The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 220 - Shan Yi who faces despair alone

"It's rare to have a mission together, can't we get along well?" Shinobu looked at the extremely indifferent Tomioka Yiyong, and couldn't help complaining to Tomioka Yiyong.

Shinobu's voice was very soft and sultry. Only a man like Yoshiyuki Tomioka who is incomprehensible would be so indifferent to Shinobu. If he were replaced by someone else, he would have licked it a long time ago.

Hearing that, Tomioka was unmoved, but said indifferently: "I'm just here to kill {Ghost}, other things have nothing to do with me!"

"It's so cold~" I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Seeing that Tomioka Yoshiyuki was so cold, Shinobu didn't intend to put a hot face on his cold buttocks, and said, "Then, let's split up here! I'll pass from the west."

After that, Shinobu quickly separated from Tomioka Yoshiyuki.

Yiyong Tomioka didn't stay too much, and chose a different direction to start a full search of Spider Mountain.


On the other side, Shanyi who killed {human head spider ghost} was completely paralyzed because of the activation of the toxin.

Finally, he fell freely in the air and fell on the roof of the wooden house, dying.(Read more @

{Human Head Spider Ghost} later realized that his head was beheaded by my wife Shan Yi. My wife Shan Yi’s attack was too fast, and it was almost too late for {Human Head Spider Ghost} to react at all.

"Damn it! I was actually killed by a weak chicken like you!" {Human Head Spider Ghost} finally shouted unwillingly before he died.

My wife Shan Yi, who fell on the roof of the wooden house, was hit by a back impact, and a poisonous blood was sprayed from her mouth and nose. Then my wife Shan Yi woke up from her deep sleep in a daze.

The first thing my wife Zenyi saw when she woke up was the huge bright full moon hanging above her head, with the glittering stars, it was a very beautiful scene.

"I seem to have a dream, a very happy dream. In the dream, I am very powerful. Just like Senior Bai Yu, I can help the weak and the people in difficulties! What Grandpa taught me, what I have done for me , It was not in vain at all!"

"But, I seem to be about to become a spider! I can't see you beans anymore, and Shiraba-senpai, Tanjirou, Inosuke, and grandpa!"

My wife Shanyi, who is not in a very good state, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

My wife Shanyi's little sparrow flew to my wife Shanyi again at this time, and tweeted to my wife Shanyi.

"Tweet~Taro~Yeah.. I'm sorry, I can't accompany you!" My wife Zenyi's turning eyes looked at the little sparrow, and said with difficulty.

After speaking, tears welled up in the eyes of my wife Shanyi.

The little sparrow looked very anxious. After tweeting and tweeting in front of my wife Shanyi, she flew away. It seemed that she was planning to help my wife Shanyi to ask for help.

"Don't give up, you are my proudest child, no matter when you can't give up easily!"

In this state of extremely vague consciousness, my wife Shanyi seemed to hear Grandpa's teaching again.

"Yeah~ I still want to marry You Douzi! I still can't give up!" My wife Shanyi encouraged herself in her heart.

Then, my wife Zenyi, who had already given up breathing, began to breathe as hard as she could again. My wife Zenyi planned to use thunder breathing method to delay the spread of toxins.

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