The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2038: The Fate of Taiqing

If you make a mistake, you need to pay a price, and Tiandao, in the age of the fairy palace, committed heinous crimes against the people of the world.

The Holy Venerable’s voice reverberating through the heavens undoubtedly revealed a trace of scars belonging to the Taixuan Heavenly Dao, and the monks in the entire Fengxin City, after listening to the Holy Vener’s words, revealed an extreme in their hearts. Shocked thoughts.

"Why do I feel that this saint is not so much a coveted person from the previous era, but more like a legacy avenger?"

After this murmur came out with uncertainty, the sect major repairers on the high-level lotus platform looked at each other, and they all saw a thick incredible color in each other's eyes.

But for them, no matter what the Heavenly Dao has been, at this time their own life and death, as well as the changes of the entire Taixuan Land era, directly depend on the success or failure of Taiqing Great Sage's sword.

Because they live under heaven, they have no choice!

At the same time, within Fufeng County, across countless distances, the blue shirt figure that appeared outside the Xianting Holy Palace was not affected by the words of the Lord at all. The action of stabs the sword forward, steadily and decisively. .

In fact, since his cultivation base, Great Sage Taiqing has had only a handful of opportunities to swing his sword with all his strength, but his peerless talent for understanding has created his unparalleled fighting ability.

And he is completely different from the sound of Futing that blasted the fairy gate before, and even two extremes, and for Taiqing, life and death are the only swords!

"This Great Sage of Taiqing fully entrusts life and death to Yijian. This is a true ancient sword repair school."

On the Daxia Treasure Ship, the faces of the taboos were extremely solemn. Then, at the front of the deck, the sword student who shrouded himself under the robes of the Radiant Army, within the bright pupils, there appeared a sword that suddenly lit up. Light.

She is also a swordsman, and naturally has a different sympathy for the edge between heaven and earth.

At the next breath, Jian Sheng's eyes trembled violently, and his words followed:

"Stable sword!"

In Jiansheng’s words, a stable character was used to describe the sword of the Great Sage Taiqing. Behind the stable character, under the violent and violent rules of destruction of the ocean, it trembles straight forward without any tremor. Jian Feng.

On the face of the Taiqing Sect's Sect Master that was enveloped by the air of Taiqing, some thin lips were pursed, and under the roar of the Holy Venerable, he still maintained a basic silence.

The more silent the words, the more sharp the sword in his hand!

Another moment in time passed, this sword of Taiqing appeared firmly in front of the eyebrows of the dazzling figure of the Lord, and the latter's right hand stretched forward, at the same time, a sword that grabbed this blue sword. Front.


After an instant, an extremely harsh sound rang out from outside the Nanxian Gate, and then the extreme friction sound of the fine iron passed through the air bubbles condensed in the confrontation between the two people, and shattered the layers of space for the sound. The shackles swept outward directly and mightily.

This also means that the shrill loud noise produced by the Sovereign holding the sword of Taiqing spread directly to the three thousand realms!

The next breath, not only the outer sky where this confrontation is located, including the central Shangguo directly below the outer sky, and even the entire ears of all monks in the core of Taixuan Central Plains, are all caught by this extremely harsh sound, completely Flooded.

"It's so harsh, what happened?"

With a painful murmur, it came from the mouth of a creature on the ground, and then these people subconsciously covered their ears, looked up at the top, and tried to explore the source of this sound.

But this head has just been lifted, and there is another harsh sound, which is like a mountain whistling a tsunami. This time, the higher the cultivation level, the more the cultivator feels the shock of the soul, and what is more, The wisps of blood flowed down directly in both ears.

This is the first confrontation between the two strongest men above the sky and the sky, but the sky and the earth are already moving together, making the already chaotic heavenly secrets completely shattered at this moment, comparable to the chaos of crushing. cloud.

Once the secret of heaven is completely broken up, it will be embodied in the sky below, with dark clouds covering the sky, violent winds, and thunderstorms, a terrifying doomsday scene.

At this time, these ground monks who were screaming and avoiding could not even dream of it. What caused all this was a confrontation between the two gods.

Outside the Nanxianmen, the sword of Taiqing remained sharp, even under the gradual unblocking of the figure in the green shirt, it became more and more serious, and the roar of the dragon of the founding of the world was within this cyan long sword. Billowing out, resounding in all directions.

But just as the edge of the sword of Taiqing was about to explode, Sect Master Taiqing's forward movement paused slightly, and then the pair of cyan eyes of the former stared at the one directly protruding in front of him. The scarlet right hand that firmly grasped Jian Feng, the extremely calm voice sounded slowly:

"Holy Lord, you should understand that this Sect Master crossed thousands of mountains and rivers in order to stab this sword. If you can force me to stab this sword in advance, that's all. But in the current situation, you want to rely on this. Hold it with one hand, that is to look down upon this Sect Master!"

The words of the Sect Master Taiqing seemed to contain infinite power, and this power was instantly fed back to the cyan long sword in his hand.

In the next instant, on the blade of the sword of Taiqing held by the blood of the saint, the incomparably rich green light suddenly lit up again inch by inch, and at the same time, the blade that was originally materialized began to crack and crack. .

Such a horrible scene is like this Taiqing sword, which has fully condensed a great sage's peak combat power, begins to shed the armor that hinders its own sword body, and releases its infinite edge without any scruples. out.

For this sword, not only Sect Master Taiqing had waited for a long time, even the sword itself had also waited for too long!

Perhaps it is here that Heavenly Dao gathers the supreme luck in the Taixuan Land to cast the Great Sage of Taiqing and cast this sword in order to pierce the eyebrows of the Lord at this time.

This is his fate and it!

Fate is difficult, and so is God’s will.


The next breath, after the cyan blade was completely shattered, inside the Taiqing Sword, a louder than one sword sound directly sounded, and in the sound of the sword sound that continued to spread out, the sharpness was revealed, and it began to be brought on. Excited and eager to try the color.

Outside the Xianting Saint Palace, this peerless sword has unscrupulously bloomed with an infinite edge that has accumulated for thousands of years.

After a while, the blade of the Taiqing Sword was completely shattered, revealing its true appearance. It was a strand of green light that did not materialize, and at the same time, this strand of green light began to huff forward and chop it bit by bit. The scarlet armor on the right hand.


Under the countless dense cracking sounds, the figure with wings raised and the blue shirt flying, once again raised his foot forward and stepped out.


The green shirt moves, and the sharp sword follows.

The sharpness of the Taiqing Sword is directly on the center of the eyebrows of the Lord!

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