
read2();  The book of war once said that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles. Therefore, the stronger the generals, the more they know the importance of intelligence and information. Who can be in this wave of treacherous clouds and heavy fog Seeing more in the vortex, whoever can occupy the vital first.

  The strong clash, after one step, after each step!

   Old Bei'an King and Guan Zhengqing are like two players who are playing chess. They both want to compete for the piece of Xuebancheng, but the strengths behind them are different.

  Behind the old king of Bei'an is Daxia, the well-deserved overlord of the vast land of China, and Guan Zhengqing represents the former refugees hidden in the depths. This makes Bei'an Wang Jiangyu in the light, and Guan Zhengqing in the dark.

Therefore, the old lord Jiang Yu, dressed in a black robe with a straight back, ignored the obscure gazes of the snowmen on both sides, swaggering through the streets of Liuli City, and came directly in front of Xueban City, looking at the latter. The human race looked extremely handsome, and said lightly:

"The old man, King Bei'an, one of the three kings of Daxia, guards the northern border of Daxia. You must have heard the name of this king. This king is going to the dark city under Liuli City. Take me there. You can make a request with this king."

   After Wang Bei’an finished speaking, Xue Bancheng squinted his eyes and thought for a short breath. He didn't even ask for it. Instead, he reached out and said softly:

   "Master, please come with me."

   And just as the two were about to leave, a sound of inquiries from Xueyan next to them sounded:

   "Master Bei'an, is it feasible for my Grumpy Bear Tribe to send soldiers together? After all, this is Liuli City, and it is also the territory of my Grumpy Bear Tribe."

   Old Bei'an did not look back, but a faint voice passed from the front, and then resounded over the Liuli City Square:

   "What you want to do in Liuli City, this king doesn't care, you have to send people to follow it naturally, as long as those people can live with."

   The voice fell, and the eyebrows on Xue Yan's white face raised, and he glanced directly at the nearby waiter Xueying, who immediately realized that he would rush to a short distance.

   After a while, burly and strong snowmen warriors wearing snow white coats and holding ice spears directly rushed out from various places, gathered in one place, and then followed closely behind the old King Bei'an.

As most of the tribe’s warriors went out to fight the rebellion, and Liuli City was unprecedentedly empty, Xueyan, as the highest decision-maker in Liuli City at this time, took the lead at this time through the old King Bei’an, a dragon that crossed the river. Launched a counterattack.

   In her heart, although the current blizzard tribe is extremely weak, there are countless snowmen living in the entire Liuli City. If you really want to kill the fish and kill them with human lives, the former criminals of the Ying clan who live underground will not be able to eat them.

Liuli City maintained a fragile balance in front of the three-way wrestling, but soon, this short-term balance was about to be broken, because the vigorous old Bei'an King, under the leadership of Xuebancheng, was followed by a team of elites. The snowmen soldiers stepped slowly under Liuli City.

   "Old prince, the underground of this Liuli City is cold and dark, intricately intricate, and snowmen and wanderers from all directions are entrenched here, so I dare to ask, where do you want to go?"

   In the underground tunnel, Xue Bancheng, who led the way in front of the old King Bei’an, turned his head slightly, and heard a voice of invincibility, and then looked at the old man in front of the thin snowman youth, and the response sounded:

   "It is said that in your mind, you remember all the countless underground dark cities in the whole fork road. This is very good, but the king is going to go deeper. I don't know if you have a way."

   As soon as King Bei'an said this, Xue Bancheng's face changed for a while, then he gritted his teeth and continued to speak:

   "Yes, I saw someone walking out of a secret road in Xia Xia, please follow me."

At the same time, there was an inconspicuous underpass under Liuli City. The pitch-black space was surging like a stream of water. Then a young man dressed in a large black robe and a lifelike little snow statue on his shoulders stood inside. Get out.

   Then Guan Zhengqing stood quietly on the spot, lost in thought. After a long time, she raised her foot again and stepped forward, and her figure disappeared directly into the spot.

   The king of Bei'an and Guan Zhengqing, who are up and down, crossed across the ground under this Liuli City with countless hidden passages.

   Liuli City exudes colorful light, not because all of its buildings are made of glass, but because of the ubiquitous colorful light floating in the city.

This light is very similar to the dancing aurora above the sky. It is tasteless, invisible, and non-touch, but it flows around the body like sand particles. This is the first time for the girl pearl who came here from the Tianmen Pass, even though she is already Being in Liuli City, he was still very curious about it.

   Therefore, after helping the Southern Merchants to unload all the goods, the pearl with a moment of free time stood in the courtyard of the post station, stretched out his hand, and gently stirred the floating light in front of him.

   Suddenly, a young figure slowly walked from the inside to the outside of the station. This figure was not tall and was extremely silent on weekdays. Therefore, although she walked all the way, Pearl did not communicate much with it.

   Now seeing the young Li Dingshan going to act alone for the first time in the world, after Pearl hesitated for a while, just about to ask, he heard the faint response from the former directly:

   "I'm fine, I just want to go for a walk."

   The voice of the boy fell, and Pearl's expression was slightly startled, and she continued to want to speak, but Li Dingshan's response sounded in advance:

   "Although I can't see it, I can hear it!"


   "It's nothing, don't follow, just leave me alone!"

   The figure of the young man gradually disappeared, and then disappeared in the light of the colorful colored glaze, and the indifferent words from the front made the Pearl take a step and stay in place.

Li Dingshan walked slowly on Liulicheng Street, which was very few in number. Because of the outbreak of the Civil War and the turbulent situation, most of the snowmen were hiding in their homes. Only the snowmen soldiers marching on the street hurried around. And pass.

As the saint Xueyan has given orders to allow the people of the Terran Chamber of Commerce to walk freely in Liuli City, Li Dingshan went forward without any hindrance. His eyes were closed tightly, and his step forward was steady, maintaining a constant frequency. , Gradually, everything around him gradually dissipated, and another completely different picture gradually appeared in the boy's mind.

  He is listening.

  Listen to the location of the Saintess of the Icefield, because this is an agreement between him and the Saint.

   Li Dingshan seems to have entered a world composed entirely of black and white lines. Every snowman around is a flashing black and white light spot.

But in the very center of Liuli City, the huge statue belonging to the Icefield Saintess exudes a rich colorful light in Li Dingshan’s mind, and there are countless silk threads injected into it from all directions, forming a flower that occupies half of the sky, extremely Gorgeous fireworks.

   That is an unforgettable scene of a lifetime.

   These colorful lines, like blood vessels extending from the statue of the female saint, plunged deeply into the glass city, and then continuously absorbed energy.

   This is a kind of supply, which can also be called plunder!

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