The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 224 - Tanjirou meets the last five

Tanjiro was hit by a home run by {Spider Face Ghost} and flew hundreds of meters away. After Tanjiro reached the highest point, Tanjiro began to fall rapidly toward a dense forest.

Under the potential energy brought by the huge impact of {Spider Face Ghost}, Tanjirou's flying speed at this time has reached a speed of about 70 kilometers per hour. At such a speed, he fell directly to the ground without any buffering. There is absolutely no possibility of survival.

Therefore, Tanjirou must find a way to lower the speed before landing.

After thinking about it for a moment, Tanjirou planned to breathe with water, 捌 type, and teapot to counteract the impact of falling.

"The breath of water, the shape of Ba, the kettle!

When there was still about ten meters away from the ground, Tanjiro activated the teapot, swung the knife and slashed towards the ground from top to bottom.

Suddenly, the moment the blade was smashed, a large amount of water flow was generated, and the water flow poured down and hit the ground, providing a very good buffer for Tanjirou, and at the same time offsetting most of the impact.

However, Takiro could not make Tanjiro fall safely, so when Takiro was halfway released, Tanjiro changed his moves again, and then turned over with an impact, using the breath of water, the second type, the waterwheel.

Then Tanjiro drew an arc of water blade, the whole person was like a wheel, rolling on the ground several times, and finally fell to the ground quite embarrassed.(Read more @

After that, he looked a little embarrassed, but he landed safely.

After landing, Tanjiro heard a girl crying for mercy nearby, and Tanjiro's nerves tightened.

With curiosity, Tanjiro followed the sound and quickly hid behind a tree trunk and saw the escaped {female ghost}. It was the crying that came out. At this time, it was sitting humblely. In front of the white-haired young man with a Chinese character on his eyes, his hands covered his face, and the hands covering his face kept dropping blood.

"What are you peeking at there? This is not for people to see!" The young boy with Wu in his eyes turned to the tree where Tanjiro was hiding. Judging from his actions and words, it was obvious that he had found the trunk behind the tree. Jirou was peeking.

Tanjirou didn't expect that he was so cautious and still exposed. So, he didn't intend to continue hiding, and stood out from behind the tree trunk.

As soon as Tanjiro appeared, he confronted the white-haired boy's gaze, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

Tanjiro immediately saw the character Wu in one of the teenager's pupils, and Tanjiro's expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

Suddenly, a chilly breeze blew, and the gray-haired boy's hair that was blocking the other eye was blown up. The words on the other eye of the white-haired boy were also exposed to Tanjirou's sight.

In an instant, Tanjirou took a sharp breath, and his nerves were immediately tense to the extreme.

The white-haired boy in front of him was actually the fifth of the last string of the twelve ghost moons, and Tanjiro suddenly recalled the reminder of the {female ghost} who had been killed by himself before.

Tired is the twelve ghost month, you have to be careful! Does this tired refer to this young man?

Feeling the aura of fear emanating from this {female ghost} is exactly the same as the previous {female ghost}.

Could it be that what they fear is the {young ghost} in front of him who is the twelve ghost month?

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