The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 968: Collective execution


read2();  The Lobby of Shenji Pavilion, Shenxiancheng, Beihai County, Taixuan Land.

After experiencing some episodes, Qing Tian and the others finally sat down around a table in the corner, and then Qinglin waved to a waiter. After ordering some tea, everyone looked at it. When the hands were dripping with blood, some of the nose was blue and the face was swollen while traveling around the world.

At this time, the young man of the Youtianweng clan was also stiff. In the case of serious injuries, he bit his lip and said nothing. Then he slowly took out the fairy that Qinglin had given him before. Coin, placed it on the desk and gently pushed forward, and then sounded with a little hoarse voice:

"My visit to the world, thank you for your help. I should report the dripping water, let alone a life-saving grace, but I am ashamed that there is nothing else I can take except this fairy coin. ."

After    finished speaking, You Tianya lowered his head slightly, clenched his teeth tightly, and continued silently, while the faintly luminous fairy coin on the table top, for some reason, became particularly dazzling.

   After a few breaths, a white finger gently pressed the celestial coin and pushed it towards the young man You Tianya. Then the crisp and sweet voice of the young girl Qing Tian sounded:

"I have heard the priests of the Sacrificial House say that there are many races in the Taixuan Land, and there are some strange races among them. They were extremely weak when they were young, and they can be deceived. Dominate the world, so no one can be underestimated.

"You should know that the Taiqing saint who founded the Taiqing Sect was the most humble boy holding a sword when he was young, and he was almost executed by his master. At that time, who could have imagined that the Taiqing Sect founded by him was only thousands of years old. , Just like a new round of scorching sun, overwhelming the entire Taixuan land."

   "The distinguished guest compares me with the Taiqing sage, it is really a shame."

   After the young man You Tianya heard this, his face was full of shame, and then he lowered his head, and the low voice went on to say:

"I used to think that I would be different, but in fact I just thought it. In this world, you can't live by fantasy alone, so in the end you always have to confess your fate. In fact, I have already accepted that I am just a head. There is a deficiency in nature, and was abandoned by the race on the shore of the North Sea, unable to fly.

   "But sometimes I think about it. I get confused. When a sky race loses its wings, does he still belong to the sky?"

   You Tianya's gentle inquiries caused Qing Tian and others to fall into silence one after another. In fact, in the vast land with countless lives, such things are normal.

  Because in this cruel world with limited luck and resources, only the thousands and thousands of tragedies struggling to survive can bring out a so-called legend.

In fact, the few people sitting here, whether it is Ye Yi and Xue Dao who crossed the border from the vast land of Shenzhou, or the young girl Qing Tian who sneaked out of the Qingzhi Kingdom, all know the true cruelty of the Taixuan Land. Very few, but this does not prevent them from feeling a heavy pressure at this time, and then Ye Yi, who has been listening in silence, suddenly said:

   "I am born to be useful. This is what I once heard from a wise man."

  As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Qing Tian and others lit up, and then the girl gently touched Ye Yi with her elbow, and whispered:

   "Unexpectedly, there are such wise men in your clan. Is it the human monk in Rift Light Valley who caused the rest of the forces to suffer a great loss?"

   After the girl fell with great interest, her eyes rolled, and a soft voice continued:

  "This lady is very surprised. Er and others have no inheritance of Taoism, and even the communication between the world and the earth is extremely difficult, and they can still cultivate to such an extent. If this person is in another race, perhaps he is a great power.

"Ye Yi, this lady knows that your people are being locked up among the five mountains in the city. Er Deng must be very anxious, but this is the Shenji Pavilion that sells information, or you can go to the small room over there to buy some News? My lady can lend you some cents temporarily."

After the young girl Qingtian finished speaking, she took out a bulging money pouch and tossed it lightly. Then there was a very crisp sound of celestial coin collision, and then the black eyes under the robe of Ye Yi had thick black eyes. The color of thinking flows.

In fact, as far as Ye Yi and Xue Dao are concerned, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at the North Sea at the time of the Shen Xiancheng Fengyun meeting. Therefore, the rescue of this batch of Rift Optics Valley tribes needs to be carefully considered. A huge problem.

   And one of the key points is that Beihai County is the strongest power. At this time, the attitude of the Five Immortal Sect of the Rift Light Valley Human Race is being detained. It is also something Ye Yi and Xue Dao urgently need to know.

   For Shenzhou Haotu and Daxia, the young ruler Zhao Yu is certainly ready to fight all directions, but if he can unite vertically, it will undoubtedly be too much easier for Daxia's situation.

   And just as Ye Yi and the others were thinking, suddenly, several monks on the surrounding desk were talking about this, and their voice came out faintly:

"When I heard that you waited for the opening of the mountain sect and captured the human race in the rift valley in the Beihai, a lot of manpower was lost. These years, you have been getting better and better. They were killed by the weak human race one after another. Many people."

   After this sound came down with a deep mocking voice, one of them slapped the table in front of him directly, stood up, and said coldly:

"You have to think clearly, what you are saying now, it is not that I am waiting to open the mountain sect. You have to know that the manpower has been damaged in the Rift Valley, but there are more than a dozen sects, and many of them are strong. Several major factions."

   As soon as this cold voice came out, the face of the person who had been mocking before suddenly changed slightly, and he couldn't speak, and then the person on the side quickly rounded the scene:

"Don’t panic, everyone, this time the incident of Lightning Valley has already aroused the anger of these big sects. It is said that yesterday, close to dozens of sects outside Beihai County went to Wuxianzong to put pressure on them. To give a clear explanation, and there are more sects gathered in the Five Immortals Sect today, it is said that there will be a violent conflict, which is about to happen.

After the person’s words reached the ears of Ye Yi and the others, beside Ye Yi, the young girl Qingtian’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then because she was too excited, the whole petite body brushed straight to her feet, and the excited voice spread. Out:

   "You don't need to think about it anymore, this lady decided to take you with you and just do a big vote."

After    Qingtian said, he tried to walk outside the Shenji Pavilion, but was hurriedly held by Qinglin's hand. The latter's young voice then came out:

"Miss Qingtian is not anxious, the sound-transmitting light on the roof of the Shenji Pavilion's lobby is on. This means that someone is relying on the Shenji Pavilion to send messages to the outside world, and it is still a blue light with a high level. The news is very heavy. "

As soon as Qinglin's words fell, a dazzling blue light suddenly lit up above the entire Shenjing Pavilion, and then a large amount of blue light condensed into a blue crane with a long mouth, and an extremely old voice resounded throughout the Shenji Pavilion. Inside:

   "My Five Immortal Sects will collectively execute the remnants of the human race in the center of Shenxian City in the afternoon of the next day, to calm the anger of the sects and Taoists, and welcome all the Taoists in the city to come and observe."

   As soon as this news came out, Shen Xiancheng instantly boiled!


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