The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 843: Still going to die, right?


read2();   "Do you want to sit on that chair and have a try?"

Old Bei’an Wang’s statement that was almost a joke caused all the people in the whole hall who heard it to change their expressions wildly, because this sentence is almost impossible from the Bei’an Wang Jiangyu who regards Daxia’s glory as the most important thing in his life. Speak out.

   Although the old prince was famous for being romantic in his later years, his reputation among the people was not good, and he was often used as a conversational resource, but he actually didn't care about these things, but for the glory of the great summer that he personally fought, he was carved in his bones to protect.

   So when I asked this question, Shanzi, whose expression had softened quite a bit, tensed and clenched his fists. Looking at the eyes of the old man in front of him, he was full of doubt and anxiety.

Under Liuli City, the originally very wide Jinluan Temple, after the nine supporting Panlong pillars were cut off by the old King Bei’an, 80% of the area collapsed and a large number of former criminals and monks were buried at the same time. They were able to die directly and were in a state of dying breath, so not many people actually heard the old prince's question.

  Xue Bancheng's expression at this time was surprisingly the same as that of Yun Yu Tuoba on the other side. They all wanted to know what the old man with one hand on the golden dragon chair meant.

   But the old prince didn’t sell anything, he continued to speak, and the old voice sounded from the high platform:

"I can’t remember how many former emperors have sat on this dragon chair, but in the history of rolling forward like wheels, only two people will be remembered. The first and the last sat here. Man in a chair.

   "If it is recorded in the history books that my Daxia Wujinshan dark stab lieutenant became the last bloodline of the lineage of the former Ying clan to sit on the dragon chair, that would be really interesting."

The voice of the old prince fell, and the face of Shanzi, which was covered with dragon scales and had two different eyes, one gold and one red, suddenly showed a thick self-deprecating color. Then he stretched out a hand and gently pressed the face behind him. On the dragon chair, it was not the coldness that had been placed in the extreme north for nearly a hundred years, but a warm feeling.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The moment Shanzi’s hand touched the dragon chair, the gilt light on the high platform of the Golden Luang Temple instantly shined for a few minutes, and even deep in the void, there was a faint sound of dragon roars one after another, especially It was the chair that had been lonely for a hundred years, and it began to exude waves of golden light.

The golden light shone on the bodies of the others, with the warmth as if soaking into the fountain of life, and drilled into the body. Then Xue Bancheng gently raised his hands and looked down, only to see that the original hands were cut apart. The wounds that came out were slowly healing under the golden light.

   If there is a medical officer from Daxiabaidi Palace Initai Hospital here, he will be surprised to call out two words:


Before the emergence of the water of life, Long Yuan was recognized as the holy medicine for healing in the vast land of Shenzhou. At this time, the mountain covered by a large amount of Long Yuan golden light had no other different colors, but looked at the old man who was also bathed in golden light. , Said self-deprecatingly:

   "Is it necessary to add the title of the son of King Bei'an after the Captain of the Dark Assassination? Maybe it is more interesting?"

   "Hahahaha, yes, it must be added!"

   After hearing the words, the old prince laughed up to the sky again. In the laughter, there was also a deep mockery. Is it mocking the fate of the mocker, or mocking himself?

   Then his old voice continued to sound:

   "If you are recorded in the annals of history, then my wretched father will probably have to be written by those storytellers, not to mention the romantic stupidity, and the blood is borrowed from the bones, how stupid this is!"

   The old lord’s voice fell, and Shanzi also started to laugh up to the sky, then he gently stroked the dragon chair beside him to stand up, then turned around and sat down slowly, and shouted while laughing:

   "If you press the knife, it means to **** destiny, to **** destiny, if you ask me to sit, then I will sit, it's not just a chair, I'm afraid of it, and I won't lose a piece of meat when I sit on it."

After finishing the sentence, Shanzi sat directly on the golden dragon chair. After an instant, the whole dragon chair burst out with extremely dazzling golden dragon yuan light. At the same time, the whole underground hall began to tremble violently, with a lot of stone. The blocks began to fall from above.

   Between the dazzling golden light and the **** day above the old King Bei’an intertwined with each other, the old prince also stood up slowly, looking at the laughing mountain on the dragon chair, and exclaimed:

   "There is a species, it is worthy of being the species of Lao Tzu Jiang's, it's not foolish at all!"

   The mountain sitting on the dragon chair, looking at the old man who is vaguely like him, smiled and shed tears, and then softly asked with a crying voice:

   "Whether I choose to be a country or win, I will die, right, dad?"

   Shanzi's soft questioning sound seemed to be the sharpest knife in the world, and it plunged deeply into the heart of the old King Bei'an, and then the turbid tears in the old king's eyes flowed out again, and he responded softly:

   "Stupid boy, your surname is Jiang, you are Jiangshan. At this time, sitting on this dragon chair is my son of Wang Jiang from Bei'an."

   The old prince’s voice is very soft, just as kindly as he coaxed his children to tell stories before going to bed, when his temperament had not changed much years ago.

   Then Shanzi's eyes flowed more tears, his choking sound became heavier, and the voice sounded again:

"I grew up in the capital city. When I served in the Dark Assassin Army of the Endless Mountains, 2,143 alien races died in my hands. When I participated in the Battle of the Southwest Wild Forest, I killed another 320. Six barbarians, nevertheless, dad, am I going to die?"

   The old prince sighed up to the sky, tears flooding, then he stretched out his hand and wiped the teardrops from the mountain in front of him, then touched the latter's head, and said softly:

   "You did a good job, and Dad is proud of you."

   "Because my body is bleeding from the previous royal family, and people can't defeat the fate that oneself bears, right?"

   Shanzi's eyes became extremely gray in an instant, and the tears left in his eye sockets finally turned into blood. They were **** tears.

  The old King Bei'an gently stroked Shanzi's head, and said seriously:

"Child, in this world, in Dad’s opinion, some things are more important than life and death. Your mother once asked me this way, and I also asked myself this way. Dad didn’t want to understand before, so for the rest of my life Just spent in sinking.

"Father now knows that he did something wrong at that time. The mistake was that he should take your mother with you. But this time, don't be afraid. On Huangquan Road, Dad will be with you and stay with you. In this life, Dad owes you all this. There are too many children, and there will be no more mistakes."

   The words of the old prince fell. The sky above the Jinluan Temple, the endless **** day that had been held up, began to sink slowly towards the high platform below the sea of ​​Longyuan golden light.

   At the same time, in this round of evil spirits, the endless aura began to rise, and in the blink of an eye, it directly crossed the layers of shackles, and approached the vast land fairyland in the legend.

   The sun is coming!

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