The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 903: Shocking World


read2();   Outside the endless mountain Yulong Pass, and between the Sun Empire’s Shenwei Fortress, there is a grassland, a woods and a river. This area was perhaps the largest flesh and blood of the entire Shenzhou Haotu people. The grinding pan is soaked in blood almost every moment.

The grass in this grassland is very long, half a person tall, and the woods are dense, covering the sky and the sun. Inside it, there is even a sense of suffocation like being in a southern jungle. The most weird thing is , This grassland and woods, no matter how they are destroyed or destroyed, when the time comes, they will be reset as if nothing happened before, and then restored to their original state.

The grassland outside Yulong Pass was once the main battlefield for the two armies’ assault. Every major battle, the assault between Daxia and the Sun Empire soldiers, almost crushed the entire land under the grassland, and the woods were the scout army. Where to fight each other, life and death can be determined within an inch, and the big river that flows directly from the fortress of the gods represents the vitality of the fortress of the gods and the alien races in it.

Since a year ago, Zhao Yu hunted and killed the Lionheart in the fortress of God, and destroyed half of the sacred spring with one arrow. The water volume of this river has not been as good as one day. It also represents the foreign race in the fortress. At this time, it is already in dying.

The Sun Empire Shenwei Fortress, under the constant construction and blessing of foreign races for countless years, the height and thickness of its wall are almost the same as Yulongguan, the first fortress of the Three Passes outside Daxiaxi Xinjiang, looking from below, it is like a straight entrance. The dam in the sky is horizontally fenced in front of you, and whether it is on the city wall or on the city gate inside the city wall, there are a lot of pungent blood and meat on it.

   This represents the previous chase that broke out at the gate of the Shenwei Fortress, how tragic it was!

Perhaps even the world of Infinite Mountain knows that today will be an unusual day. Therefore, the rays of the three rounds of scorching sun over the fortress of Shenwei are more dazzling than before. This light shines on the outside of the fortress of Shenwei, and the array is ready. On Sergeant Xia's armor, it reflected outwards, looking from a distance, even forming a sea of ​​light that was difficult to look directly at.

   The light of the endless mountain is cold, only bright, but not hot, so this sea of ​​light is a terrifying iron-blood cold light.

In front of the tens of thousands of troops in the West Xinjiang, there are three huge altars emitting a strong blue and white light, arranged in a row, each of which is continuously absorbing infinite energy from the bottom of the earth and transforming into a warm and healing light. Provide strong recovery capabilities for the entire Yulongguan soldiers.

Neither Zhao Yu nor Xu Sheng, the Grand Marshal of Western Xinjiang, had never underestimated the Sun Empire alien race who had been fighting with the human race for countless years. Therefore, even if the fortress of the gods was at the end of the battle, Xu Sheng still smashed in one breath. Three altars were down before the fortress, and in his hand he held a stone tower that Zhao Yu had given earlier, in case of emergency.

The army besieged the city. On the side of the altar, a platform was erected on the ground, and on the platform, the two kings of Daxia and the prince stood with their hands. Among them, the Wei Guogong Xu Sheng wore the very ordinary standard armor of Daxia, but the original ruddy His complexion became extremely old within a short period of half a year, even covered with gully patterns.

For an old man like Xu Sheng, every time the gap on his face grows, it means that he is one step closer to the final death, but at this time the light in Wei Guogong Xu Sheng’s eyes is extremely bright, and he stares at Yulong lightly. In the direction of Guan, the grassland and woods that have been completely occupied and covered by Daxia soldiers, said lightly:

"For a long time, this grassland, woods, and rivers have been like **** beasts that eat people without spitting out bones. They have completely swallowed up the youth and life of countless Da Xia Erlang. The old man once thought that if he was alive, he would be able to crush the fortress of God. At the feet, I will be excited and difficult to myself, but at this time the success is imminent, the mood seems very calm.

"Xu Guogong, that's because the stand is high. Your Majesty was born. I can say that I was standing on the shoulders of giants. In fact, I already knew this grassland and the woods were no longer horizontal. The obstacle that led to the advancement of Daxia Bingfeng, even the fortress behind us, will be conquered sooner or later, and now it's just a matter of course."

   After the silver armored king of Zhenhai, the king of the sea, he was not very tall, but his body was unfathomable like a rock, after the old and kind voice fell, the old Ximan King Li, who sighed, then slowly said:

"This king only hates that this day is too late. There are too many people who died here. I still remember that when we were young, we served together in Yulong Pass, but if we look back now, the comrades who once fought side by side. , How many are there?

   "At that time, there were really people here, and the least valuable was human lives!"

  After the old King Ximan finished speaking, he clicked the three old men on the high platform and fell into a long silence at the same time. Sometimes the longer they live, the more they know the value of life, because only by living can infinite possibilities be created.

   "The times are different and completely changed. Perhaps the hardships and past events we have experienced can only be recorded in history books."

After he finished speaking, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng turned around and looked up at the densely and **** fortress wall in front of him. With eyes like tiger eyes, infinite killing intent and evil spirit rose instantly, and the rolling voice came out again. :

   "The old man three lives is fortunate to be able to destroy the fortress of the gods himself, and he will be named forever, and he will die today without regret!"

The voice of Wei Guogong fell, and everyone on the platform was all sideways, staring in the direction of Yulongguan, because the roar that sounded from within the Yulongguan, uniformly and spreading outward, was now filled with endless arrays. The passing of the soldiers from Shanxi Province crossed the grassland and woods and quickly approached the forefront.

   "Old Xu, listen, your majesty is here."

   The old Western Man King smiled and spoke softly, then Wei Guogong Xu Sheng slowly raised his right hand and responded softly:

   "This is a please peace, but also a horn sound."

   After the words were over, Xu Sheng, the General Marshal of Yulongguan of the West Xinjiang, let out a tiger roar that shattered the sky:

   "The whole army listens to the order, your majesty is here, the blade is out of the sheath, and the nine smokes will start on the 9th!"

Before the howl, on the entire point of the platform, nine wolves of smoke, accompanied by the deafening horn sound, rolled into the sky, and after a breath, the countless human soldiers arrayed below were all sharply out of the sheath under the roar of the commander. , Infinite evil spirits soared into the sky, stirring the entire endless mountain sky situation.

   The world is rushing from all sides, the three armies shouted the sky moving!

The entire wall of the Shenwei Fortress, under the roar of Daxia soldiers, began to tremble like a tremor, and then under the infinite gazes of evil intentions, accompanied by the long live sound of your majesty like a mountain whistling and a tsunami, a black and gold imperial robe The flying figure directly moved at a speed that was almost teleporting, carrying a formidable pure silver light, and came quickly from behind.

   After a breath, the emperor leaped over the shield armour camp that was preparing to charge, and headed straight toward the vast and heavy gate of the Shenwei Fortress. In the next instant, the vast emperor sound pierced the entire endless mountain void.

   "Whoever shakes the world will be silent for a long time, and whoever will light the lightning will drift like a cloud forever.

   "Shenwei Fortress, today, will be destroyed!"

   Huang Huang like a thunderous Emperor Yinbi, Zhao Yu raised his hand and bombarded the gate of the Shenwei Fortress with a punch.

   What he blasted out was an entire world!

   Then under the focus of countless fanatical gazes, the gates of the entire Divine Mighty Fortress that had never been breached in countless years were shattered, and then it was like a piece of paper, flying around!

   Zhao Yu, lighting the lightning, the sound shook the world!

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