The Heavenly Master's Wedding, The Taoist Marriage Letter, Shocked The Whole Internet!

Chapter 88 Taoist Priests Go Down The Mountain In Troubled Times, Monks In Prosperous Times Collect

Chapter 88 Taoist priests go down the mountain in troubled times, and monks in prosperous times collect money!

Mr. Chen of the military led the other two official bosses to express their heartfelt thanks to Zhang Chen—

With Zhang Chen's words, they are in charge of the Inhuman Realm as the official, so they can rest assured.

And as for going up the mountain to seek help from the Celestial Master, they also know that——

It was Zhang Chen who gave them an official favor, and of course they would not use this favor lightly.

At least, they will not use it until they encounter a particularly difficult and difficult problem to deal with


The favor of a celestial master is simply too important to them——

At this time, Zhou Xiaoyi had a panoramic view of the changes in the expressions of the three official bosses.

She is not a fool, on the contrary, she can clearly see

Zhang Chen's importance in the eyes of officials

Maybe I was a little surprised when I knew the identity of Zhang Chen's junior uncle before.

However, today's master status, coupled with the various astonishing methods Zhang Chen displayed.

It has to be taken seriously!


In this way, people soon came to the foot of the mountain

I saw that there was a transport helicopter not far away——

And next to it, are two heavily armed camouflage gunships——

Looking at the battle, it is really frightening to people——


:【I rely on it!】

:【This scene is awesome!】

:【Large drop!】

:【Transport plane, armed helicopter, what the hell——】

:【Just this configuration, it’s simple!】

:【It seems that the military attaches great importance to Tianshi Zhang Chen!】

:【Can you ignore it? One person is enough to resist the existence of thousands of troops!】

:【Tsk tsk! Incredible, incredible!】


Get on the transport helicopter, and the helicopter will take off without staying too long.

During the period, the driver would pay attention to Zhang Chen from the corner of his eye from time to time——

They flew here on purpose, to put it bluntly, they flew here on purpose to pick up Mr. Chen.

However, with a temporary emergency notice, Mr. Chen said that a big person would accompany them on the plane——

Director of the Unnatural Investigation Bureau, President of the Alien Management Association, including Mr. Chen

These are their official old men, everyone knows——

That is to say, the big man in Chen Lao's mouth is this young man who looks younger than himself, only in his twenties!?

The person next to me seems to be this young man's girlfriend, right? It looks like she's still an anchor.

The driver looked thoughtful, and beside him, the co-pilot also sat with a companion

He seemed to see the driver's doubts, and said: "Don't look, that person is not in the same world as 477!"

Ah, so to speak, they are indeed not from the same world, after all, they belong to the military, they are high above

The driver grinned: "It's true that they are not from the same world. Our military will have great development in the future."


There is no doubt about the development of the military in a country and the importance it receives—

However, the co-pilot really knows that the young man sitting behind them is younger than them——

It is an existence that their military and even the country have to pay attention to——

In other words, that young man is an atomic bomb with huge energy, containing enormous power.

Co-pilot: "You really have a brain problem when flying a plane, you should pay more attention to the news in the future!"

"To tell you the truth, the one sitting in the back is the new Celestial Master of the Longhu Mountain Celestial Master Mansion——"

"Similarly, he is also the man who turned the tide and saved the entire Taoism from fire and water in the melee!"


As soon as the words fell, the transport helicopter suddenly began to tremble, just like the pilot's heart——

Old Chen's face froze in the back: "What are you doing!?"

The driver's back felt cold, and he swallowed saliva and explained: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I encountered a strong air flow just now, we will adjust immediately!"

After finishing speaking, the two pilots in the cab looked at each other, and immediately began to fly the helicopter seriously——

Looking at the rear, I found that Mr. Chen and the others were not unusual.

Good risk, good risk.

The driver kept taking a deep breath, he really almost got into trouble just now.


Compared with the information I just learned, even if I was scolded by Mr. Chen, it was really worth it.

Celestial Master!?

Longhushan Tianshi Mansion's new celestial master!?


No wonder Mr. Chen and the others showed such a respectful attitude towards this young man, it turned out to be the celestial master of Longhushan celestial master's mansion!

No wonder!

The driver himself, recently because of the confusion of the three religions, he often receives some special missions to travel

Knowing that the new celestial master of Longhushan celestial master's mansion was born out of nowhere, but he has never seen his appearance.

