xianting Holy Palace, a whole white spirit bird appeared, and then the spirit bird stretched out its body to the fullest extent, with a faint bright luster spreading on each feather. rise.

Under the eyes of everyone, the princess of the sky, without any hesitation, spread her wings and flew forward, flew to the square outside Nanxianmen where the power of the Three Destructions was raging, and flew to the road that emerged in her heart countless times. Silhouette!

"The strongest of the two Great Sacred Realms blasted each other. No matter how powerful the others were, they would be wiped out instantly. This Heavenly Cloud Palace Hall Master is fighting the fire with moths!"

A series of anxious exclamations came from the monks in Fengxin City, and these people stared at the figure that went forward without turning back, and there was an extremely complicated color in their eyes.

"The moth fights the flames, desperately, this Palace Master of Heavenly Clouds really lives up to the name of the prince of the times, but the word of love is really the most murderous!"

When this deep sigh sounded in Fengxin City, everyone's eyes condensed slightly, because there seemed to be a cool and helpless sigh in their ears.

This sigh is so vague, but if you listen carefully, you can hear it clearly:

"If you love someone, you have to watch someone's eyes grow old. If you can't even do this, then I would rather cut off my feet, soar in the sky, and never step into the land for life!"

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