
read2();   The heavy snow of goose feathers above the Tianmen Gate is getting bigger and bigger. In addition, at this time, when the last rays of sunlight are setting in the Northern Territory, the whole sky is dim and dim, just like one Zhang Youtian and the behemoth roared and opened his mouth swallowing the sky.

When the light and darkness converge, on the west side of the Bei'an Palace in the northern city, Jiang Yue’s figure in blood armor slowly appeared outside the house, and behind him, Xue Bancheng took a deep breath, then narrowed his eyes, and stepped out in the same step. Into this snow all over the sky.

This is the first time that Xuebancheng has seen the world outside the Tianmen Gate, because he was blindfolded when he was transferred before, so when he raised his head and looked at the trace of sunlight still remaining above the sky, his pupils Shrinking fiercely, he couldn't help but blurt out and made his debut:

   "This is, light?"

"I have been to Liuli City and the North Pole, and I also know that the northern snowfields are always covered by night, so this should be the first time you have seen the sun, but because Tianmenguan is also extremely north, the sunshine time here It's very short. Moyo only has three hours in this season, but if you have the opportunity to go south to the Central Plains in the future, you will find that the scorching sun above the heads of sentient beings is one of the most magnificent things in the entire world."

After Jiang Yue's faint response fell, Xue Bancheng retracted his gaze from the sky behind him, clenched his fist, and at the same time, a deep desire appeared in his eyes, and then the two people in front and back faced the falling. The heavy snow, along the road between the houses, walked out.

Xiao Wangye Jiang Yue did not step forward quickly, but with each step he took, he could walk far away between the shaking of his figure, so in a short while, in the heavy snow ahead, the middle-aged man who brought Jiang Yue forward The captain's figure appeared in his sight.

I saw the middle-aged Northern Military Academy Lieutenant's body still standing straight, and on his right hand, he held a brand-new white coat of arms. Then he looked at Jiang Yue who appeared again, and raised his hand to salute him. Speaking loudly:

   "Back to the little lord, the general applied for a military jacket from the warehouse, but I don't know if it fits?"

After finishing the words, the school lieutenant glanced calmly at Xue Bancheng behind Jiang Yue, and a hint of curiosity flashed in his black eyes, because Xue Bancheng was a big red man in Bei'an Palace recently, and almost the entire palace was Revolving around its axis.

   Then Jiang Yue stepped forward to take the beast jacket from the school lieutenant, and threw it directly to the young snowmen behind him. At the same time, a faint voice came out:

   "In Daxia, the face saint can remember the glory of a lifetime, so you can't be too shabby and replace this blood-stained jacket on you."

After Jiang Yue’s words fell, Xue Bancheng didn’t talk nonsense, and directly stretched out his hand to tear off the old snow jacket on his body, revealing a muscular upper body that was not as strong as the other snowmen, but was clearly muscular. Under the effect of the potion, Xuebancheng's injuries underneath Liuli City had been healed, but the densely packed spider-web-like scars still remained, which directly awed the middle-aged captain on the side.

   For the sergeant, everyone agrees that scars are the best medal, and on the white and transparent skin of Xuebancheng, the lines of scars give it a special iron-blood charm.

   After the Xuemin youth with his lips pursed put on the new beast jacket three or two times, Jiang Yue’s faint voice once again rang in his ears:

   "I've seen the dossier on your interrogation. You are half-snowman and half-human race. This is actually rare. No wonder the body is not as burly as the snowman, but closer to the Daxia human race."

   "Perhaps I am the only person of mixed blood between the human race and the snowmen in the entire northern snowfield. I have never seen a bloodline like mine in Liuli City."

After    Xue Bancheng's response sounded, he stepped forward and followed Jiang Yue, who continued to walk outward, and then spoke again:

   "Perhaps, but they are all dead, and because of the blood relationship of the violent bear tribe, I can continue to survive under the protection of the Saintess."

"The human races on the northern snowy plains are extremely rare. In general, apart from the soldiers who went north to conquer and kill people, there are also a few chambers of commerce that went to the snowy plains. Therefore, the origin of the human blood flowing through your body is self-evident. This is also one of the fundamental reasons why the entire Daxia Judicature has been arguing, and in the end, his Majesty must decide.

After   , Jiang Yue's forward footsteps remained unchanged, and then his cold voice continued to sound in the heavy snow:

"Those who can reproduce in Liuli City [笔趣阁] must be after the remnants of the previous dynasty. Therefore, in other words, the blood of a traitor is flowing in your body. You are very smart and naturally understand it. Concerns and reasons."

   As soon as this statement was made, Xue Bancheng's extremely handsome face changed for a while, and then he looked at the straight and straight back in front of him. Just as he wanted to ask, the voice of Jiang Yue continued to be heard:

"You want to ask why this is the case. My Bei'an Palace still has to do everything possible to keep you? Because the old man doesn't know where you came from. Now that he knows, he still wants to bring you to Daxia. That means you. There is something he admires especially.

"The old man has been in the brothel in his later years in his life, leaving no disciples, but he has acted as a guide for you on the northern snowy plains. Therefore, in a sense, you are waiting for us in Bei'an Palace. It has an extraordinary meaning, and it can be said to be a family."

Jiang Yue’s remarks were neither light nor serious, and also very plain, but they shocked the Xuebancheng who was stepping forward behind him, especially the three words of family, which made every cell on the latter's body look different. Consciously shudder, as if there is an unprecedented heat flow from the heart, and then straight into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

   piping hot and hot!

   This is the first time Xuebancheng feels this kind of unconditional care. He and Jiang Yue before him, and the entire Daxia Bei'an Prince's Mansion have never met, but under a clever chance, they walked together.

This mysterious and mysterious warmth made Xue Bancheng's eyes uncontrollable tears. Then the young snowman resisted the urge to cry and silently followed Jiang Yue, all the way forward. Row.

  Heavy snow flew, and between the sky and the earth, the very young figure of Erdao did not speak any more, and walked all the way out of the palace. At the gate of the palace of Bei'an, there was already a carriage waiting.

   "Your Majesty is in Nancheng at this time, let me get into the carriage."

   Accompanied by the faint voice of opening words, Jiang Yue came to the carriage and opened the curtain to prepare to step in, but the moment he stepped out, his movements suddenly stopped, hesitated for a few breaths, and asked softly:

   "Everything that happened before the old man died, you said very clearly during the interrogation, and I have read it too, but I still want to ask the last question, how well is his final state?"

   Jiangyue’s sudden question made Xue Bancheng stunned, and then the latter nodded, his face solemnly spoken word by word:

   "The old prince is in good condition, calm, wise, bold and extremely powerful!"

   "It seems that this bad old man was extremely rare and serious before he died."

   The darker the river moved, the darker the tears in his eyes disappeared, and after a grumble, he stepped into the carriage.


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