The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2093: Not resistant

Under the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, Nanze Tianxian!

The school field in the Taihang Palace of Fengxin City is empty. When these words and sentences are filled with ancient majestic voices, after rolling forward, the young girl Qingyu of Tianyun Temple, who closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes and looked towards Ahead.

Then Qing Yu raised his hand to cover her mouth tightly, not letting her cry of exclamation, but the dilated pupils still foretell how shocked the girl was at this time.

From a kind-hearted and unsophisticated boy in the swamp who has never seen the world, to the Nanze Tianxian who was once an immortal palace immortal, the span of this is so large that if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would definitely be unbelievable.

But through the light cyan pupils, one could see the school field in front, which was already covered with countless frost. At the same time, between the icy blue icy ground, an extremely tall figure stood arrogantly.

The face still belongs to the face of the young Nan Ze Nan, but those eyes are so high and cold, and at the same time, the look of the world seems to have a majesty enough to freeze the void.

The high-ranking immortals of the ancient immortal palaces can ascend from the land and go through heavy catastrophes. Most of them are the generation who cut off emotions. Therefore, even if it is just the resurrection of the heroic spirit, it also gives people the illusion that they want to worship.

"Nan, how did Nan become like this?"

With an incredible murmur, after Qingyu's mouth came out, he subconsciously withdrew a step back, but for some reason, his feet were soft and he was about to fall, but he was supported by a powerful hand, and then the girl In the ears of Zhong Lizhan's young voice sounded:

"What you see is correct. The immortal spirits hidden in his blood have not completely dissipated. Therefore, this immortal chose to recover and rebirth during this special period of time.

"But this ancient immortal seems to have been an arrogant person, unlike other people who secretly hided and recovered his strength, he slammed into the front of my Daxia Blade.

"I don't know if he looked at himself highly or underestimated us!"

Zhong Lizhan's words, with an increasingly fierce fighting intent, then put away the Ding Xianzhu in his other hand, moved forward, and began to walk step by step towards the imposing ancient immortal ahead.

Above the void, with the surging momentum of a billowing cold wave, the celestial army robe worn by Zhong Lizhan was blew hunting and hunting, but it was difficult to stop the footsteps of the great summer celestial army.

Immediately, this calm and iron-blooded breath made the Nanze Tianxian who had just awakened in front of him put away the indifferent color on his face and watched Zhong Lizhan as he walked. The ancient voice then rolled out:

"A mortal, when you see this immortal, why don't you kneel?"


The next breath, a faint voice of rhetoric sounded from Zhong Li's mouth, and then he laughed wildly as if he had heard the biggest joke, and the voice continued to burst into the sky:

"As a great summer army, this general will not kneel to heaven or the ground in this life, but only kneel to his parents and your majesty. If you let him kneel on you now, I am afraid you can't afford it!"

This unbearable four words, like a thunderstorm, directly blasted the heavens and the earth, and then Zhong Lizhan, who was flying in the Tianhui army's robe, disappeared in place instantly.

After an instant, the entire schoolyard of Fengxin City Taihang Palace was in the void, and a black streamer appeared directly that cut the sky and the earth like a teleport.

At the same time, the taboo aura that resembled a sky-tearing arrow first smashed the law of frost that hovered around Nanze Tianxian, approaching the latter's face.

"What kind of breath is this, and why is it weird?"

Before this ancient sound of doubt fell, Zhong Lizhan's violent and unparalleled figure had already appeared in front of Nanze Tianxian, and then the latter raised his right fist and blasted out with one punch without saying a word.

Along with Zhong Lizhan's heavy fist, on his right hand under the robe of the Radiant Army, densely covered gray-white rocks began to cover, and at the same time, the entire void above the law of circulation, which was originally flooded, was also completely reversed.

From the original extreme ice and cold, to the infinite heaviness from the mountain and land now!

"Er, waiting for mortals, how dare to offend Xianwei, so courageous!"

After an instant, a roar with horror came directly from Nanze Tianxian's mouth. Before the words fell, Nanze Tianxian directly raised his hand and lifted it up, and then patted forward.

"Xianfa. Ice tide!"

In the next instant, countless cold currents of ice crystals appeared out of nowhere in the void, turning into a billowing torrent, and the horizontal fence was in front of the heavy punch that blasted forward.

But what made this Nanze Tianxian frowned was that the power of this type of immortal technique was much weaker than expected. Although the momentum is already huge, it is undoubtedly too great for the ancient immortals who used to be all-powerful. A little thinner.

"The law, vitality, and origin are less than one-tenth of the previous fairy palace era. How lonely in this era?"

With a slight sighing voice, it came from Nanze Daxian's mouth, and the ancient immortal at this time did not pay attention to the blast of light in front of him.

Because in his philosophy, under the background of the original aura of such conditions, his barrier of immortality cannot be shattered by such a young person. In other words, this is the so-called difference between immortality and commonplace.

But the arrogant fairy has forgotten a very important point.

Today’s times are completely different, and the young man who threw his fist in front of him is not a mere mortal in the traditional sense. They are taboos, a celestial army, and were born for the battle under Emperor Fuyao. Killing machine.

Therefore, in the next moment, when the endless forbidden breath of the earth surged outward on Zhong Lizhan's heavy fist, it directly ripped the ice tide of Xianshu relentlessly, until this time, this ancient fairy, His face really changed.


The words of horror were not over, Nanze Tianxian had only time to raise his hand and punch the same, Zhong Lizhan's giant punched completely appeared in front of the former.


After an instant, the frost and laws condensed on Nanze Tianxian's body surface were instantly shattered, and then Zhong Lizhan's heavy punch, drove straight in, and slammed the former's right hand severely.

Compared with Nanze Tianxian's huge fist, Zhong Lizhan's fist is extremely inconspicuous, but it was this ordinary person's ordinary punch that completely knocked Nanze Tianxian's whole body into the air.


There was another deafening loud noise. Under the loud noise, Nanze Tianxian, who was standing proudly above the earth, was smashed into the earth by the entire body, and flew all the way outwards, leaving a trail on the school grounds. Clearly visible glaring marks.

At the same time, the place where the Nanze Tianxian was originally located was replaced by Zhong Lizhan proudly.

This young Da Xia Xia Huijun general led the black robe above his body to dance more violently, and the whole earth under him began to surging like the sea. For some reason, Zhong Li Zhan at this time, in the eyes of others, was even better than The former Nanze Tianxian was tall and mighty.

"Nanze Tianxian? Somewhat unresisting!"

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