The driver didn't say much, just took a deep breath and adjusted.

He secretly decided in his heart: "In the future, we must never make this damn mistake again."

Next, the pilot and the co-pilot cooperate tacitly, and the transport helicopter no longer shakes at all

It can be said that this is definitely the most serious helicopter they have ever driven——

And have to say.

The speed of the helicopter is indeed fast and stable, in order not to cause unnecessary panic_

The helicopter was parked in the suburban area, and the three official figures bid farewell to Zhang Chen and left one after another.

And Zhang Chen and Zhou Xiaoyi stopped a taxi in the suburbs and rushed to the city.

The taxi driver was wearing a mask and a peaked cap, and his whole body was tightly wrapped.

Through the rearview mirror, he beat Zhang Chen and Zhou Xiaoyi back and forth——

It can be seen that Zhou Xiaoyi is an anchor, very beautiful——

And as for the one next to him, wearing an evergreen Taoist robe, is a Taoist priest!?

The taxi driver was not sure, and couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Zhang Chen: "Master, what's the matter!?"

"Ah no no no!"

The taxi driver quickly reacted and waved his hands to indicate that he had nothing to do.

He explained in his mouth: "Don't get me wrong, Taoist priest, I just feel that you are very similar to a Taoist priest I have met.

"Oh, yes! Daoist, are you going to the city to do business? Dare to ask which Taoist temple the head belongs to?!"

"Of course, I don't mean anything else, it's just something that was broadcast on the news recently——"

"It makes me feel very grateful, so, I won't charge you for today's fare, it's free!"


The taxi driver's sudden mood change really surprised Zhou Xiaoyi.

Well done, is it just because Zhang Chen is very similar to a Taoist priest in his impression, so it's free!?

It's incredible!

You know, even if she, Zhou Xiaoyi, saw it on TV, those prosperous first-line sports stars would still cost money to travel by car.

Zhou Xiaoyi never liked to take advantage of others: "Master, no need, we'll pay you the normal price!"

In any case, she is not used to owing others anything, and it is not easy for everyone after all.

When the taxi driver heard the words, he smiled and did not refuse: "Okay, little girl, you are pretty, you have the final say!"

"However, it looks like, little girl, what strange disease happened to your family? Go to the mountain and invite the Taoist priest to exorcise evil spirits and avoid evil for you!?"

what? What!?

Zhou Xiaoyi said that she didn't understand. Didn't she hold hands with Zhang Chen?

And the millions of fans and netizens in the live broadcast burst into laughter when they heard the words of the taxi driver

:【Pfft haha! I almost died laughing!】

:【This taxi driver is simply too interesting, how did he ask such a serious question!?】

:【Brothers, look at Sister Zhou, that little expression on Sister Zhou is almost going to kill me!】

:【It can be guaranteed, I can guarantee it——】

:【If Zhang Chen wasn't by Sister Zhou's side right now, Sister Zhou might have rolled up her sleeves and started a fight——】

:【Sister Zhou: Master, do you want to see what you are talking about!?】

:【Sister Zhou: Can carbon-based organisms be able to ask this kind of question!?】

Zhou Xiaoyi was very angry, and immediately retorted: "Master, you misunderstood, I didn't want to invite some Taoist priest to the house to drive away evil spirits and avoid evil.

"But you are right about one thing. I really want to take him home, but I will go back as husband and wife!"


The taxi driver couldn't help laughing, and after realizing the impoliteness, he hurriedly explained——

"Little girl, don't, you (cicc) don't get me wrong, I don't mean to ridicule at all."

"I just want to ask, is this little Taoist priest from the Quanzhen sect or the righteous sect, have you figured it out yet!?"

:【Little Heizi: Let’s see!? No wonder we questioned Brother Chen back then!】

:【The conscience of heaven and earth! It’s true that there are too few sisters in this society who are willing to marry Taoist priests!】

:【Of course! If it's Brother Chen, I'd rather not have anything!】

:【Wow, wow! It seems that this taxi driver is quite knowledgeable!】

:【I also know the difference between the Quanzhen School and the Orthodox School, not bad, more than me!】

Seeing Zhou Xiaoyi's puzzled and bewildered face, the taxi driver simply smiled and continued.

"Little girl, don't you know how much our Chinese people worship Taoism!?"

"Oh! It seems that you little girls know how to make up and dress up all day long!"

"It's okay, you should go search and search, what happened to Longhu Mountain and even Taoism!"


