The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 267 - The arrival of the owner

But Shinobu recalled the reminder Tomioka Yiyong was in Spider Mountain, when Tomioka Yiyong told himself not to provoke Bai Yu. Does this guy know Bai Yu's strength?

With that said, did Tomioka Yoshiyori let go of Nidouzi for two years because he couldn't beat Shiraba? That's why you were forced to let your beans go alive?

Butterfly Ninja's thoughts were like vines, spreading crazily.

In fact, the biggest reason why Bai Yu outperformed Undead Kawamiya in the confrontation is that Bai Yu has mastered the ultimate meaning of breathing, and his strength under normal conditions has gained a qualitative leap.

If he didn't get the reward of the one-to-two task, it would be very difficult for Bai Yu to defeat the immortal Kawamiya by the breathing technique of the realm.

In order to keep the balance, Bai Yu has to rely on the deification of ghosts to remain invincible.

Moreover, until the undead Kawasami walked around behind him, Shira realized that the target of the undead Kawasami's attack was not himself, but the Nidouzi in the {fog spruce} wooden box.

However, Undead Kawasumi finally made a mistake. He certainly did not expect that Bai Yu's back did not have a defensive corner.

"This is a crime added to the crime! Private fights between the team members! And also gorgeously wounded Undead River!" Yinzhu Uzuna Tianyuan also showed a faint smile, and said as he watched the play.(Read more @

"It's another guy as disgusting as Tomioka!" Snake Zhu Yihei Xiaobanei also became a little disgusted with Bai Yu.

"The duel was provoked by Undying Chuan on the initiative. Bai Yu was only passively defensive. If guilty, this crime is also unloaded by Undying Chuan." Butterflies stood on Bai Yu's side and helped Bai Yu to excuse him at this time.

Hearing that Butterfly Ninja helped Bai Yu to get rid of it, Undying Chuan Shiya immediately stopped doing it, and then angrily said to Butterfly Ninja: "I was to kill the {ghost} in the wooden box behind him! Why is it a private fight!"

"In my opinion, this kid has been guarding the {gui} in the wooden box. This guy is unforgivable!" Undead Kawasaki said, pointing to Bai Yu again.

Then, Immortal Chuan Shiya pointed to Butterfly Ninja again, and said: "Butterfly, you are helping this kid to speak, you are like Tomioka Yoshiyuki, you are covering up that kid to protect a {ghost}! You all sin!"

At this time, Butterfly Ninja didn't know what to say for a while, but he didn't expect that in the end, he was bitten by Undee Chuan Shiya.

"One thing belongs to the same thing. It's true that you do it first and then, let's talk about it. Things have to be handled by the master. If you handle it privately, do you treat the master as nothing?" Butterfly Ren hurriedly lifted it out of the master. Rescue.

At this time, Butterfly Ninja finally got back a city, but the atmosphere was also deadlocked because of this.

"When the Lord arrives!"

When the atmosphere was deadlocked, two small white-haired and big-eyed loli dressed in kimonos with wisteria flower patterns came out of the courtyard viewing platform.

Everyone's eyes turned to the viewing platform one after another, Bai Yu saw the two Huizi, and couldn't help but laughed a little. There was also a twin sister in the emotional birth house Shiki Huizi!

However, just when Bai Yu was telling that it was his future wife, the one standing on his right hand looked at him.

After a simple eye contact between the two, Bai Yu knew that this was Huizi, so he smiled faintly at her.

It's not the time to talk to Hyeko, so Bai Yu just smiled at her, and didn't do anything.

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