The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2128: Zhu Xian Long Arrow

Sharp dragon claws, tearing the void, directly facing the location of True Monarch Sanhe below, shrouded it.

At the same time, the more violent Longwei pouring outwards, causing the Anjiangsi people on the low mountain and the young talents of Daxia to show a little surprise in their eyes.

Because the fighting style shown by the two Xu Hao in front of them was different from the Black Dragon Guards they had seen before, and then Wang Juan standing behind Sun Jian, after a few breaths of thought, opened his mouth and said:

"Sun Sicheng, the combat methods of these two Black Dragon Guards now seem to be different from what they used to be?"

"It's really different. This may be one of the reasons why the Ministry of War sent these two young black dragon guards here to show this progress."

After Sun Jian's words came down with affirmative words, his gaze stared at the void ahead, with stormy arrows and ancient black dragon claws, and the voice of the duo who had been defeated by the True Monarch of Three Rivers pressed down. Debut:

"For a long time, the Ministry of War has been improving the tactics and cooperation of the various armies of the Great Xia. This includes the coordinated combat between the infantry and the thunder ballista proposed by your majesty, as well as the battle between the angry beast army and the black dragon guard. use.

"There is no doubt that the Black Dragon Guard is the trump card among the trump cards of our great summer army. Every black dragon that covers the sky and the sun is one of the most perfect killing weapons.

"But no matter how strong the service is, it needs to make corresponding changes under different circumstances, and on the battlefield, the two situations are completely different from when facing high-level cultivators."

Speaking of this, Sun Jian showed a smile on his face, raised his right hand, pointed at Xu Hao, who bowed his bow and shot an arrow, and continued to speak:

"In the face of a monk like the ancient immortals, the ancient black dragon will have a weakness that cannot be ignored, that is, the defensive strength and the offensive weakness. In other words, every black dragon guard is born with the ancient power of exemption from magical powers. Dragon scales are therefore extremely defensive, even claiming to be invincible."

In the next moment, perhaps to prove that Sun Jian's words were true, he surrounded the surging river outside his body, but the true monarch of the three rivers who was blown away by the black dragon's claws, the crazy color in his eyes became stronger.

Then he directly stretched out his hand to hold the long river phantom that had been lingering around him before, using the river as a whip, and drew it frantically at the ancient black dragon above, and at the same time the voice resounded through the void:

"Xianshu. Sanhe Whip!"

After a while, along with the long whip of True Monarch Sanhe, a billowing river suddenly stretched over the entire void, and then the river was divided into three in an instant, and the void in front of it was instantly photographed into silence. The state of extinction, hit the ancient black dragon that continued to be captured in front of him, and struck out.

There is no doubt that this is the strongest immortal technique that True Monarch Sanhe has been able to blast since his resurrection, and it is also the ultimate move that he has tolerated until now!

This place is Sanhe County, and there are three mysterious rivers flowing here, and the magic of Sanhe Zhenjun is not a simple law of hooking, but after blasting out, it began to frantically absorb the power of the Sanhe within the entire county. .

Therefore, after a while, the Sanhe phantom that crossed the void became more and more solid and heavier, and in the end, it even shattered the entire void in front of it like three swords that opened up the world.

"The true monarch said that in Sanhe County, I am the master. No matter how weird your Daxia people are, give it to the immortal and die!"

This death word came out from True Monarch Sanhe, gritted his teeth, enough to see how the two young Black Dragon Guards duo felt how aggrieved the former was during this battle.


Another roar that resounded through the sky rolled out, and then the three long river whips broke through the void and swept directly on the huge body of the Black Dragon Guard.

At the same time, the ancient black dragon, which continued to rush down in the volley, gathered its wings together to form a huge shield as a barrier in front, and then every piece of dragon scale on the body began to show countless dark runes.

After an instant, under the enthusiastic gaze of True Monarch Sanhe, the strongest immortal technique he threw directly and firmly swept on the wings of the black dragon guard, but soon, the immortal who revived during the immortal palace period , The whole eyes opened tightly, his eyes filled with incredible color, and at the same time he blurted out in exclamation:

"This is impossible, the scales of the forbidden demon are actually the scales of the forbidden demon!"

Before the words fell, the three long rivers sweeping across the body of the black dragon guard burst outward, and at the same time the three rivers contained within it, as if ice and snow met a flame, quickly melted away without a trace. .

The next breath, the ancient black dragon that continued to dive downwards, facing the bottom, another black dragon breathed out, billowing dragon flames like a gun, and in a blink of an eye, it blasted on the vigorous tremor of the three rivers, and blasted the water of the long river around him. , Instantly evaporated away countless.


The water vapor pierced the ears, such a scene, from a distance, you can find that the surging river under the Sanhe Immortal has been almost completely cut in half compared to when he first arrived.

At the same time, it also indicates that the once-in-a-lifetime True Monarch Sanhe is being knocked down to earth!

A few moments later, True Monarch Sanhe with an extremely cold complexion, his entire face flushed with the hot dragon's breath around him, but under the current circumstances, the former was not left with many opportunities to fight back.

The only thing it can do is to use a series of immortal techniques to resist the scorching flames of the dragon's breath.


After an instant, the fierce dragon roar once again hovered in the void, and then the ancient black dragon, which opened its wings again, continued to wave its wings, facing the True Monarch of the Three Rivers below, fanning a wing without fancy, and blocking the river water around the latter. At the same time as it was completely shattered, it was also flapped backwards.


After an instant, a painful muffled grunt came from True Monarch Sanhe, and then the immortal, who had fallen to the ground at a rapid speed, took a deep look at the monstrous ancient black dragon in front of him.

The immortal’s eyes were extremely complicated, resentful, regretful, and afraid. Then he didn’t hesitate too much, enduring the turbulent heart, waved his hand, wrapped up the tumbling waves, and continued towards the distance. Fleeing.

"It looks like this fairy is going to escape!"

At the same time, on the low mountain, the voices of the rest of the young people from Daxia sounded, and then Sun Jian, who was standing in the front, nodded, and the voice came out:

"This is what I have said before. The Black Dragon Guard is strong and weak. In the face of an overhaul with a good level of cultivation, it cannot form a fatal blow, and it is easy for him to escape. Therefore, a new combination is needed.

"At this time, the brand new Black Dragon Guard combination was born for this!"

Sun Jian's words had just fallen, and Xu Hao, who had been bending his bow and shooting arrows on the back of the ancient black dragon since then, finally showed his sharp edge at this moment.

After an instant, an extremely sharp scream came from the big bow in Xu Hao's hand, and then on the bowstring of this bow, there appeared an arrow, a dragon covered with black dragon scales and rune-winding dragons. arrow!

"Black Dragon Guard. Zhu Xian Long Arrow!"

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