The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 819: Two babies in a snowy night


read2();   In a deep winter more than twenty years ago, the New Year’s Day approached, and the entire Shenjing City was plunged into a strong New Year atmosphere. The lanterns first came on, and the red lanterns hung in front of every house were lit. Light up the entire prosperous and majestic first city, a scene of peace and prosperity.

The summer weather was smooth this year. Not only did the grain yield a great harvest, but also the frontier of Yulong Pass in the west also made great successes. Tonight, His Royal Highness Zhao Jing, who has achieved remarkable results in power, will be in the Mingde Hall of the White Emperor Palace. Host a private banquet to entertain the officials

Three hours before the start of the banquet, a copy of the paper went straight from outside the palace to the Imperial Study of the White Emperor's Palace. Then Zhao Jing stretched out his hand and opened it, with a smile on his face, facing a woman in palace clothes who was raising her hand and pouring wine. Speaking softly:

   "Shang'er, the youngest member of Gyeonggi Prefecture, Yinshan Wenbai just went to the store and said that he would take a leave of absence and could not participate in the royal banquet tonight because his wife is about to give birth. How does the king remember that his wife should be pregnant before October?"

After   , the gentle and jade Zhao Jing's voice fell, and the beautiful woman in palace clothes sitting below rolled her eyes and said softly:

   "His Royal Highness, do you want to control this woman's childbirth?"

   "How come, this king is thinking about whether to send a royal doctor to see, premature babies are extremely vulnerable."

   Zhao Jing in a dark golden robe smiled again, then looked at his wife who was already drinking one cup after another, stroked his forehead, revealing a helpless expression, and the gentle voice continued:

   "Shang'er, this evening's private banquet is still some time away. Why did you drink it now?"

   "His Royal Highness, you promised in person yesterday that you let your concubines let go of your concubine to drink today, but you are not allowed to joke!"

After drinking some wine below, the woman in palace dress, her face was reddened, she was so glamorous, she had the infinite charm that eclipsed everything in this world, then she lightly hiccuped and continued to speak with blurred eyes. :

   "His Royal Highness, my concubine is studying, otherwise I won't be able to help you stop drinking at night."

The voice fell, and there was a gentle burst of laughter in the entire warm Imperial Study Room. This laughter came out from the Imperial Study Room of the White Emperor Palace, penetrating the darkness of the entire deep winter, and making everything around me become like Warm as spring.

As night fell, the Mingde Hall was very lively, pushing cups and changing cups, but a blizzard came suddenly. Not only was this blizzard coming from the north without warning, but it was also urgent and fierce, and it shrouded in an instant. whole city.

In a small courtyard in the middle of Shenjing City, under the roar of the wind and snow, a woman screamed in pain. Outside the house, a thin middle-aged man, with his hands on his back, silently stared at the front room. Shining lights.

The middle-aged man stands motionless in the snow. If you observe carefully, you will find that his eyes are as deep as the starry sky, as if there are countless flashes of pictures, but in the deepest part of that ghost, there is a slight Uncheckable pain loomed.

The cry of the woman in the house is getting weaker and weaker, which is a very bad sign for the birth, but the expression of the middle-aged man standing outside the house remains unchanged. As time goes by, the falling blizzard covers his body. On top, it was completely piled up into a snowman.

   "Strong, madam, the baby will be born soon!"

With the constant encouragement of the midwife in the house, finally, a very loud cry of the baby pierced the sky above the small courtyard. At the same time, the snow-covered figure outside the house opened his eyes directly, and the snowflakes on his body were in the same place. It started crashing and falling down instantly.

   "Master, the madam gave birth to a boy, a boy."

The door to the inner room was then opened, and the midwife walked out happily holding a crying baby, and then she showed a little bit of amazement, because the young Gyeonggi Prefecture young man who was so happy was not happy and excited, but instead He closed his eyes in pain.

After a short while, Shan Wenbai opened his eyes again. Everything in the entire small yard, except for the crying child, stopped at this moment. The midwife holding the child was flying down in the sky. Snow, as well as the swaying lights in the house, were confined in place.

The entire yard seemed to be gradually sinking into the deep sea. At the same time, there were waves of fluctuations in the void, and the next breath, the void tore, and a dark and vague shadow came out of it, and in the shadow's arms, the same was holding a Frozen baby.

   The baby closed his eyes tightly, and there was a weird mark on his forehead. Then the shadow stretched out his right hand and gently pointed on the mark. Then the baby's breath became stronger and stronger, and he opened his eyes and began to cry.

   In the small yard under the wind and snow, these two babies cry at once, heralding two changed and completely different lives.

   This sudden blizzard locked in the homes of the people who were planning to go to the streets in the southern city of Shenjing City to celebrate. Then an old female voice rang from one of the houses:

   "Old man, listen, I seem to hear a baby cry."

   "That must be the back of your ears, the storm outside, where's the child."

   The old response sounded from the room, and after a while, the old woman's voice sounded again:

   "No, I really heard the baby's cry, I want to go and see, don't stop me, this ice and snow, if it is true, it is a life!"

   After a while, the door of the hut opened, and the two squatted, tightly wrapped figures helped each other out from behind the door. As soon as they stepped out, the wind slammed, and the two suddenly staggered.

   "My old lady, you can stabilize. My old Guan family depends on you and me. I don't want to get into the soil. What's the accident."

   "Don't worry, my old lady's body is much better than your bad old man."

   In the wind and snow, the two of you and I communicated with each other slowly pacing forward, and then the eyes of the two people suddenly lit up, because the cry of that cry was louder and could be heard clearly.

   The old couple speeded up their pace and staggered in the direction of the sound. Then, in the dim and chaotic wind and snow, a baby was quietly placed on the side of the road, and within the baby, a baby was crying with his mouth open.

   The old woman squatted down slowly, picked up the baby, and then spoke:

   "Old man, what a beautiful kid you look at, let's take him home."

   The old man beside the old woman heard the words, and after a long silence, finally nodded solemnly.

   The next day, the wind and snow dissipated, and inside the city of the gods with a strong atmosphere during the New Year, the city's Gyeonggi Prefecture, Shaoyin Mountain Wenbai gave birth to children, and it is said that even the White Emperor Palace gave gifts.

   On the same day, Chengnan’s old family, which had no children in his entire life, suddenly had an extra baby, still a boy.

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