The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 909: Chasing dreams


read2();   Bingzhou, Yaxia Town, the sun rising from the east, with the passage of time, gradually began to release more and more intense light, while slowly dispelling the entire Bingzhou pine The cold fog of the sea.

   Shenzhou vast land is the ruler of the daylight, and the entire Yaxia Town has completely awakened. Every family stretched out and opened the door to embrace the warm spring sun.

Because at the celebration last night, the gentleman Xue Gong Yu Tingjian, who usually does not show the mountains or dew, showed a shockingly overwhelming amount of alcohol, and brought down almost all the men in the entire Yaxia town. Therefore, At this time, in the house in Yaxia Town, a groan of headache after drunk could be heard vaguely.

But when the townspeople tried to breathe some fresh air, opened the door, they looked up and saw the innkeeper Mo shopkeeper of Yaxia Town, while holding their daughter in his arms, while twisting his slightly fat body, Struggling on the main road of the town.

The treasurer Mo moved his legs and was bathed in the sun, and there was a kind of force of wind and clouds. It can be described as a prehistoric power that broke out all over the body, as if returning to the physical strength and strength when he was young when he was working hard in the capital of Bingzhou. vitality.

Although he was still holding his daughter in his arms, and every step he took, the fat on Mo shopkeeper's face and stomach would tremble, but the speed like a wild horse made those towns who opened the door and just wanted to say hello Min, before the sound of opening his mouth came out, the former's figure flashed away and disappeared before his eyes.

   "Is it possible that the shopkeeper started a drunken madness after being drunk yesterday, and just ran like this for a whole night?"

As soon as this somewhat absurd idea came out, the townspeople, who knew that everything was possible after drinking, shuddered subconsciously, looking at the back of Mo shopkeeper who was disappearing in the distance, and suddenly there was a deep pity in their eyes. The color.

However, if the townspeople at this time see the expression of Mo shopkeeper running wildly, they will find that the latter’s face is not a drunken drunkenness, but a smile, and even a strong expression in his eyes. Glorious, even the little girl in her arms smiled.

   After a quarter of an hour, the treasurer Mo and his daughter appeared at his inn in the center of the town, and after taking a deep breath, he pushed the door open and said loudly:

   "Manny, mother-in-law, where are people, come on!"

   The loud voice of Mo shopkeeper lingered in the inn yard, and then in the kitchen, surrounded by an apron, Mrs. Mo, who was making porridge, stepped out quickly with a spoon in her hand, and said with an angry voice:

   "Mo Fatty, if you are going crazy this morning, it doesn't matter if you go crazy, and you are also going crazy with our daughter."

As usual, after being taught by his own wife, the shopkeeper Mo was determined to shrink his head and not say a word, but this time he had confidence in his heart. At this time, he raised his head high, like a proud rooster, and first glanced at it. He glanced at the middle-aged woman carrying a spoon in front of him, then glanced at her daughter, and then a pretentious voice came out:

   "囡囡, tell your mother, what great thing did we do this morning!"

   As soon as the shopkeeper said this, he was already unable to bear it, her entire face was suppressed to the flushed little girl, and she said loudly and directly:

   "Mother, we are going to play in Shenjing City!"

   "What city?"

   After Mrs. Mo fell suspiciously, she took a deep breath, and then screamed:

   "In the morning, Dad went to Mr. You and took the scroll to Shenjing City, Shenjing City!"

After   囡囡's tender and sweet voice finished speaking, Mrs. Mo was stunned for three breaths in the same place, and then without a word, she strode out the door with her soup spoon.

   "Manny, what are you doing here?"

   Mo shopkeeper's doubtful voice has not yet fallen, and Mrs. Mo doesn't look back, only a solemn response comes:

   "The other day Xiuju married her daughter next door, and even though I borrowed a piece of clothes, I'm going to come back, and I just wore that dress best.

   "What about breakfast?"

   "What about breakfast?"

A quarter of an hour later, in the yard of the Mo shopkeeper inn, the baby girl who had been hungry for a long time, was sitting on the small bench under the eaves, holding a small bowl by himself, and sipping a very sensible and well-behaved sip Mi porridge, then her big eyes rolled, and she saw Mo shopkeeper, wearing a new and decent coat, strode out of the house, and then the latter's voice followed:

"Nun, do you think Dad’s outfit is pretty good? This is a piece of clothing that Dad bought with a lot of money when he was young and before he returned to Yaxia Town. As the saying goes, people rely on clothes, horses, and saddles. It really worked. Not long after I came back, I married the most popular girl in the town at that time, and that was your mother."

   "Fatty Mo, you are really shameless as always. At that time you were a strong young man. Now I look at you and I don't know what face you have in this dress."

After Madam Mo’s voice came out, her dressed-up figure also walked out of the inner room. Although she said so, she went forward carefully and kept Mo shopkeeper for several years, obviously some small clothes Tidy and tidy.

   "By the way, shall we bring something with us to Shenjing City?"

   Mrs. Mo after finishing the clothes on Shopkeeper Mo, after concentrating for a few breaths, she asked, and then Shopkeeper Mo waved his hand and said rather boldly:

"Shenjing City is known as the King of Ten Thousand Cities in Daxia, what is there? You just need to bring the silver, and I heard from Mr. You and Mr. Xin that when you are sending, you can bring too many things. Strictly control the quantity, and this instruction comes from the White Emperor Palace."

When talking about the three words of Baidi Palace, there was a little memory in Mo shopkeeper's eyes, and the following paragraph was not long, but extremely unreal memories appeared in his mind. In addition, in the morning, The words that Mr. You said after seeing Xuan Tiantan made Treasurer Mo plunged into a daze.

   Then he heard his wife’s question again:

   "Mo Fatty, Mo Fatty, what can I say to you?"

   The call of the middle-aged woman brought back Mo shopkeeper's thoughts, and then the latter's eyes became clear, and he opened his mouth to respond:

   "What, what?"

   "Ask you when we set off to Shenjing City, this hasn't arrived at Shenjing City, your mind will float."

   After Mrs. Mo finished speaking, she directly raised her hand and slapped her slap on the fat back of the treasurer Mo. Accompanied by a crisp sound, the shopkeeper begged for mercy:

   "Madam, I am wronged, this is not going to leave in the afternoon, I am thinking about what we should do when we arrive in the capital city!"

   The couple then quarreled for a while, and the girl sitting on the small bench looked at the picture in front of her. Although she didn't understand very well, she still raised her mouth unconsciously, showing a big smile, very bright and beautiful.


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