[Yue Ling: Yes, why do I have to hang myself from a tree with a crooked neck!]

[Xiaoxiao: Yes, he doesn't want you, you don't want him!

[Xiaoxiao: Don't care what other people say, they all misunderstand you, a kind and considerate girl like you, he is not worthy of you.]

What Xiaoxiao didn't say was that since Xiao Yuncheng liked Yueling when he was engaged to Shi Qing, and he liked Shi Qing after being a boyfriend and girlfriend with Yueling, it was not a good thing.

Poor Yue Ling couldn't see clearly in the game before.

[Yue Ling: Xiaoxiao, actually, I'm not as beautiful as you think. Shi

Yueling's kindness and well-behaved in front of Zhang Xiaoxiao were all disguised. Even about Xiao Yuncheng, Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't know that Shi Yueling took the initiative at the beginning.

Zhang Xiaoxiao's typing action was paused, and she just deleted it, and she wanted to type the words "what's wrong", when she saw the message sent by Shi Yueling.

[Shi Yueling: Actually, some of those rumors outside are true, I do have a bad temper, and I really took the initiative in this matter with Xiao Yuncheng at the beginning. Qiongyu

has to go through a certain character design after that, even if she wants to change, she can't change a lot overnight.

In the original plot, Shi Yueling was almost crazy after breaking up with Xiao Yuncheng, and even forgot to maintain her character in front of Zhang Xiaoxiao, and later broke up with Zhang Xiaoxiao. Her madness also made Zhang Xiaoxiao see her true face......

Although Qiongyu will not follow the original plot, she still wants to give Zhang Xiaoxiao a preventive shot.

It's enough to maintain one kind of persona, and Meishen doesn't want to maintain another kind of persona in front of Zhang Xiaoxiao, then it's not a little fun, and Meishen will feel tired.


It is undeniable that when she saw this news, Zhang Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it.

[Xiaoxiao: Yueling, are you kidding?] [Yueling:


Zhang Xiaoxiao suddenly fell silent, and deleted her typing several times.

Originally, she had some signs of believing those rumors, but Yue Ling said that they were all rumors, so she believed Yue Ling. However, at this time, the moon spirit actually said ......

This friend still has to do it, but Zhang Xiaoxiao feels that she is not so enthusiastic anymore.

I even had the thought that Shi Yueling was terrible......

However, Zhang Xiaoxiao still hasn't forgotten what she wanted to fight just now.

[Xiaoxiao: Why don't we go to the blues bar tonight?!!, maybe we can find something you like.] The

Blues Bar is a bar, run by an elder of the Gongsun family, one of the three first-class families, when he is bored, with elegant decoration and a top band, serving only the children of third-rate families and above.

Because of the name of the Gongsun family and its excellent service, it is very sought after by the children of those famous families.

Zhang Xiaoxiao and Shi Yueling also often meet here.

Of course, since Shi Yueling was bent on Xiao Yuncheng, she hadn't been there.

[Moon Spirit: Okay.]

Seeing that the other party agreed, Zhang Xiaoxiao couldn't help but feel a little happy.


Qiong Yu followed her memory to find the card seat that Zhang Xiaoxiao and Shi Yueling often booked.

Along the way, people who saw Qiongyu couldn't help but feel deeply amazed, and couldn't help but immerse themselves in the beauty of the world.


Zhang Xiaoxiao heard a light and pleasant voice calling her name, and subconsciously turned around and saw a beautiful figure.

The woman in the black dress looked at herself with a smile, her beautiful face was like the moon in the clouds, so beautiful that she was not like a mortal, and her exposed skin was so white that it glowed.

Qiong nose and cherry lips, beautiful face.

The large collar of the dress is white.

The black hair is loose, and the long silky hair of excellent quality hangs down naturally.

The sleeves are short, less than the elbow joint, and the exposed arms are beautifully shaped and have smooth lines.

The skirt is as long as the knee joint, and the slender and straight calves are as white as jade......


, Yue Ling?!"

Zhang Xiaoxiao couldn't believe that this was Shi

Yue Ling!

Is Yue Ling so good-looking?!

However, after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the appearance of Yue Ling.

"Hmm. Qiongyu nodded.

Zhang Xiaoxiao's eyes were about to glow, and she hurriedly invited Qiong Yu to sit beside her.

Completely forgot about the idea that he planned to let Shi Yueling sit on the other side.

As for the previous mustard ......

What is that?!

When she saw this beautiful person, Zhang Xiaoxiao had already left all her previous thoughts behind.

Although I don't know why the beauty fell in love with Xiao Yuncheng, although the beauty took the initiative, but the flies don't bite the eggs, if he Xiao Yuncheng is high, wouldn't it be fine?!

Zhang Xiaoxiao has been completely captured by Qiongyu's beauty. Unconsciously making excuses for Qiongyu.

Completely reduced to Qiongyu's face dog.

I have no idea how double standard I am.

"Yue Ling, how did you become so good-looking!

"Maybe I thought about it all of a sudden. I feel like I'm looking a lot better. Of course, it is impossible for Qiongyu to say that she is not the original Shi Yue Ling.

You can only pretend to be confused.

Zhang Xiaoxiao excitedly grabbed Qiongyu's arm: "Yue Ling, you believe me, in fact, Xiao Yuncheng is not worthy of you at all."

Qiong Yu nodded thoughtfully: "That's it, that scum is not worthy of me!" "


!" "Well said!"


Xiaoxiao is really about to go crazy, her good sister finally understands.

In fact, she wanted to say it a long time ago, but she didn't dare to say it because of Yue Ling's previous attitude.

"By the way, didn't you say before that you want me to find a favorite one?!How about it, do you have a candidate?!" Qiong Yu has not forgotten that she is going to fall in love with someone with deep luck this time, but she also needs to match her eyes and look pleasing to the eye.

Since Qiongyu sat on Zhang Xiaoxiao's side, many people have been paying attention to this side openly and secretly.

Because the person who can enter this Qing bar is a person in this circle, the people next to him understood Qiongyu's identity when they heard Zhang Xiaoxiao shouting Qiongyu "Moon Spirit".

Thinking of the rumors I heard before, I basically felt that Xiao Yuncheng really didn't know what to do, and he couldn't bear to break up with such a beautiful beauty.

Completely forgetting that they had thought that the Moon Spirit was self-inflicted and deserved.

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