
read2();    those with the surname are derived from their ancestors; those with the clan are divided by their descendants; those with the surname are also symbols indicating family blood.

   Therefore, the importance of the surname to the human race is self-evident, it represents blood, family and inheritance!

Although after a long period of development, the surnames and surnames above Daxia, the vast land of China, gradually merged into one place, and are no longer so clearly divided, such as the current lord of Daxia, Zhao, one of the fourteen surnames that win It should be the surname Zhao Ying, and now it is also simplified as Zhao, but the surname is still of vital importance to every citizen.

   It can clearly tell you where your blood came from, who your ancestors and brothers are, and even where you will be buried after you die, and which descendants you will worship.

   At the same time, in a sense, people with the same surname are clan family members!

Therefore, on the lawn of the small world’s Radiant Army resident, one after another taboos appeared one after another. When they heard that the girl Hongdou had a face and said that the Terrans of the Taixuan Land had no surname, her complexion changed, and then stood on Hongdou. In front of her, the eldest Miss Xu Qing who was a taller head than that, after a long silence, raised her hand to take off her hood, revealing a pure and heroic face, and then the response came:

   "In the next big summer, I will win the surname Xu, the single name is clear, red bean, you can call me Xu Qing."

   After Xu Qing finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at the center of the Radiant Army station, then frowned, and continued to speak:

   "If your Majesty knew that the human race in the Great Profound Land was deprived of the surname, he would be very angry!"

   "Even when I heard it, I felt very uncomfortable, let alone your majesty, but your majesty will definitely not reveal it obviously, but he will remember this matter in his heart."

   The figure of the little prince Jiang Yue came from behind, and then he glanced at the curious girl Hongdou, who also spoke, and a cold voice came out:

   "The winning surname is Jiang, Jiang Yue."

   The little prince’s slightly cold face made the girl Hongdou a little nervous, and the eyes under her short hair showed a trace of timidity, and she stuttered in response:

   "Me, me, my name is red bean."

   "Let's go, red beans from the land of the profound mystery, your majesty summons!"

After   , Jiang Yue nodded and turned around and walked down first, and then his cold voice continued to be heard:

"I suggest that you should remember this special day, because perhaps today, whether it is your own destiny, the destiny of your younger brothers and sisters, or even the destiny of the entire human race in the Great Profound Land, it may all undergo earth-shaking changes. .

   "Although I don't have a strong sense of identification with you at this time, but as a human race, I still feel very angry under the humiliation of taking off the surname."

Jiang Yue’s cold voice had not yet fallen, a blue-golden lightning appeared directly from a distance, and then accompanied by a thunderous roar, the figure of Long Xiangma Xiaohuang instantly appeared on the resident lawn, the next moment, Xiao Huang’s head The insect master who was lying on his stomach spit out a bubble directly forward, a huge light blue light door appeared in the middle of the lawn, and it exudes a spatial light like waves.

  After the cultivation base rose greatly, the teleportation gate that the insect master spit out was already the size of a normal city gate, and behind that gate was the imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace.

After more than a few breaths, the girl Hongdou, holding the same younger brother and sister from Taixuan with both hands, stood in front of that light gate, her lips tightly pressed, her dark eyes, her anxiety healed. Thick, and the fine sweat beaded continuously on his forehead, it indicates that he is in an extremely tense state.

From the communication between these people, the girl knew that she was going to meet soon, and it would be a [新笔趣阁] forbidden existence, and at this moment, standing in front of the space light gate Having difficulty moving her legs away, she was even more nervous than when she held her breath to avoid the North Sea robbers in the smelly fish pond on the cabin deck.

Suddenly, a hand patted Hongdou's shoulder gently next to itself, and the latter shook subconsciously, and even the hands holding the younger brother and sister suddenly tightened, but then the familiar voice of Man Yuanyuan let The red beans relaxed slightly.

"I understand your feelings. Once I was as worried, fearful and uneasy as you, but as someone who has passed by, I can assure you that what you are about to meet is an easy-going and kind emperor, and step out of this light gate. You will officially enter a new country."

   At this point, Man Yuanyuan showed a smile, then took out her identity Yudie, and after shaking her hand, she continued to speak with a smile:

   "That is a great country called Daxia that you can't even think of, belongs to the human race, belongs to all the creatures in the vast land of China!"

After the voice of    fell, Man Yuanyuan took the lead to step into the portal of light, and then the girl Hongdou also stopped staying, but after taking a deep breath, closed her eyes and plunged into the portal of space.

In the imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace, under the imperial table where Zhao Yuduan was sitting, almost all high-ranking officials, including the Sixth Department of Daxia, the Sitian Supervisor, and the cabinet, had gathered together, sitting on the lawn futon in the imperial garden, holding A cup of steaming tea, take a sip from time to time.

The complexions of these officials were not particularly dignified, and the atmosphere in the entire Imperial Garden was also relatively relaxed, because at this time, Zhao Yu, who was sitting behind the Imperial Table, was lifting a little baby girl with pink hair, and then gently Teasing.

   I haven't seen Zhao Yu's baby girl rose for a long time. At this time, under the teasing of the young emperor, she opened her mouth and made a babbling laugh, which seemed extremely happy.

   Under the crisp laughter of the rose, the young emperor also smiled.

The imperial and powerful Zhao Yu is undoubtedly the center of the entire imperial garden and even Daxia, so his every move affects the surrounding environment. Seeing the relaxed appearance of the young emperor at this time, the officials who were urgently summoned here are all Relaxed a lot, smiled, squinted, and sipped the bitter tea that is almost hard to drink in daily life.

   But after a very short time, the center of the entire imperial garden, like a city gate, opened the portal of light instantly, and at the same time, blue and white lights floated above the portal, which was a sign that someone was teleporting.

When Daxia officials saw this, they put away their smiles and regained their solemnity. Even the hand holding the teacup in their hands tightened slightly. After all, for the vast land of Daxia in China, this is the first time that they have met with Taixuanzhi. Meeting of the local people.

   At the next breath, the taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division within the light gate took the lead to step out, and then under the eyes of everyone, the girl Hong Dou Na led her younger brother and sister, and the extremely petite figure slowly stepped out.

   At the same time, Zhao Yu, who was sitting behind the desk, put down the little rose in front of him, and then stared down calmly.

   The short-haired girl Hongdou raised her head and met Zhao Yu's gaze. In the next moment, she saw a pair of black eyes that looked like ebony.

   The two pairs of black pupils see each other and look at each other.


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