The Heavenly Master's Wedding, The Taoist Marriage Letter, Shocked The Whole Internet!

Chapter 96 Who Is This Crazy Woman Who Wants To Bury Zhang Chen Alive?

Chapter 96 Who is this crazy woman who wants to bury Zhang Chen alive?

What does the company executive mean!?

The "Everywhere" company is actually responsible for managing the Inhuman World, which can be regarded as a clean stream.

And the high-level ones have the ability to make judgments——

Zhang Chen slowly got up and walked over——

Before he could say anything more, old man Lu Jinlu immediately said, "Master Tian, ​​I'll drive these bastards away!"

No matter how much the company's senior executives desire to cooperate with Tianshi, it shouldn't be now

"It's okay, Mr. Lu, let's go down and have a look—"

Zhang Chen is very curious, what exactly is the company planning to hire these temporary workers for?

In the past, during his travels down the mountain, he also encountered temporary workers from the company to perform tasks.


Is it Xiao Zizai who came out of Buddhism practice!?

Just right!

Zhang Chen and Lu Jin went downstairs, and the six people waiting in the community slowly straightened up.

Lu Jin stepped forward first, opened his mouth and scolded: "I told you to go, but you still kicked your nose in the face, right!?"

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go of your fart!"

The leader, Xiao Zizai, who was wearing a suit and tie, pushed the frame of his glasses and grinned: "Master Lu, we really need to see the Heavenly Master for something."

"Of course, if you always have something to do, we can wait below—"

After all, Mr. Lu Jin is one of the ten elders of the company, and the decision-making power of the ten elders is sometimes higher than that of the directors.

Speaking of which, the six temporary workers are also considered to be under Lu Jin's orders——


"A group of little bastards, the high-level sent you to help, but I didn't see how you made a move

"It's good now, everything is going well, and if there is anything to do, come to the Celestial Master!?"

In fact, as far as Lu Jin knows, the company has objections to the old Tianshi rushing down the mountain to sweep the whole world.

After all, the board of directors is not arbitrarily determined by the directors alone, and the opinions of the ten elders will also be adopted and studied——

Among them, there are many who have opinions on the old master descending the mountain to sweep Quan Xing——

The euphemistic name is: The old celestial master had a good intention, but such a hasty move has already disturbed the order of the alien world

What's more, claiming that Quanxing led the three religions to attack the mountain to eliminate Taoism is part of the old heavenly master's persecution28

With such a harsh voice that makes people sneer, of course Lu Jin would not mention it in front of Zhang Chen, the celestial master.

He is also worried about-

If Zhang Chen knew the truth, would he break into the company decisively and get rid of those people in the name of traitors?

Lu Jin thought over and over again, "Okay, it's useless to scold you now!"

"I will not stop the tasks entrusted to you by the high-level—"

"The Celestial Master is here, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

After Lu Jin gave up his place of birth, the six people saw the celestial master Zhang Chen

Feeling the coercion coming from a close distance, Feng Baobao, who had the longest hair and was wearing overalls, was the first to dodge backwards.

Clarinet: "Baby, what are you doing hiding so far!?"

"This person is very dangerous—"

Feng Baobao's eyes were dull, and he muttered in his mouth: "Just in case, the six of us have to find a chance to bury him!"


The voice is not loud, and this reply is enough to reach the ears of everyone present!

All of a sudden, the remaining five temporary workers, including Mr. Lu Jinlu, fell silent——

Zhou Xiaoyi stood stiffly on the stone steps like a wooden man: "This—this person actually wants to bury Zhang Chen alive!?"

:【Puff haha!】

:【Baby, right!?】

:【Looking at that cute and slightly stupid eyes, it is undoubtedly a baby!】

:【Good guy, everyone wants to be buried alive when I see you!】

:【Baby: Not all of them, I want to be buried alive if I can’t beat it!】

:【Where's Zhang Chulan? Where's Zhang Chulan?!?】

:【Wang Ye: Sun Thief! You are very good at playing!】

:【Baby: Ah? Nobody cares, right? Then I'll bury you all!】


At this time, Xiao Zizai realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Zhang Chulan, what kind of ideas have you instilled in the baby all day long!?"

What is not buried alive!

Can other people be buried alive, but can the celestial master be buried alive!?

Why don't we leave it here to make trouble!?

Zhang Chulan's forehead was covered with black lines, and the corners of his lips twitched crazily: "Solve it, solve it right away!"

When he turned around and ran towards Feng Baobao, he didn't forget to take a look at Zhang Chen's face——

To be honest, there are not many things that can scare him since he was a child!

Now, Zhang Chen is one of them, and he is at the top of the list!


Zhang Chulan is bloody, but it depends on the situation)

For Zhang Chen, he was the one who raised his hand to solve the matter with a thunderbolt—

your sister!

