“The mid-level power on the pirate side, has it started to strike?”

Lieutenant General Tsuru, who saw this scene, even if he looked at the pacifists, in the hands of those people, casualties had already begun to appear, but he did not have the slightest nervousness.

After all, these are mass-produced pacifists, so it is quite normal that they will be eliminated.

“Do you need me to make a move?”

Brantish, who was sitting next to Vice Admiral Tsuru, also asked curiously after seeing the casualties of the navy and beginning to increase.

For the navy, she still has a good impression of it, and is naturally willing to help the other party.

“We still have hole cards.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru said with a confident look.


Hearing Brantish here, he also showed a curious expression.

“Keep looking, the power of our Navy.”

Lieutenant General Tsuru picked up the phone worm and continued to give orders.

“Blazing Angel Force, get moving.”

Tsuruchu continued to order.


25 With Lieutenant General Tsuru’s order, the opposite side of the telephone worm also sounded a voice of response, and then the ground began to tremble.

I saw nearly a hundred child-like figures coming out from G1, and then appeared on the battlefield.

Without words, these figures directly began to attack.

“Boom !!!”

A man with a knife in his hand suddenly cut out a super large slash, strangling all the pirates within the attack range on the spot.


A little girl even petrified all the pirates who looked at her within her line of sight.

“Momo fifty times faster!”

A small fat man, showing a speed that did not match his body, passed through countless pirates at once, and everywhere he passed, all the pirates had their necks cut off.

“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! ”

The ground trembled, and a giant appeared on the battlefield and pounced in the direction of Oz.

It was a very large giant that was no shorter than Oz at all.

However, anyone who knows something about him knows that this new giant is only a young child.

You can imagine what height the other party will reach after they really grow up.

Among them, there is a child wearing a gentleman’s dress and holding a staff and sword in his hand, with his eyes closed, slaying invincible enemies.

In short, the nearly one hundred newcomers who appeared here are the blazing angel troops of the navy and the absolute trump card of the navy.

It is also a trump card that only the navy knows, and even the world government and the five old stars do not know anything about it.

What the five old stars know is only the Blazing Angel Force, because of the bloodline factor, there are only seven members of the Blazing Angel Force, and as a result, nearly a hundred have suddenly appeared here?

“What a familiar ability…”

Reilly and other veteran pirates, after seeing this scene, their brows couldn’t help but wrinkle.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, he always feels that the power displayed by these little guys is really too familiar? As if you’ve seen it?

“It’s like the abilities of those old friends?”

Thinking of Renly here, he also subconsciously shook his head, can’t those old friends have children, right?

This is obviously impossible.

What’s more, those old guys are all imprisoned in the city, how can they come out?

“The absolute trump card of our Navy, the Blazing Angel Force.”

Sengoku looked at the blazing angel troops who were showing their might, and a confident expression appeared on their faces.

This is also his absolute certainty that he can win this war.

Of course, as a price, the sixth layer of the Advance City has been completely emptied.

And in exchange for it, it is these blazing angel troops.

Although the cost is a lot, it is definitely worth it, after all, those who can be imprisoned in the Advance City are some scum.

It is definitely worth it to exchange these scum for the victory of the Navy.

“Pirates, your dusk is coming.”

The Warring States punched out and rushed directly to the forefront.

“It seems that I don’t need to make a move.”

Brantish, who saw this scene, also withdrew his intention to start.

She could see that sooner or later the Navy would be able to win the war, even without her help.


Brantish could see this result, and Beckman, as a smart man, naturally could see it.

But, desperately, he simply had nothing to do.

Because this is the crushing of strength, in the face of absolute strength, they simply have no way.

“No, it can’t go on like this.”

Instantly, Beckman, who saw this scene, knew that he could not continue, otherwise, they would not be able to wait for Shanks and them to return, and they would be completely annihilated here by the navy.

“Retreat, retreat, can’t go on like this!!!”

Beckman quickly ordered.

Even he, under such circumstances, has no way. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although the number of pirates far exceeds that of the navy, the problem is that the gap in quality is too big.

Under the situation of the tailwind bureau, the ability that the pirates can show will definitely be more elite than the elite of the 290 Navy.

However, once it encounters a headwind, it is very helpless.

No, the so-called defeat of the army is like a mountain, and this is nothing more than such a situation.


Faced with such a situation, Beckman is also helpless, what else can he do?

He could only greet the three sea thieves, who were also members of the Four Emperors’ Regiment, and joined hands to retreat.

As for those scattered pirate groups, I can only say sorry to them.

“Sure enough, pirates have no future.”

After seeing this scene, Beckman’s heart suddenly flashed such a thought.

After all, aren’t these pirates able to rise when the times are chaotic?

Once there is no chaotic situation, it is only a matter of time before they are annihilated.

“Maybe… It’s time to prepare for the way back. ”

Beckman’s heart flashed such a thought all of a sudden.

In any case, the pirate side can be said to have suffered heavy casualties, and the navy did not miss such a good opportunity, and directly began to chase and kill the pirates.

“The winner is decided.”

After seeing the scene in front of him, Brantish also knew that the victory had been sealed.

Without a doubt, the ultimate winner is the Navy.

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