“How is that possible? The impregnable red earth continent, as a result, formed a huge gap? ”

Looking at the huge gap in front of him, the gap that could not be seen at a glance, Warring States and others also began to doubt life.

They also knew how strong the Red Earth Continent was, and even if they hit with all their strength, they couldn’t break much of a gap at all.

As a result, now in the hands of the other party, fragile, as if the paper was paste?

The gap between the two sides seems to be a bit big?

“Red Earth Continent…”

Looking at Miller’s actions, even Im had a rather bad premonition in his heart.

In other words, the other party will not use this thing to throw him, right?

Im thought it seemed like a very possible thing.

In particular, the other party also used his own strength to enlarge a piece of red earth continent as large as just now, and used it to suppress him, even if he did, he might not be able to stop it.

After all, the quality of the Red Earth Continent itself is placed there.

“Are you ready?”

Miller, who tossed the marbles in his hand, looked at Yim in front of him and smiled.


Im 02 was silent, but the whole person was ready to fight back at any time.


Miller instantly appeared above Im, and then threw out the marbles in his hand.

The next moment, the magic is liberated.

“Form magic amplification!”

The Red Earth Continent that was restored to its original size was magnified tenfold under the power of magic.

“It is impossible to dodge, only to resist.”

Yim looked at this scene in front of him, and such a thought flashed in his heart.

Then, his hands made a clawed gesture and blasted out into the sky.

“Form magic!”


Miller growled.

“Lord Im…”

Looking at this scene in front of them, Wu Laoxing and the others were also stunned all of a sudden, revealing expressions of disbelief.

In their hearts, Lord Im, who is invincible to the world, was actually sealed?


Seeing Miller here, he rushed into the sky without hesitation, and disappeared in a puff of smoke without any reaction in the Warring States.


Kaido and Dorag also picked up Miller at this moment, and then quickly left here.

At this moment, Kaido turned into a divine dragon, two sharp claws, with Miller and Dorag, and left here as fast as possible.

“Miller, how’s that guy? Dead? ”

While retreating, Kaido asked curiously.

“How is it possible.”

Miller shook his head directly, “The trick I just made, at most, seal the other party for a period of time, it is impossible to let the other party be harmed, the strength of the other party is too strong.” ”

“So, is the other party the heritage of the world government?”

Dorag couldn’t help but speak out at this moment.

“Speaking of the background, I feel even more that the other party should be the king of Draco, that is, one of the legendary twenty kings.”

Miller said his guess.

“What? Is he one of the twenty kings? King of Draco? ”

Kaido and Dorag, after hearing Miller’s words, were also stunned at once. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kaido, in particular, forgot to fly and fell out of the air at once.

“Hey, Kaido, don’t forget to fly.”

After feeling Kaido’s free fall, Miller also quickly reminded.


Hearing this, Kaido also reacted immediately, quickly flew back into the sky, and continued to go in the direction of the Chambord Islands.

“However, is the other party really one of the legendary twenty kings? If this is the case, doesn’t it mean that the other party has lived for more than eight hundred years? ”

Dorag’s face showed a trace of doubt, and he always felt that this was a bit unscientific.

“Otherwise, how can you explain that the other party’s heart has been cut off by me and can recover in a minute?”

Miller asked rhetorically to Dorag.


Dorag was speechless.

“The fruits of the operation, you know?”

Miller asked the two men.

“Is that surgical fruit that can make people become top doctors after eating it?”

Dorag reacted at once.

Obviously, he still had some understanding of this devil fruit.

“I don’t know.”

As for Kaido, it was very simple, and he said bluntly that he didn’t know at all.

If it is the ability of the animal line, then he must understand, but this kind of listening is the ability of the superhuman line… It’s embarrassing, he is not interested at all and has not understood.

Miller spoke of the value of the surgical fruit.

“What? Billion? How could it be worth so much? ”

Both Dorag and Kaido were shocked at once after hearing the figure of five billion.

“Is it because the 210 Heavenly Dragon is afraid of getting sick, so they will buy this Devil Fruit at a high price?”

Almost subconsciously, Dorag, who knew how afraid of death those Draco was, reacted and said this possible outcome.

In addition, he really couldn’t think of any other possibilities.

“No, it’s because of the meaning behind the surgical fruit.”

Miller shook his head, “Seriously, if it comes to real value, then with the ability of surgical fruits, the value is absolutely comparable to the entire world. ”

“Miller, what are you talking about?”

Hearing Kaido here, I suddenly felt that Miller had something wrong with his brain? Otherwise, how could such words come out?

“The ultimate ability of the surgical fruit is immortal surgery, so do you still think that this devil fruit has no such value?”

Miller asked rhetorically to the two men.

“Immortal surgery?!”

Both Kaido and Dorag were stunned.

“Eternal life… Does it really exist? ”

Dorag’s eyes were a little dazed.

“Of course it exists.”

Miller nodded and replied in the affirmative.

“Miller, how would you know?”

Kaido became curious.

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