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t have taught Sister Bao’er those words, and now Zhang Chulan’s bowels would soon regret it!

Climb to the tree, and hurriedly explained to Feng Baobao: "Sister Baoer, come down quickly, come down with me!"

"I don't!"

"No what no?"

Zhang Chulan knew about Sister Baoer's axis, but she didn't expect that Sister Baoer would be so afraid of Zhang Chen: "Sister Baoer, look over there, the big plane——"

"Sister Bao'er, will you come down with me?"

"That, that big brother is really not something we can bury—"

"Be obedient, okay!?"

Pulling Feng Baobao down, Zhang Chulan was speechless: "Sister Baoer, why did you take out the shovel?"

"Throw it away!"

"I don't!"

There is no way, Zhang Chulan's head is shaking, "Sister Bao'er, let's throw the shovel away, okay? I'll buy you a new one when I go back!?"

With a sound of "Boom", Sister Baoer clapped her hands and applauded!

:【Puahaha! Sister Baoer almost killed me laughing!】

:【Zhang Chulan is a rude person, she must have taught Sister Baoer bad things!】

:【To tell the truth, I really tell the truth——】

:【In fact, I want to experience Sister Baoer's Awei Eighteen Styles!】


:【Brother, tell me, which trick do you want to start with!?】

:【Get off the car and get off the car! Zinima let me get off the car!】

:【This is not a school bus bound for kindergarten!】

After a wave of turmoil, the six people stood in front of Zhang Chen with a guilty conscience——

Mr. Lu Jinlu's face turned black, and he couldn't help laughing and cursing——

"Zhang Chulan, you boy—"


Zhang Chulan's face was full of bitterness, and he expressed that he was wronged: "No, Mr. Lu, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

"I really taught Sister Baoer to do that!"


Unless his head was kicked by a donkey, how could he teach Sister Baoer to bury the Heavenly Master alive!?

Are you tired of living?!?

Zhang Chen wanted to cry but didn't know what to say now: "Old Lu, I misunderstood my misunderstanding!"

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Sister Bao'er in the future, and I will never let her mess around!"

Promise, resounding and powerful!

Lu Jin snorted coldly and didn't say any more, Zhang Chen just smiled and looked at Feng Baobao who was full of vigilance.

"Senior brother once mentioned you to me, your father is Feng Yao, Wugensheng!?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone on the spot looked at Feng Baobao, who was also puzzled and dazed——

Zhang Chulan thought over and over again, and said, "Tianshi, we are currently investigating Sister Baoer's life experience."


Zhang Chen nodded, and didn't continue to say: "The high-level executives of the company sent you to come to me, and let me hear what you have to say."

If it is beneficial to the society, he will naturally not hesitate to do it——

Xiao Zizai touched his back and said with a smile: "Master Tian, ​​it's a long story—"

"What the board of directors mean is, let me invite you to the company to sit down and talk face to face!"


Before Zhang Chen could speak, Mr. Lu Jinlu who was standing beside him couldn't hold back: "Xiao Zizai—"

"You mean to say that the top management of the company's board of directors sent you here to invite the heavenly master to go there!?"

The six of them did not speak, but the general meaning was that they chose to remain silent

Now, Lu Jin quit completely: "A bunch of foolish old people!"

"If you're full, there's nothing to do, right?"

"Why do you have to let the Celestial Master go there in person!?"

"Do those old things match!?"

It was said that the ten temporary workers were silent and did not speak

After all, the top executives of the company's board of directors are their superiors, Mr. Lu Jinlu can scold—

They really didn't dare to say anything more——

Lu Jin tore off the collar of his clothes, and his temper exploded in an instant

"A bunch of old things!"

"Old Lu—"

Zhang Chen patted Lu Jin on the shoulder lightly to show that he didn't need to get angry——

He smiled, and looked meaningfully at the six company temporary workers in front of him.

Said: "The company's senior management wants to invite me to sit in the company!?"

"Yes, Master, the board of directors has unanimously decided to sincerely invite you to go to the

Clarinet and Lao Meng echoed in the rear——

At this time, Zhang Chen grinned: "What if I don't go!?"


As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly dropped to freezing point——

The furious Mr. Lu Jinlu felt the hairs on his back——

He was not worried that the Heavenly Master would attack him.

Instead, he was worrying for the top management of the company's board of directors——

Those few who were full, issued such an order——

And the temporary worker position set up by the company is a special existence——

It's just these stunned youths who dare to come and say these words in person at this moment

How stupid!

Now Lu Jin has already "kindly" greeted the 18th generation ancestors of the high-level members of the board of directors in his heart——

On the spot, the six temporary workers were tense——

Zhang Chulan scratched her head with a smile: "Haha, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, kindness makes money and kindness makes money!"

Although he said so on his lips, in fact, he was already holding Sister Baoer with one hand.

