The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 204 - Inosuke who learned to help

"The breath of water, the shape of one, the water surface slash!"

When Tanjiro got close behind {Headless Ghost} and started breathing water, one type, and slashed on the surface of the water, {Headless Ghost}'s waist suddenly turned around 180, and it suddenly turned to Tanjiro's. In front of him, the hard curved blade of his arm immediately blocked Tanjirou's attack.

Suddenly, sparks and water splashed everywhere, Tanjirou did not choose to take off {Headless Ghost} offensive this time, but chose to head-on with {Headless Ghost}.

Tanjirou did this suddenly. Naturally, his brain was not burned out, but he wanted to contain {Headless Ghost} and then give Inosuke a chance to attack.

"Inosuke, cut its arm!" Tanjirou gritted his teeth and shouted at Inosuke.

That's right, Tanjirou was yelling because I was afraid that Inino would not be able to hear him.

Because the words affected Tanjiro's breathing, Tanjiro relieved his strength a bit, and the huge force of {Headless Ghost} immediately pressed him over, and directly pressed Tanjiro to the ground on one knee.

Hearing this, Inosuke also got up immediately, and then seized the opportunity that Tanjiro was fighting for, and according to the method Tanjiro had said before, he cut the {headless ghost} diagonally from the neck to the waist!

Suddenly, the huge force that suppressed Tanjirou disappeared, and the {headless ghost} also began to ash and dissipate.

"Great! We won! Inosuke!" Tanjirou was overjoyed and said to Inosuke excitedly.(Read more @

After that, Tanjirou remembered that he wanted to collect blood from Jushiro, so he took out Yushiro’s self-made blood collection tool from his pocket, and stuck it on the body of {Headless Ghost} that hadn’t begun to dissipate. .

After collecting the blood, Tanjirou temporarily took the blood collection tool back into his arms.

At this time, Inosuke still maintained the action after the attack fell, as if it was petrified.

Seeing that Inosuke did not respond, Tanjiro suddenly called out tentatively: "Inosuke?"

Suddenly, Inosuke dropped the Sunwheel Sword in his hand and rushed towards Tanjirou.

In response, Tanjirou showed a surprised look.

"What you can do, I can do it too! Go! Tanjiro!" After Inosuke finished speaking, he hugged Tanjiro tightly, and then violently threw Tanjiro in one direction. Up high in the sky.

Tanjiro, who was thrown high into the sky by Inosuke, didn't know what Inosuke wanted to do at first, but after reaching the highest point, Shirai realized that Inosuke had thrown himself on the head of the {girl ghost} who manipulated the silk thread.

"So you want to help me! Inosuke!" Tanjirou said suddenly.

Immediately, Tanjiro adjusted his figure in the air, and prepared an attacking posture, ready to strike the {Female Ghost} unexpectedly from top to bottom.

At this time, the {female ghost} was killed by Inosuke because the {headless ghost} he controlled, and was in a state of despair.

{Female ghost} Looking at the silk thread in his hands that is no longer under stress, his hands trembled, and at the same time, he murmured in despair in his heart: "I've been killed! I've been killed! That doll is the fastest and the fastest. It's strong, but I was actually killed! Speaking of it, I blamed tiredness for threatening me, making me anxious, and as soon as I was anxious..."

Secretly thinking about this, {Female Ghost} seemed to perceive the danger and looked over his head.


{Female Ghost} Looking at Tanjirou, who was taking advantage of the trend from the top of its head, and was already doing a good job of killing one blow, his eyes widened, and he was terrified.

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