The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 808: live for yourself


read2();   The northernmost point of Daxia, Tianmen Pass, the weather suddenly changed, and the blizzard hit.

   The piercing wind raged and roared in the void, and at the same time, a large number of head-sized hailstones were like endless waterfalls, pouring down from the northern sky to the northern border of Daxia without warning.

Just like the Tianmen Gorge formed by cutting a knife in the Great Mountain of One Hundred Thousand Mountains, there are often snow storms raging southward from the canyon. Therefore, those people who have lived in Tianmen Pass for a long time have already seen strange things, and are resounding throughout the city. Under the warning bell, within a short period of breath, all evaded in a solid room, and the originally busy Nancheng streets and alleys instantly became empty.

The blizzard from the north is like an ancient behemoth coming straight forward, and Tianmenguan Beicheng is the first to bear the brunt, but what is breathtaking is that the vast stone statue tower in the center of the Northern Military Academy exudes richness. The blue and white streamer turned into a barrier-like light film, which firmly blocked the blizzard.

   Under the streamer barrier, there are rows of well-armed elite soldiers from the northern army.

   At the forefront of the Northern Army, the slender and tall Tianmen Hou Jiangqing, who was covered in blood armor, looked up at the wind and snow that enveloped the city above, and then a faint voice sounded:

   "This blizzard is so great that it seems that God is not beautiful."

   "The climate of the northern snowfields has always been this way, and there is a storm every three to five. Lord Hou, I have often encountered this situation in the past."

Behind    Jiang Qing, a middle-aged lieutenant spoke in response, then he thought for a few breaths, and then the voice continued:

   "By the way, Lord Hou, the Yuan Sicheng who came from afar has returned to the capital city. Seeing that Lord Hou is busy with military affairs, he asks his subordinates to say goodbye."

   The deputy dropped a heavy voice, Tianmen Hou Jiangqing nodded, and then spoke:

   "This Hou has already known that even though this Yuan Sicheng is not very old, he can handle him well, and this Hou admires him very much. It seems that I will not be too tired to deal with him in the future."

"Yuan Sicheng is less than thirty years old. Although the rank of the teleportation Sisicheng is the positive fifth-rank, people with long-term vision know that this is an important position, and it is directly under the sage, and the power is at least equal to the third-rank. Important officials, you can see his position in your Majesty’s heart, perhaps ten years later, this man can stand up to half of the country's civil officials."

"Your Majesty's skill of knowing people is the best. Yuan Sicheng is valued by the sage. The future achievements are naturally limitless. It is a blessing for Daxia to have these fresh blood. After all, we will be old in the next few years. "

   Tianmen Hou Jiangqing’s iron-blooded voice contained a little melancholy, then his faint scarlet eyes rolled, and he continued to ask:

   "Is it almost time?"

   "It is half an hour before the news from the White Emperor Palace."

   "Have you tried the war equipment specially developed for the northern snowy plains by the Imperial Court's Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Industry, and the effect is feasible?"

   The middle-aged lieutenant behind Jiang Qing heard this question, his face suddenly showed great excitement, and then even the response was raised a lot, and he said loudly:

"Hou Ye, the war weapon called the Snow Field Fighting Chariot is really horrifying and exciting. It is specially made for the snow field. Not only can it effectively resist the cold of the snow field, but it is also fast. It is not a problem to accommodate a ten-person team. In this way, it can directly replace the snow beasts, so that we can wait for the Northern Army to have no mounts, and it is completely possible to fight on a large scale.

After the voice of    fell, the lieutenant who had served in the Northern Army at Tianmenguan for nearly two decades, stuck out his tongue, licked his chapped lips in the extreme cold, and the fanatical voice continued:

   "Master Hou, in the opinion of his subordinates, if the number of this stuff is sufficient, given the Northern Army two years, I have the confidence to flatten the Xueyuan tribe all the way to Liuli City, so that the dynasty north will have no future troubles."

When the middle-aged lieutenant said this, a thick and **** killing intent came out, and even the sturdy armor was trembling, and then Tianmenhou in front of him directly raised his hand to signal that the latter did not need to say any more, his voice was faint. Pass down:

"My great Xia is a great state, and naturally accepts the coming of all nations, and always pays attention to the warfare of the teacher to be famous. If your temper will kill the snowmen in the vast land of China, such a big cause and effect will come down. The saliva of scholars in this world will drown you, you and I can't afford it."

After    Tianmen Hou Jiangqing finished speaking, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he raised his hand and touched his chin, and his increasingly cold voice continued:

   "But if these snowmen who don't know good or bad detain our chamber of commerce where we go to the snowy field without fear of hardship, the situation will be different."

After    finished speaking, Jiang Qing stepped forward and directly raised his voice to the sky and let out a roar that resounded throughout the world:

"Guards of the Northern Army, I have been ordered to guard the northern borders and should protect the safety of the people. Now the Southern Merchants Association, who is going for business, is trapped in a snowy field and is suspected of being besieged by the tribe. Those who are far away will be saved. The glory engraved in my bones, robes, can I wait to save it?

   Tianmen Hou Jiangqing’s roar resounded across the wild, like a giant python in the void, opening its mouth and roaring, the next breath, fully armed, arrayed to greet the northern army sergeants raised their hands and thumped their chests, and roared:

   "Save, save, save, save even if it is far away!"

   neatly and uniformly, under the roar straight into the sky, Tianmen Hou Jiangqing watched the blizzard rolling behind the barrier of the stone statue tower in front, and the command sound continued to be heard throughout the audience, even the people hiding from the wind and snow under the Nancheng underground could clearly hear:

  " The prince and the Blood Armor personally led the team, and the Northern Army dispatched 70,000 soldiers to the snowy field on the same day to attack the snow wolf tribe in the northern snowy field.

   "If you don't see fellow humans, you will get revenge!"

   "Kill, kill, kill!"

   The Northern Army's intent to kill and **** smoke billowed, dyeing the entire sky above the colonel's field red, and then the middle-aged lieutenant behind Tianmen Hou Jiangqing stepped forward and gently reminded:

   "Master Hou, the time mentioned by the White Emperor Palace is approaching."

Before the middle-aged lieutenant’s voice fell, under the Tianmenguan stone statue tower, one after another transmission beams lit up, instantly lighting up the center of the university campus like stars, and then after the teleportation flower blooming in the sky slowly dissipated, Under the stone tower, Moyue's figures slowly appeared.

   "Daxia Northern Army, Tianmen Hou Jiangqing, welcome everyone to Tianmenguan."

   The light of the teleportation scattered, Tianmenhou stepped forward and spoke loudly, and then stood under the stone statue tower at the forefront of the figure, a burly person wearing a celestial robe also stepped forward and stood steadily.

Then, under the curious, enthusiastic, and awe-inspiring eyes of the northern soldiers, he slowly removed the hood from the top of his head, revealing a bald, but extremely young face, and then a voice full of magnetism resounded through everything. People's ears:

   "Wu, Emperor Fuyao's personal guard and celestial army Liang Po, led the celestial army, the night dire division and the black dragon guard have seen Tianmenhou and the northern army robe."

   Liang Po's young face was extremely indifferent, but for him, this was a new beginning.

   From then on, he will live for himself.

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