Tanjiro turned his head to see Yoshiyuki Tomioka using the one-piece model, and he was also a little surprised.

Tanjiro thought that only a Tianzong like Baiyu could create the moves behind the Shizhixing. He didn't expect that Yoshiyuki Tomioka could also create his own Shiyizhi.

However, from the difference in the aura of the two, Tanjirou knew that the two people's pick-up type might be completely different.

But to say which one of the two is stronger, Tanjirou didn't dare to comment on himself.

"What about the one-piece! The same will be cut into pieces by my engraved wheel!" The fifth of the last string mocked disdainfully.

I saw that when the blood-red silk thread disc was about to meet Tomioka Yoshiyuki, the silk thread that made up the disc broke inexplicably and floated in the air.

Tomioka Yiyong didn't make any movement of the sword, just standing quietly on the spot, the silk thread just disintegrated and broke as soon as it got close to Tomioka Yiyong.

"Does his own domain move?" Bai Yu has already jumped to the tree above Tomioka Yiyong's head, feeling the rhythm of Fugang Yiyong's breathing, Bai Yu has roughly figured out the law of Fugang Yiyong's picking one.

Bai Yu saw Tomioka Yoshiyuki's pick-up type. Calmness was a defensive move without any offensive ability. There is one thing in common with his own type of picking two, Dark Blade Strangulation, which forms a layer of protection around him.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

However, the protection of Dark Blade Strangulation mainly relies on sword energy, while the protection of calm wind and waves is entirely dependent on the rhythm of water produced by breathing. This is the difference between the two.

Secondly, the dark blade strangulation is instant, and the protection of sword aura can only last for about three seconds.

Calmness and calmness are sustainable. As long as the opponent's attack does not stop, Tomioka Yiyong can maintain this state, but only if the other party cannot break through this layer of protection, causing real damage to Tomioka Yiyong.

It is also because the focus of the two is different, so the release patterns of the moves are also different. Under the naked eye, there is nothing in front of Tomioka Yiyong, but there is an invisible barrier in front of Tomioka Yiyong.

Through spiritual perception, Bai Yu can perceive the protective layer formed by a large number of dense water rhythms in front of Yoshiyong Tomioka.

"What!? What's the matter? He didn't do anything, why the thread close to him was somehow broken?! This is my hardest thread!" The fifth part of the last string was greatly shocked and attacked by himself. It was actually neutralized!

"What's a joke!" The fifth part of the last string was annoyed and turned into anger, ready to start another cycle of Keshito, and the fifth part of the last unbelief will do so again.

However, at this time Tomioka Yiyong moved, and walked towards the fifth of the last string.

And at this moment, Bai Yu jumped down from the tree, stood in front of Tomioka Yiyong, and then stopped him.

"Don't worry! Kill it with one knife, it's too cheap!" Bai Yu said to Tomioka Yiyong without turning his head back.

Looking at the white feather in the blue water-patterned robe in front of him, Tomioka Yoshiyori couldn't help but slapped his body, as if he saw the master Rin Taki Sakanji standing in front of him.

At this time, another person jumped out from the last five views, and he was even more angry to the extreme.

It was also because Shiraba blocked Yoshiyuki Tomioka's action, the cut of the fifth of the last string had been condensed again.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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