The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2174: Will be back

"Three star realms, suppress and destroy the sky!"

On a street in Tangdu, it was like returning to the battle of the holy court a few years ago. The supernatural aura was full, thunder pulp and flames, together with the sword aura that was constantly whizzing and cutting, tried to destroy everything underneath it.

The next breath, accompanied by this ethereal scream, billowing like a dragon sword aura, wisps of light from the stars began to shoot outward, just like a once extremely distant star, and began to tear countless distances. Coming to the world.

"Crack, click."

With the advent of these three star realms, the thunder fire sword qi slashed out by the female sword Xiu Fan Xing exhausted all his strength slammed into it, making very harsh clashes.

These impact sounds are as loud as a sharp arrow hitting a heavy shield, and the loudness of this sound also indicates that this type of fairy magic star realm is so strong.

Then, as the sky thunder and fire sword aura was tumbling, the three star realms that were simultaneously displayed by the three ancient immortals directly began to expand outward, and began to suppress the tumbling sword aura.

"Xianshu. Cover the sky star hand!"

In the next breath, a colder sound of the immortal sounded below the star realm, and then a big hand composed entirely of the power of the stars began to stretch out from within the star realm, covering the ground below.


After just a few breaths, the hand of the star that covered the sky and the sun completely wiped out the sword qi of the Thunder and Fire Double Lotus. The void of the entire street was like water poured out a flame, and countless white mists evaporated. , And then the billowing white mist swept outwards, blocking everyone's sight.

"These ancient immortals, under the cooperation with each other, are so powerful."

Looking at the immortals in front, they easily resolved the thunder and fire sword that the stars had slashed out. The dignified monk surnamed Li Longting in the tea shed opened his mouth and uttered a word. As soon as the words fell, he listened to the thick fog. In between, there was another ethereal voice:


This sound of scattered words came out, and the starlight permeating the mist began to rippling, and then it turned into the wind of stars, rushing forward, blowing the entire mist of water in front of him completely.

The mist dissipated, and at the same time, the air aura that was shattered due to the confrontation between the sword aura and the stars and the immortal powers, also gradually recovered, so the eyes in the tea shed began to look at the street where the female sword repair fan Xing was originally standing.

After a breath, these gazes suddenly began to fluctuate extremely violently, because on this street, except for the broken ground and the collapsed houses, it was actually empty, without a single figure.

"What about people? This female disciple of Baolian Jiandi has disappeared?"

Such a weird situation not only felt incredible for the several Dragon Court monks in the tea shed, but also the three ancient immortals who were inevitable in the first place, with the same aura and shock.

In an instant, the figures of the three ancient immortals appeared on the street at the same time, raised their hands and shot them down. The entire devastated ground was once again completely broken, and even under the palm of the stars, a huge pit was blasted out. .

However, under the pit, there was still an empty appearance, which caused the three ancient immortals to suddenly raise their heads and let out an extremely angry roar:

"The cooked duck actually flew?"

At the same time, outside the Tangdu Imperial Palace, a huge and magnificent attic stood tall. The attic was extremely high, like a sharp sword, straight into the sky.

Right above Tangdu, it is the outer sky where the ancient fairy court is located. Therefore, the implied meaning of this attic is self-evident. At that time, the headquarters of the so-called Xiaoxianting was located.

In fact, the people of Tangdu are also curious and awe-inspiring for this Tongtian Immortal Pavilion. Such a towering building appears to rise from the ground overnight. At the same time, there are often bursts on top of this pavilion. The sound of immortals is lingering, and there are even the shadows of immortals, which occasionally fly out, extremely noble and indescribable.

The whole fairy pavilion is in the shape of a tower, but what the people of Tangdu don’t know is that the roof of this pavilion is not closed, and it is open to the outside, so as to allow the rain of Qixian to fall on the sky, and it can fall completely. Enter this Tongtian attic.

The importance of the rain of Qixian to every ancient immortal is self-evident, so unless there are very special circumstances, most ancient immortals will bathe themselves in this heavy rain every day and absorb it. The power of Qixian in it, to quickly restore its own state.

This is no exception for the ancient immortals in the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion at this time. Therefore, if you can enter this Tongtian Pavilion, you will find that there is an extraordinary ancient immortal in the completely hollowed-out hall of the attic. , Sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, his body is like a giant beast with a huge mouth open, swallowing the power of the heaven and earth all the time.

The number of these ancient immortals reached a terrifying level, densely lined up inside the attic hall, already like a large army of immortals.

Afterwards, at the top of the Tongtian Pavilion, several immortal figures stood holding their hands under the heavy rain, and then one of them was a very vaguely tall figure, slightly lowering its head, looking down at the entire huge soup city.

The towering Lord Tongtian, the whole soup was undoubtedly in sight, and then an indifferent and beautiful voice came from the mouth of the figure:

"A mortal city still looks so weird, but if you can't escape the shackles of the earth, how can you fly to a higher place?

"Perhaps ignorance is also a kind of luck for these inactive ground creatures."

After this word fell, behind this tall figure, another ancient immortal also looked down and said:

"A mortal is like a drop in the ocean. Although our immortals will die, they will live longer than those below."

"It is said that being in the immortal class is a kind of detachment, but you and I all know that this detachment is false. In the face of the great catastrophe, we are afraid, but mortals are still at ease, so whether it can be considered in a certain sense , You and I are not as good as mortals?"

As soon as the words of the tall human eye came out, an ancient immortal in the back was silent, and after a few breaths, an ancient immortal slowly took a step forward and said:

"His Royal Highness, Immortal Emperor Tongtian has the posture of covering the sky. Since it can keep us alive from the collapse of the fairy palace, then my confidence in this plan has increased a lot."

When the voice fell, the mysterious girl standing in the front nodded, slowly stretched out her right hand, spread her five fingers, as if she wanted the entire soup below to be completely enclosed in the white palms, and at the same time a cold voice came out:

"It's about to start, wait for the population of Tangdu to increase, wait for more immortals to arrive, and those who have passed away will return!"

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