Always ready to run for your life—

At this time, old man Lu Jinlu stepped forward to block the six people, and scolded in a cold voice——

"Go back to the old man!"

"What are you doing?"

"Do you still want to challenge the Celestial Master with your three-legged cat skills!?"

Lu Jin was furious: "It's really quite ignorant——"

"Have you ever thought about why the company's board of directors insisted on sending your temporary workers out!?"

"Xiao Zizai, you take them back!"

"The orders of those old things, you can choose to obey in the future


"If you want to see the celestial master, let them put down that damn air and get over here!"

"Just a few words, just a warm invitation and you want the Celestial Master to come over!?"

"Those old things are also worthy!?"

Mr. Lu Jinlu scolded very hard——

Except for Zhang Chen, everyone present showed surprise and surprise——

:【Awesome 666 wow!】

:【Grandpa Lu's words are not rough!】

:【What is going to the high-level, in one sentence, let the celestial master pass!?】

:【Clearly where is my position!?】

:【I don’t even piss to take a picture of what I look like!】

:【Obviously, not all of their temporary workers are willing to come here!】

:【Brother, you mean Zhang Chulan and Sister Baoer!?】

: [To be honest, I have already seen it, these two guys have long wanted to run away! 】

:【Haha! I seriously suspect that the two of them are here to be funny!】

Lu Jin's words echoed in everyone's ears——

Temporary workers have the privileges of temporary workers, and Zhang Chulan saw that the others were silent

I scolded "Idiot" in my heart!

Immediately, he hurried forward and promised old man Lu Jin: "Don't be angry, Mr. Lu, we are also obeying orders!"

"You boy! You are the most cunning! Don't use the board of directors to pressure me!"

Mr. Lu Jin doesn't like this at all: "The top executives of the company's board of directors may be able to suppress me, Lu Jin, but they will definitely not be able to suppress the Celestial Master!" 783

"You send the message back."

"Let those old guys check out the reality, don't think that you can do everything because you are superior!"

He, Lu Jin, is not one of the ten elders. The difference is that he is a man with real abilities.

And, from time to time, I will personally take action because of going out for tasks——

At the end, Lu Jin made a decisive decision: "Go back! I want to see the Heavenly Master and let the old guys come here by themselves!"

Since ancient times, asking for help to do things has always been a way of lowering one's stature——

What's more, Zhang Chen is the new celestial master in the Longhushan celestial master's mansion, and is recognized as one of the best in the alien world.

In recent years, the company has indeed achieved good development——

At the same time, this may also be the reason for the expansion of the company's board of directors -

Zhang Chulan nodded in agreement, took Sister Baoer's hand and left

At this time, the miniature headsets in the ears of the six people came out with exclamations.

"Families, get ready to run away!"

"Run now before it's too late—"

"Just now, I sneaked into the two networks and searched for all the relevant information about the new celestial master of Longhushan celestial master's mansion——


"As for the few records, there are only pictures of Heavenly Master Zhang Chen going up the mountain and on Longhu Mountain—"

"Listen to my advice, listen to Zhang Chulan this time, withdraw!"

Er Zhuang!?

That's right, the reason why Xiao Zizai and the others didn't move for a long time was because they were waiting for Shang Zhuang's reply——

As for the existence of Er Zhuang, they already knew about the existence of Er Zhuang.

Even the omniscient Er Zhuang said so, and suddenly several people fell into a tangle——

Zhang Chen shrugged with a smile: "Didn't your teammates already give an answer!?"

"Still leaving!?"


Zhang Chen's unremarkable words hit Xiao Zizai and the others hard on the head

Several people looked at each other, then bowed to Zhang Chen and saluted——

"I have disturbed you today, and I hope the Heavenly Master will forgive me."

"Old Lu's words, we will bring them verbatim, and there will be a period later!"

Lao Meng took the initiative to say.

Zhang Chulan couldn't bear it long ago, and took Feng Baobao's hand to hide away: "Run, run!"

"Old Meng, what are you talking about?"

Feng Baobao: "The fourth brother said, if you can beat it, you can bury it, if you can't beat it, you can run away!"

"What the fourth brother said is right!"

Er Zhuang: "Great wisdom is foolish, my sister Bao'er, what are you guys still doing in a daze!?"

"Waiting for the celestial master to repent? Waiting for the celestial master to get angry!?"

"Or, do you feel that you have the strength and ability to challenge the majesty of the Heavenly Master!?"

It was rare for Er Zhuang to speak so seriously, and they turned around and walked away slowly——

Mr. Lu Jinlu heaved a long sigh of relief: "It's really a bunch of bastards who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth—"

"They're pretty talented—"

Zhang Chen smiled faintly: "Mr. Lu, let's go, we'll wait while we eat—"

"I also want to meet the high-level executives of the company you are talking about--

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