The reason why Inosuke was dissatisfied was because he felt that he was rescued by Tanjirou again, and he always meant to be crushed.

"All said, I don't need your concern, even without your help, I can deal with it!" Inosuke's lips still very stubbornly emphasized to Tanjirou.

Seeing that Inosuke could still slap his lips, Tanjirou was also relieved, and Xuan even turned his attention to {Spiderface Ghost} who was pressed under the water by the trunk.

The {Spider Face Ghost} was struggling violently under the water. Where {Spider Face Ghost} was struggling, the surface of the water seemed to be boiling, frantically bubbling bubbles.

Seeing that {Spider Face Ghost} was now under control, Tanji Lang immediately had the idea to take the opportunity to kill him.

"Good opportunity! Use water breath, the strongest pick-up type, so it should be able to chop off its neck!"

With this decision, Tanjirou began to focus on adjusting his breathing, and then the whole person jumped into the water and rushed towards the position where {Spider Face Ghost} was pressed.

"Complete Concentration·Water Breathing, Picking Type..."(Read more @

Before Tanjiro finished speaking, the whole person had jumped up, and his body turned in the air. With the help of body turning to enhance the power and speed of the sword, this is the characteristic of the pick type.

However, Tanjiro's attack hadn't fallen yet, and the {Spider Face Ghost} who was under the water had already broken free from the suppression of the huge tree trunk. He just carried the huge tree trunk, roared, and stood out of the water again.

{Spider Face Ghost} immediately took the huge tree trunk on his shoulders like a baseball bat, and swung it heavily at Tanjirou.

As a result, Tanjiro was like a baseball, hitting {Spiderface Ghost} with a huge tree trunk and hitting a home run, and he flew out into the distance.

Fortunately, when Tanjirou was hit by a tree trunk, he immediately hit the tree trunk with the attack that was supposed to hit {Spider Face Ghost}'s neck, which offset most of the impact.

Otherwise, Tanjirou would really take such a heavy blow, and his body would definitely be overwhelming. Even if the injury was not fatal, it would definitely make Tanjirou lose any combat power and action ability directly.

"Tan Chiro!" Seeing that Tanjiro was shot off like a cannonball, Inosuke yelled to Tanjiro very worriedly.

Inosuke could still feel the strength of {Spiderface Ghost} just now, so Inosuke was worried about whether Tanjirou was seriously injured as a result.

"Inosuke, don't die until I come back again!" Tanjirou knew that under such an impact, he must fly a long distance before landing, so he reminded Inosuke.

After all, Tanjirou also felt the power of {Spider Face Ghost}, especially the power gap, which was obvious from his intuition.

Although {Spiderface Ghost} is a {ghost} that tends to increase in strength, {Spiderface Ghost} still seems to react faster than himself and Inosuke. Tanjirou also felt this.

As Tanjirou's figure gradually fell into the woods extremely far away, Inosuke was also a little at a loss.

Just when Inosuke was at a loss, {Spiderface Ghost} was already chasing Inosuke, feeling the dangerous breath approaching, and the confused Inosuke instinctively chose to escape instead of fighting {Spiderface Ghost}. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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