The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 907: Tears of the older generation


read2();  "Your Majesty’s personal conquest, first destroyed the snow tribes in the northern snowfields, opened up the territory, and officially included the northern snowfields in the imperial territory, and then broke the sun empire’s fortress beyond the endless mountains, Completely wipe out all the alien races in the endless mountain, and win the double line at the same time. It can be called the greatest victory of Daxia since the founding of the country. God bless Daxia, God bless Daxia!"

On the streets of Shenjing City, and even the entire 36 prefectures of Daxia, a secretary of the Tianjian preaching commander, riding a horse, riding a red sunset, and a golden phoenix phoenix flag flying in the wind behind him, and then shouting The loud shout with all his strength resounded throughout the streets.

   After just ten breaths, all the towns in Daxia were directly detonated!

The smoke that was still rising inside the house disappeared without a trace after the news of the great victory came, because the woman who was still cooking before was rushed into the kitchen by her own man with a face of confusion, dancing and dancing. Pulled out of the house, and then rushed to the street together, joining the ocean of carnival.

   The closing of the gates of Shenjing City could not stop the people's heartfelt shouts and cheers, and even the whole land of Shenjing City began to beat rhythmically under the continuous leaping of the people.

   When the Xiongcheng rhythm is moving, it is the time for the whole people to revel!

The cheering people from their homes spontaneously walked along the four gods and beasts street, and then slowly moved to the Taiping Ruins in the middle of the Shenjing City. This is already a spontaneous grand celebration, even those who are studying hard for exam preparation. The scholars of the Dachao Examination, also forgot to join it, leaving everything behind.

   Sing loudly, the whole world has fun!

Taiping Ruins, with the influx of countless people, the atmosphere gradually rises. At the center, the huge Shenjing Station, which symbolizes the entire Daxia transportation hub, stands proudly between heaven and earth like a giant of heaven and earth. For Xia, this huge building, which has just been completed, has a trans-era significance.

At the gate of Shenjing Station, a petite figure ran out from the cheering crowd. She held a slightly flying skirt in one hand, and took out a token from her arms with the other hand, and then faced the guarding the gate. The sergeant gestured gently.

   "The paper cuckoo girl pay attention to your feet. At this time, the Shenjing Station has been closed. There is not enough light, so don't fall!"


Under the kind reminder of the young sergeant, the girl Zajuan smiled and ran into the Shenjing Station, her head full of blue silk running along with her body and dancing up and down like waves. Looking behind herself, she really flew like a wingspan. Paper cuckoo.

Then, under the slightly admiring gaze of the young sergeant, the girl hopped into the Shenjing Station. At this time, the inside of the Shenjing Station, as the young sergeant said, was slightly dim because of the closed station, and the whole The main body of the Shenjing Station of the sacred tree structure, with countless branches spreading around, looking from below, it is like a tree monster with its teeth and claws in the night.

But the young girl was in a very good mood at this time, with a beautiful youthful smile on her face, and even looking at the mottled sacred tree in the dark, she felt very cute, and then she ran to the side and stepped into a tree cage. Within, the entire figure automatically rises with the tree cage.

After a while, the tree cage led the girl directly to the highest point of Shenjing Station. The paper cuckoo's figure stepped forward, stepping on the top platform of Shenjing Station where few people came, and from a distance, he saw the front platform. A small wooden house was erected, and there was a light inside the house, emitting an orange light.

After taking a few breaths in place, the girl paper cuckoo continued to hold the skirt corners and ran towards the direction of the lights ahead. After a while, the girl gradually approached the small wooden house in the top city of Shenjing Station, and carefully walked past the wooden house in front of the spring. The farmland where dense crops have grown, came to the wooden house, and just about to raise his hand and knock on the door, I heard an old question from the house:

   "Little paper cuckoo, it's a bit early to send dinner to the old man today, what's delicious?"

   "It's a pity, teacher, you guessed wrong. I didn't bring dinner today."

The girl outside the wooden house responded, and then opened the door. After the desk inside the house, the gray-haired Li Chunfeng was sitting down, raising his hand to write something, and then he smiled when he heard the paper cuckoo's response. Raised his head.

After being demoted and demoted again by Zhao Yu, Li Chunfeng, the former director of the Tianjian Supervisor, finally received an important task in charge of the imperial court's current trial. Therefore, in order to change the previous decline in Zhao Yu's mind, In the past few days, Li Chunfeng has been extremely caring, specializing in research every day, not listening to things outside the window, just to complete the task successfully.

   Then Li Chunfeng watched the girl who ran in with a smile, picked up the steaming teacup on his right hand, opened his mouth and took a sip, then continued to speak:

   "Paper cuckoo, you have a smile on your face. Could it be that something happy happened?"

   "Master, you have been retreating in this small wooden house for so many days, and you must not understand the outside. It is a happy thing, and it is a great blessing for the people of Daxia."

   After the voice of the girl paper cuckoo fell, she moved her hands behind her back, her smooth chin was slightly lifted, and a little triumphant appearance appeared on her pretty face. Then Li Chunfeng smiled slightly and responded softly:

"Little paper cuckoo, you look down on me too much. You must know that the current Sitian Supervisor is supervising, but that is your senior sister. When you can't see it, there is a letter sent to our Shenjing Station every day. In the wooden house on the top of the station, so you know, I know, you don’t know, and the old man knows, because **** is still hot!"

After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, he looked at the girl with a shriveled expression and laughed up to the sky. Then, the ruddy-faced Li Chunfeng gently stood up, slowly raised his right hand and waved forward, and suddenly the void in the entire wooden house began to spin. .

   "I will show you some good things for the teacher!"

Before Li Chunfeng’s voice fell, the two appeared directly above the Taiping Ruins. In an instant, deafening cheers rushed directly into the eardrums. All the streets below were completely filled by the influx of people, forming an endless expanse The jubilant crowd.


   The paper cuckoo above the void, looking down, his eyes widened, and he let out an exclamation, because at this time, the city of God was completely a peaceful scene that was unimaginable for countless years!

   "This is really too shocking, I never dreamed of encountering such a scene!"

After    finished speaking, Zhijuan turned his head and saw the old man beside him, already in tears.

   "Master, why are you crying?"

   "You respect me, Master, waiting for this tear, I have waited for too long, too long, I almost didn't wait before I fell into the soil, but luckily."

   Li Chunfeng allowed tears to flow across his face, crying and laughing after speaking, and then the old voice continued to speak:

   "Actually, I am not the only one who is crying now!"

Li Chunfeng’s words fell, and in the depths of the Eastern Suburb Dao Palace of the Beijing City, ten miles of peach blossoms were flying above the sky, and under the pink peach blossoms, an old man in ordinary Dao Gong robes bent over under a peach tree Dug out a jar of peach blossom wine, but when the old man got up, tears were also in his eyes.

   On the western outskirts of the capital of God, inside the Daxia Academy, the old man Dong Guo Lezheng let the tears drip from his cheeks and let out a long roar to the sky.

  Today's Shenjing City, and the entire 36 states of Daxia, the older generation shed more tears than the previous year combined.


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