Zhou Xiaoyi was about to explode after hearing what the taxi driver said. Just as she was about to refute, she realized that Zhang Chen was by her side.

Lady, lady, I must maintain the posture of a lady, and I must not break my defense——

Zhou Xiaoyi calmed down and explained seriously: "Master, I forgot to tell you, we just came down from Longhu Mountain!"


The taxi driver uttered the greatest shock and confusion in his life: "Little girl, this is not a joke!"

"You really just came down from Longhu Mountain!?"

Seeing the shock of the taxi driver, and his completely new look.

The anger in Zhou Xiaoyi's heart dissipated a lot, she nodded, and proudly raised her white neck


The taxi driver slowed down, and said in a tone full of admiration and respect: "Dare to ask that the little Daoist is from Longhushan Tianshi Mansion!?"

Zhang Chen didn't speak. Of course, with Zhou Xiaoyi's previous explanation, the taxi driver just acquiesced.

"Okay, good! Since the head of the small road is from the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, then the fare must be my treat!"

Uncharacteristically, the taxi driver showed a strong desire: "The head of the small road and the little girl, don't you say you are going to the center of Jinghai!?"


Zhou Xiaoyi was frightened by the sudden emotional change of the taxi driver, shrinking her neck, her face full of bewilderment.

The taxi driver grinned, showing his white front teeth: "Little girl, don't be afraid.

"It's my luck to be able to pick you up on this train. It's free today, it must be free!"

"Don't say you are going to the center of Jinghai, even if you are going to the ends of the earth, I will find a way to drag you there!"


:【Wake up!?】


:【This buddy is interesting enough!】

:【Not bad, this buddy has eyesight!】

:【Brother, I actually quite like your appearance just now!】

:【Has the potential to be a dog leg!】

:【Hey! You are so accurate!】

:【Puff haha! I laughed so hard!】

:【Don’t laugh, brothers, if you know that you’re pulling the celestial master of Longhushan Tianshi Mansion, maybe you’ll lick it even more!】

:【Don’t you guys lick it! I’ll just kneel down and lick it!】

The netizens in the live broadcast room are very real. Of course, they are not surprised by the taxi driver's reaction.

Even, maybe even Zhang Chen, and even the Taoist priests in the whole Taoism don't know--

After experiencing the great battle at the Heavenly Master's Mansion on Longhu Mountain, how much the whole of China respects Taoism!

The taxi driver smiled and grinned: "Xiao Daochang, if you have a chance in the future, you can come and sit at home, we are also authentic Jinghai people!"

"To be honest, your Taoism has really done a great job for China this time!"

"I watched the live broadcast, it was very heroic, Taoism sacrificed a lot of priests—"

"However, after experiencing such a great battle, the people of Huaxia have recognized a fact."

Zhou Xiaoyi listened carefully to the taxi driver's bragging, and the little dissatisfaction in her heart disappeared long ago.

She likes to hear others praise her boyfriend, even Taoism——

Marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, Zhou Xiaoyi can be regarded as half a Taoist at present, she naturally hopes that others can teach well.

The taxi driver swallowed and continued to add: "This fact will also be a common saying we used to talk about.

"Taoists in troubled times go down the mountain, monks in prosperous times collect money!"


Zhou Xiaoyi took a deep breath. Although she knew this sentence well, it was the first time she heard it from someone else.

Terrible, so to speak, hundreds of millions of people in China have awakened!?

The taxi driver had a smile on his face, very happy that he was able to get Zhang Chen and Zhou Xiaoyi.

That feeling is even more exciting than driving a car for a day and earning a lot of money.

At this time, Zhang Chen frowned slightly, and said, "Master, I have some talismans here, you can take them!"


The sudden appearance of a few talismans on the passenger seat made the taxi driver extremely happy, and he began to speak incoherently because of his agitation.

He faltered and said: "This, this, what is the meaning of the little Taoist? This—— oops!"

"It's okay, master, just accept it, and treat it as our fare!"

Zhang Chen didn't explain too much.

Just leave a word: "Master, if you encounter strange or terrible things in the future.

"You can stick these talismans on yourself to keep you safe and sound!"

When getting off the bus, the taxi driver got off in person to express his gratitude and gratitude.

And under Zhou Xiaoyi's puzzled and incomprehensible eyes.

Zhang Chen watched the taxi leave before he opened his mouth and explained in a serious tone——

"Something happened to Jinghai—"

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