The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 299 - Encouragement from Butterfly Ninja

Butterfly Ninja shot very quickly, my wife Zenyi didn't see Butterfly Ninja making any movements, her face was slapped by external force and flung to the other side.

Butterfly Shinobi still looked at my wife Zenyi with a smile, as if she did not do what she did just now.

"Sen Yi, what's the matter with you?" Butterfly Ninja finally pretended to care about my wife Shan Yi without knowing it.

My wife Shanyi didn't know it was Butterfly Ninja who beat him, nor did he see that Butterfly Ninja beat him, so he also covered his face in a daze, looking at a loss.

"It seems that something hit me in the face just now!" My wife Zenyi replied with some fear, then looked at Butterfly Ninja in horror and asked: "Butterfly sauce, there is nothing unclean in this place, right?"

Butterfly Ninja saw my wife Shanyi's timid appearance, smiled more brilliantly, and then said: "It's okay! It's okay! In broad daylight, how could those things come out!"(Read more @

Hearing this, my wife Shanyi shook her hair and got goose bumps all over her body. Then she swallowed fiercely, and finally tremblingly said: "Butterfly sauce~ That said, there are really unclean things here. Is it? If this is the case, I have to move to sleep with you!"

My wife Shanyi's words made Butterfly Renxin couldn't help but look up at my wife Shanyi secretly, and this guy actually calculated it to her own head. In order to get close to girls, my wife Shanyi's mind is really bright, and he can think of such a reason.

But Shinobu can't see it now. Is my wife Zenyi really scared? Still deliberately pretending to be afraid to approach the girl.

"The place where I live is guarded by a dead sister! Are you sure you want to come? My sister will come to see me every night! I will meet with my sister every day!" Butterfly can't bear my wife Shanyi's Instead, he moved out of his sister to bluff my wife Shan Yi.

When my wife Shanyi heard this, she was really shocked, and she couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, and distanced herself from Butterfly Ninja outside the window.

My wife Zenyi never thought that Butterfly Ninja was really a fierce man! Actually meet the dead!

Although my wife Zenizu thinks that Butterfly Ninja is probably due to the illusion caused by missing her sister too much, but whether it is an illusion or not, my wife Zenyi gave up the idea of ​​purifying with Butterfly Ninja.

"I'm joking with you!" Seeing that my wife Zenizu was frightened, Butterfly changed the subject and said, "Zenji, why don't you practice {Complete Episode·Normal State} with Tanjirou and Inosuke? But it can't work~"

Seeing that Butterfly Ninja was here to persuade me to practice {Complete Focus·Normal State}, my wife Zenyi lost interest, then stretched her waist and lay down on the bed again, saying: "I can't do that kind of thing. Arrived. I was originally a weak person. If I hadn't followed Senior Bai Yu all the way, maybe I would have died long ago!"

Hearing my wife Shanyi’s self-denying words, Butterfly Ninja leaped into the room from the window, and then stood in front of my wife Shanyi’s bed and said: "No! You are amazing! Spider Mountain, you not only killed the poison The {ghost} who turned people into human head spiders, and through their own ingenuity, slowed the spread of toxins with breathing, and persisted until I arrived!"

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