
read2();   sword, the king of a hundred soldiers, can hurt people anyway, pierce through armor, dangerous and abnormal, born to kill.

As the saying goes, swords are often used in the army, and the rivers and lakes are swords, and in the mouth of every Daxia storyteller, there will be a handsome young man who walks the horizon with a sword, happily enmity, and the ups and downs of the stories. Inside, there is no shortage of swords and swords.

   How many sword repairers are there in Daxia? The specific quantity cannot be calculated.

   However, in the entire Daxia rivers and lakes, sword repair occupies half of the country. This number must be beyond imagination. Sword repair has lost its way. At this time, the entire world of Daxia rivers and lakes can be said to be a mourning cry.

As Yanzhi said, Zhao Yu was the well-deserved emperor and ruler of Daxia, so as the emperor, Zhao Yu could not continue to stand by and watch the entire sword repair group. Therefore, in the White Emperor Palace, a golden light soared into the sky, piercing the night sky, towards The Jinshui River rushed straight forward.

By the Jinshui River, under the gaze of a pair of eyes, the cyan sword lotus on the center of Jian Sheng's eyebrows trembles, blooming soon, and at the same time, it releases more and more intense blue energy, and the entire countless swords floating above the void Qi was all dyed blue.

At this moment, in everyone’s eyes, the young girl Jiansheng with her arms open at the bottom of the Jinshuihe River, and her body full of fragments of sword energy, seemed to have truly transformed into a budding green lotus in the kendo. .

   The girl's petite body is the lotus heart of the sword lotus, and the Jian Qi piercing the body of the sword is the lotus leaf of the sword lotus!

   "After half a year, I once again saw this green lotus that represents the law of kendo, but compared with the sword energy on the top of Wanjian Mountain in Gwangju at that time, it is undoubtedly too weak."

On the banks of the Jinshui River, a young and stern voice sounded in the ears of Miss Wei Guogong Mansion, the closest to Jinshui, and then the blood demon Li Yi, a slender figure wearing a celestial robe, appeared directly beside the former, staring down. The changing situation of Jinshuihe continued to speak:

   "Sword student girl's move, I have to say, it was too risky, but it was also a last resort. She could not wait for herself, and the entire Daxia Jianxiu could not wait too long."

"In fact, in a sense, this cyan sword lotus is just a seed that has not yet bloomed, and the top of the buried sword lake half a year ago is a complete body that has accumulated countless years and can be fully enlightened in a short while. It's not the same at all."

After    Miss Xu Qing's response fell, she narrowed her extremely heroic eyes, and her clear voice continued:

"More importantly, according to the current state of the sword student girl, the seed of this green lotus kendo cannot bloom at all, and in many cases, it may be more difficult for the broken string to be renewed perfectly than to recast one. ."

As soon as Xu Qing’s words fell, she looked at the woman Xue Nan below with worried eyes and exclaimed, because in the golden water river, the scene of the sword lotus condensed again changed, and the countless sword energy that was originally suspended in the void, Suddenly received some kind of strong summons, directly as if ten thousand swords return to the sect, violently converging towards the sword students below, forming a piece of blue lotus leaves extending outward.

   Jinshuihe in the capital of the gods, a whole sword lotus centered on the girl's swordsman, began to spread in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Kendo green lotus, slowly blooming to the first layer!

At the next breath, on the full half of the Jinshui River in front of everyone, green lotus of sword qi was blooming, and then in the void above Jian Sheng's head, a huge cyan sword shadow slowly emerged, with countless fragments of sword qi returning. Zong, this sword gradually changed from fuzzy to clear.

   On the hilt of the sword, a green lotus is in full bloom, and the sword also has dense runes like lotus petals, but it is the same as the law of kendo in Jiansheng's eyes, and it is also broken into two pieces.

   The slash that ran diagonally across the entire body of the sword was still surrounded by the emperor's edge that was difficult to look at.

   "This is the Qinglian sword once held by Muronghe. I think [笔趣阁] didn't make it to Muronghe. At that time, it was not entirely desperate, but left a seed."

   A faint voice came from Li Yi's mouth, and then Xu Qing, the windrunner, stared at the phantom of the green lotus sword connected to the sky and the sky above the void, and the response came out:

"After all, Murong He is a person with seven emotions and six desires. He can't do it without reservation. Therefore, his previous action to attack the holy throne for the whole arena is doomed to fail. Now you and I are actually both of us, the vast land and heaven of China. Enough cognition, the great catastrophe of the Supreme Profound Land is on the side, and the way of heaven is more urgent than I have waited, because it is about life and death to him.

   "So just imagine, under the threat of the upsurge of the earth, do you think heaven needs a sage, or a godless king who commands the world?"

When Xu Qing’s words fell, neither she nor Li Yi spoke again. In fact, this choice was obvious, and there was one point that neither of them said in their hearts. That is the majesty and innocence of the vast land and heaven of China at this time. The upper authority, in the minds of taboos like them, has dropped drastically.

  Unknown can bring fear, and once you know more about the way of heaven, the less awe!

After two breaths of time, the vision of Jinshui Hanoi has reached its peak. The entire trembling kendo green lotus tries to bloom out the second layer of lotus leaves, and at the same time, a large amount of green energy with the piercing sword sound is continuously absorbed. The green lotus sword injected into the void repaired the phantom, trying to repair the gap that was broken in two.

   But in this situation, whether it is Li Chunfeng or the taboos of the Radiant Nightmare, their faces are still solemn, and then Li Chunfeng’s old voice resounds across the sky:

   "The situation is not good, you guys are ready to take action together, at least to save the life of the girl below!"

As soon as this old voice came out, a very harsh sound of sharp blade breaking suddenly sounded between the world and the earth. At the same time, the sword student at the bottom of the Jinshui River opened his mouth and let out a muffled grunt, and the kendo green lotus mark on his eyebrows was at this moment. Suddenly shattered!


   Accompanied by a violent loud noise, the entire Qinglian Lotus Leaf Sword Qi spreading on the river surface exploded directly outwards, and the huge Qinglian Sword above the void was densely covered with phantom cracks.

   Li Chunfeng and all the taboos have lifted their right hands, but they stayed in place abruptly, because above the sky, a golden light pierced everyone's sense and sight directly, and fell straight down towards the Jinshui River.

Wherever this dazzling golden light reaches, whether it is the fragments of sword aura or the fragments that are constantly spreading on the sword shadow of Qinglian, all stop, the entire surrounding time and space, like a big hand composed of a vast force, completely Hold tightly in place.

   Within the rays of light, the sword-shaped mask slowly landed in front of Jian Sheng, and the carved golden lines on the eyebrows of the mask contained unimaginable edges with every stroke.

Jian Sheng's eyes were watching the slowly falling golden light, and they were also looking at each other with the mask that appeared in front of them. At this moment, time and space flowed, everything around disappeared, and then it was like a sound formed by countless swords. , Suddenly the girl’s whole sea of ​​consciousness:

   "Take me, hide my appearance from now on, and live only for the sword. At this point, I will be in the name of the master of the sword. Are you willing?"

   The girl did not hesitate at all, she directly raised her right hand and held the mask in front of her tightly, as if she was holding a life-saving straw.

   This night, there was one less girl in the world who once held Ling Luo and danced with the stars, and from then on there was another sword repairer who had never taken off a mask.

   This night, the sword repairman of Shenzhou Haotu welcomed a master.

   This night, all Daxia Jianxiu's bleak road ahead was illuminated once again, and wept with joy.


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