The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2091: Which fairy?

Fixing the fairy beads, as the name suggests, is to lock the fairy trails and search for the revived heroic spirits of the ancient immortals.

Since the ancient fairy palace completely collapsed, for a whole number of tens of thousands of years, the fairy trails on the Supreme Profound Land can be said to have completely disappeared, so that even the strong people of the upper realm are only called the land gods, not the nine heavens. Of immortals.

The grievances between the ancient Immortal Palace and Heavenly Dao may have disappeared in everyone's memory, but in recent years, Heavenly Dao has spared no effort in strangling the immortal heroic spirits in the Immortal Palace.

This resulted in the memory of the Immortal Palace and Immortal God in the 108 counties of the Taixuan Land becoming more and more distant.

But the most ironic thing about the whole world is that things that do not follow common sense will always happen. Taixuan monks, including Taiqing Great Sage and others, will do everything possible to wipe out the saints who are regarded as Taixuan tumors, and want to go personally. Open up an era of its own.

But in the end, no one thought that although the Lord was beheaded outside the Xianting Palace, what was ushered in was not the imaginary new era, but the one that was once thought to have been completely annihilated by everyone. Ancient times.

The age of fairy palace!


At the Taihang Palace campus of Fengxin City, the terrifying aura of collapsed mountains surged outward from the center of the square, and even produced a sound more violent than thunder, which directly caused Qing Yu, who was unknown, to shake suddenly.

At the same time, the middle-aged captain of the Angry Beast Army, who had fully reacted, turned directly, grasping the weapon at his waist, staring at the two young men whose face had changed drastically at the same time, and uttered a reprimand:

"Raise your hands and squat down!"

In the face of such a violent scene, even Qing Yu who is a more nervous girl in daily life, realized that the situation is serious, and obediently stretched out his hands, and at the same time some flustered words came out:

"Uncle school lieutenant, the two of me have no malice, no malice at all."

And in this short sentence, the entire school field was surrounded by teams of Nanban soldiers from the three states of southwest Daxia.

In the next moment, all the sharp blades came out of their bodies, the violent iron-blooded intent, and even turned into a behemoth of the southern barbarian visible to the naked eye, roaring and charging forward, straight to Qingyu and Nanzhan.

Qing Yu, as a girl with the treasure in the palm of the Tianyun Temple, has never seen such a posture. The whole pretty face turned pale directly. Instead, it was the Nanze boy next to him. The muscles of the hand of the body began to squirm and move forward. He took a sudden step, folded his hands in front of him, and let out a roar:

"I'm not malicious, and hope that the generals will stop."

Before the words came to an end, the iron-blooded evil spirit surging from the soldiers of the wild army, without any fancy impact on Nan's body, directly lifted the latter back all the way, and then pressed his face on the ground with dense cracks. Immobile.


At the next breath, a mouthful of blood poured out from Nan's mouth, and then a young domineering speech came directly from the center of the schoolyard:

"Lieutenant Lei, bring the girl here."

As soon as the words came out, the middle-aged Rage Beast Lieutenant nodded in response, stretched out his right hand and turned to the rear, and the voice came out:

"Girl Qingyu, go here."

"Yes, but what does he do?"

Although there was fear in the voice that came out, Qing Yu stood still trembling, staring stubbornly at the captain in front of him, and then the voice continued to sound:

"He, I brought him here, I can't ignore it."

"Girl Qingyu, Tianyun Temple is no stranger to Daxia. You should understand that in Daxia, both soldiers and craftsmen must abide by the law.

"The general must have a reason for ordering this way. We never kill innocent people indiscriminately, so please!"

This request once again brought on an overbearing tyranny that could not be denied, and then Qing Yu Jiao's face changed drastically, and finally he bit his lip and walked into the school field.

After a breath, the sergeants of the wild and wild surroundings in front of Qingyu separated them neatly and uniformly, exposing the two figures sitting at the white jade table behind them, and then a soft and old voice was passed on to Li Chunfeng. out:

"Little girl, don't be nervous, come and sit first."

When the voice fell, Qing Yu's somewhat nervous expression softened a little, and walked to the white jade table step by step, and slowly sat down, but from the beginning to the end, the girl did not look at Zhong Lizhan who was sitting like a mountain.

It's not that I can't, but I dare not.

At this time, Zhong Li Zhan, in the sense of everyone, has completely become a mountain giant with the highest power. Its power is strong enough to pick the stars with his hands and step on the mountains and seas, making people completely afraid to look directly at it.

However, after the next breath, Qing Yu's body shook uncontrollably, because Zhong Lizhan's young and domineering voice sounded directly in his ears:

"Come on, put your hand on this bead and hold it down."

After Zhong Lizhan's concise and concise voice fell, Qing Yu hesitated for a while, lowered his gaze, and stared at the transparent bead on the counter table in front of him, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

It is worth mentioning that the bead in front of Qingyu at this time flashes with a weird positive pole, just like the lamp of the netherworld that the **** of death is holding when he comes to announce the coming of eternal darkness.

At the moment when he saw this bead, Qingyu could clearly feel his body, trembling more severely, but the girl still raised her violently trembling Xuebai right hand and stretched it towards the bead in front of her. Then press your teeth directly.

In the next instant, nothing changed. The Immortal Bead in Qingyu's hand still flickered at the same frequency, and then the girl with a dazed expression on her face raised her head and looked at Zhong Li Zhan aside.

This is the first time Qing Yu stared at the young general in front of him so close, but he already felt a huge gap, and then Zhong Lizhan summoned the table in front of him, and Jiang's fixed celestial bead automatically retracted from his hand. .

"There is nothing wrong with this little girl. It seems that it is the young man on the other side that caused the beads to flicker."

The old voice just came from Li Chunfeng's mouth, Zhong Lizhan nodded and stood up, then his black eyes looked straight ahead, stretched out his hand to hold Qingyu's shoulder beside him, and said:

"Girl Qingyu, the bead you pressed just now is called Ding Xianzhu. As for what the word "Xian" in this Ding Xianzhu means, maybe you will understand it later."

After he finished speaking, Zhong Lizhan raised his right hand again and looked at the silver hill above the school field with an extremely fierce weight that flew directly into the hands of the former.

The whole school ground directly sank.

At the same time, the words from Zhong Lizhan once again resounded through the void of the school:

"Let Ben Future see, which fairy is hiding in your bloodline and soul?"

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