"Blow the gourd? How do you blow it?" Tanjirou asked in a puzzled way.

My wife Zenyi and Inosuke also picked up the gourd curiously and looked at it. Inosuke blew directly at the gourd’s mouth. After biting the gourd’s mouth, the gourd became sealed, so Inosuke kept blowing into it. , Almost collapsed his lungs.

"Just like Inosuke's brother, blowing into the gourd." Xiaosumi explained when Inosuke started to blow.

"When Sister Chanahu was practicing {Complete Collection·Normal State}, Master Butterfly often asked her to blow the gourd. Master Butterfly knew that he was also practicing {Complete Collection·Normal State}, so let us give you the gourd, let You are also training to blow gourd." Xiao Nai Sui took over Xiao Cheng's words and continued.

Hearing that, Tanjirou couldn't help but became interested, and said: "What a fun training! Is it necessary to make a sound to pass the level?"

At this time, my wife Zenyi also tried to blow it up.

"No, I have to blow the gourd!" Xiaoqing said to Tanjirou.

Upon hearing this, my wife Shanyi jumped up and shouted: "What! I want to blow this gourd! Is this something that people can do? This is not a balloon, this is a hard gourd!"

After finishing speaking, my wife Zenyi took the gourd and knocked on Tanjirou's forehead, and asked Tanjirou: "Is it hard? Isn't it hard?!"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Although my wife Zenyi didn't use his energy, Tanjirou was able to feel that the gourd is indeed quite hard through the contact between his forehead and the gourd.

"Yes! And this gourd is very special, harder than the ordinary gourd. Later, it will be slowly replaced with a larger gourd. The current sister Chanahu can blow up such a big gourd!" Xiaocheng continued.

As soon as Xiao Cheng finished speaking, Xiao Qing and Xiao Cai Sui brought out an extremely huge giant gourd from the house. This giant gourd was about the same size as Xiao Qing, Xiao Cheng and Xiao Cai Sui.

In addition, the lower belly of the gourd is bigger than the upper belly, so there is absolutely no problem in putting one of Xiaoqing, Xiaocheng, and Xiao Caisui into the gourd.

Tanjirou, my wife Zenizu, and Inosuke suddenly became petrified after seeing this huge gourd.

The three of them looked at the little gourd in their hands, then looked at the giant gourd that can hold people, and finally screamed in unison: "What!"

"That female can blow up such a big gourd!"

"Chanahu is such a skinny girl who can blow up such a big gourd!"

"Monster! Monster!"

The cognition of the three was refreshed again, and at the same time, their self-esteem as a man was hit once again.

Tanjirou now understands why Bai Yu would say that his breathing is not strong enough.

However, Tanjiro soon adjusted it again and said, "As long as we master {Complete Focus·Normal State}, we will be able to blow the big gourd just like Chanahu! So let's start with the little gourd!"

"That's right! I must blow a gourd bigger than that female!" Inosuke Ganji echoed.

"Butterfly sauce, I will definitely not let you down. Then we can work together!" My wife Shanyi also used Butterfly Ninja as a source of motivation for herself.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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