The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 820: Under the Liuli Palace


read2();   Liuli City is an underground dark city. The darkness is accompanied by extreme cold, attacking everything around. I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Inside this underground tunnel, it’s even hotter than the surface of Liuli City. To be low.

Darkness is the best carrier of severe cold. In this dull underground, Xue Bancheng took Xueyan from the Blizzard Mansion in the middle of Liuli City, first rounded to the southernmost part of Liuli City, and then from south to east and then north. Finally, heading westward towards the Liuli Palace in the middle.

On the surface, there was only a statue of the female saint and the blizzard palace and the Liuli palace in the square. The three of them walked on the ground for nearly two hours, passing thousands of intersections and forks, almost perfectly avoiding Closed everyone's eyes.

   Xue Bancheng used impeccable memory and means to make Xueyan and Aslev really admire each other, especially the latter, whose hearts are extremely complicated.

As the leader of the younger generation of Xuemin, Asleufu is not an unseen person. He even participated in the aisle martial arts competition with the ice female saint at the time of Zhao Yu and crown, so he knows the power of Daxia and the human race. , And Xuebancheng at this time will undoubtedly inherit the wisdom of the human race perfectly.

   The road ahead seemed to never end, but the noisy roars and fighting sounds in his ears never stopped. Xueyan under his hood narrowed his eyes, and then gently spoke:

   "Xue Bancheng, this saint has been out for too long, which will arouse people's suspicion, so how long is it from Liuli Palace at this time?"

   "Soon, Lord Saint, our position at this time is very close to the center of Liuli City. Xiangbier and others have also discovered that there are fewer and fewer forks around."

   Xue Bancheng's faint response sounded from the front. After a while, the former's tall and straight posture gradually slowed down, and then stopped directly in front of a wall.

   This wall is the end of the entire road, and there is no fork in the road around the three of them. Xuebancheng stepped forward, stretched out his hands and fumbled on the wall, and then the voice continued:

   "The top of this is the center of Liuli City, the closest secret road to Liuli Palace. Although it is close to the palace wall, you need to find a way for you to enter the palace."

  Xue Bancheng’s voice fell, and he moved his hand as he was reaching out to fumble, his hands were twisted and twisted at the same time, and the next breath, the entire wall was silently separated to the sides, revealing a gentle **** that slanted upward.

   Snow Bancheng took the lead and got into the wall hole, and then a solemn voice slowly sounded:

"My Lord Saint, since we are all on the same boat, you should be able to tell me what the purpose of going to the Liuli Palace is, and as you, you can step into the palace with a sway, instead of the usual , To steal the underground tunnel."

   With a faint voice in front of him, Xue Yan's tall body behind Xue Bancheng paused, and then after a change of expression, he spoke softly:

"You should know that most of the northern snowfield was the ocean when it was extremely old. Because of the extreme cold, all the seawater was frozen. Therefore, under the extremely strong ice, there will be Some magical treasures, such as Whisper Conch."

After Xue Yan's response fell, she stretched out her hand and took out a palm-sized white conch. If the barbarian girl Man Yuanyuan in the Night Dire Division was here, she would be shocked, because this conch is inherited from the previous barbarian. Next, the conch used to open the ban in the Valley of Giants is almost exactly the same!

   "This whispering conch is born with one black and one white, and once you speak to one of them, this voice will be stored, and no matter how far apart, the other can hear the sound stored in it."

After    finished her words, Xue Yan stretched out her other hand and gently pointed at the conch in her palm, and a low female voice suddenly came from the conch:

   "There is a ghost in the Liuli Palace, take me away!"

As soon as this voice came out, the entire underground tunnel became extremely silent, especially Xue Bancheng. His eyes were narrowed, and his handsome face was not pretty. Then he touched his smooth chin and fell into deep thought. Lightly opened the mouth and said:

"There are even ghosts in the Liuli Palace. The situation in Liuli City is much worse than expected. The entire Xuemin tribe knows that the Ice and Snow Girl Saint has only a relative like the little princess, and she brings the little princess to threaten the saint. The people behind it have a big picture, Lord Saint, I regret bringing you here now, because this is obviously a whirlpool of nine deaths."

   "By now, you who have been trapped in the whirlpool, it is not easy to get out."

   Xueyan waved his hand and put away the white conch in his hand, and then the three of them continued to move up the gentle slope.

   This gentle **** dark road is extraordinarily long, and the surrounding walls are not smooth, indicating that the people who dig this tunnel are extremely flustered and nervous, and move some hands and feet outside the saint’s residence, which is undoubtedly plucking hair from the mouth of a tiger.

"This undercover tunnel was dug in the past few days. In fact, this can be understood as a kind of temptation. For a whole year, the sage has not been able to descend the holy relic. Therefore, someone with a heart asks a few unimportant ones to dig a secret tunnel and make some movement. Look at the reaction of the saint, but the result is very bad. The saint turns a blind eye to prove that some problems have indeed occurred."

  Xue Bancheng’s words became more and more solemn, and then he turned around and looked at the two people in the darkness, both taller than themselves. He raised his finger to the ice on the top of the gentle slope, and continued to speak:

   "Excavating the upper part is the palace wall of Liuli Palace!"

"I come!"

The extremely burly Asliu stepped forward and stretched out his right hand. Then the hand began to swell outwards rapidly. At the same time, white hairs came out from the inside and out of the arm. After a short time, a huge The bear paw of the snow blizzard appeared directly in the dark road.

Then Aslev controlled the sharp claws on the bear's paw and carefully stretched out to the ice surface above. After making a small circle, the ice in the entire circle began to sink slowly, and Snow Bancheng hurriedly stretched out Hold the ice cube with both hands, and then slowly lift it up.

After a few breaths, a ray of glazed light radiated directly from the outside, shining on the three raised faces, and this light was stronger and dazzling than any other part of the glazed city, because it was emitted by the central glazed palace. !

   At the same time, Xueyan took out the listening conch again, and after speaking softly to it, the three of them kept staring at the colorful and fickle glass palace wall above.

Time passed by, and the color of worry in Xueyan’s eyes also grew thicker. Suddenly, a petite figure jumped out at the top of the palace wall and fell straight into the hole below. under.

When    Xueyan saw this, he directly showed a relieved smile, but in the next second, the expressions of the three of them changed greatly at the same time, because there was a clear voice in the ear:

   "Someone is chasing, go!"

   Before the words fell, a powerful and incomparable coercion directly enveloped everyone's body. Under this vast power, the entire dark city tunnel began to tremble slightly.

   Great Master Realm!

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