“Betted, beaded. Miller vs Laxus, who is the ultimate winner? Let’s wait and see, shall we?

Now, as long as you throw a small amount of money, it is possible to get a big return, is there anyone to bet? ”

Macao, the gambling dog, also acted at once after seeing this lively scene.

No, it directly opens the gambling board.

“You guys actually gambled with the Laxus game? Are you still human? You guys are insulting Laxus!!! ”

The Laxus guards, after seeing this scene, also showed a sad expression.

They are the Guards of Laxus, isn’t this insulting Laxus an insult to them?

Therefore, they must not tolerate this scene.

“Then you guys… How much to cast? ”

Macao looked at the three of Philide with a mysterious smile on his face.



“Except for the clothes on our bodies, we bet on all of them, and we bet on Laxus to win.”

For the strength of La 02 Xus, as a Guards, they know quite well.

It can be said that in this guild, the strength of Laxus, even Makarov does not know so much about them.


“Actually, stud? Blocking all your property? This is really… Courageous! ”

Even the demon tailed gambling dogs were amazed for a while after seeing the madness of the three of Philide.

At least, they don’t have the courage.

Although they are gambling dogs, they are also long-established casino gambling dogs, so it is impossible to gamble all their wealth.

“I’ll bet 10,000 J,.”

“I bet 30,000 J, Miller wins.”

“I bet…”

No, one by one, the guys who watched the excitement gambled their own funds and began to bet on their favorite opponents.

“Beer drinks, mineral water, peanuts, melon seeds, eight treasures porridge. Come. ”

At the same time, Makarov also pushed a small cart, carrying a bunch of things, passing in front of everyone, shouting.

In short, it is not to miss any opportunity to make money.

Then Makarov came to Makao.

“President, do you want to bet too? How much Laxus is down? ”

Makao looked at Makarov and asked with a smile.

“Not much, one hundred thousand J.”

Makarov said with a relaxed look.

“Okay, President Makarov, bet on Laxus 100,000 J.”

Macaou shouted.

“Old man…”

Laxus, who was originally very unhappy with these gambling dogs, was also moved after seeing this scene.

Sure enough, the old man still trusted him very much.

“Wait a minute.”

Just when Laxus was moved, Makarov suddenly spoke out to stop Makao.

“What’s wrong? President? Any questions? ”

There was a trace of doubt in Makao’s eyes, knowing that he didn’t cheat this time.

“Who said I bet on Laxus? I’m going to bet on Miller. ”

Makarov said with a serious look.


Hearing the Macaou here, he was also stunned at once.

In other words, are you a little out of line with the routine? Laxus is your own grandson, and as a result, you actually bet on others to win?

“This old man !!!”

Laxus, who was still very moved by Makarov’s actions just now, saw this scene as a result.

In an instant, the expression on his face was as if he had eaten.

If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t beat this old guy, he would want to kill the other party.

“Five hundred thousand J, Miller wins.”

In the end, Mira, a big household, made a move and bet half a million J at once.


Macaou swallowed his saliva nervously, if this is won by the other party, then he will not earn a penny?

“Or… I also bet Miller? ”

In Macao’s heart, subconsciously, such a thought flashed.

After all, Mira’s appearance is really too confident.

With a farce after a farce, the battle between Miller and Laxus is about to begin.

“Please do your best.”

Miller looked at Laxus in front of him and said with a serious face.

“Go all out?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hearing Laxus here, the expression on his face immediately became serious, “That’s what you said.” ”

“Nourish ~~~”

The golden thunder and lightning shone on Laxus’s body, making a shrill sound.

“Such a strong magic, is this an S-class magic guide?”

Elusa’s eyes immediately became serious after looking at the power that burst out of Laxus, even though she already had the confidence to become an S-class magician.

However, in the face of an S-class magic guide like Laxus, the gap between the two sides is still very large.

“I still have to work harder, and… You also need to prepare a pair of armor to resist lightning. ”

Otherwise, in the face of Laxus, she doesn’t seem to have much resistance at all?

But 730 saw that in Elusha’s mind, there were too many imaginary enemies, which could be seen from the armor she prepared for herself.

“Thunder Dragon Slayer Wizard?”

Looking at the power displayed by Laxus, Miller’s sight and smell can clearly feel that the breath that belongs to the dragon comes from the other party.

“It’s similar to Kaido’s breath, huh? Because it’s all dragons? ”

Miller’s heart flashed such a thought.

“Oh? Did you find out? ”

Laxus was also a little surprised, because he was a dragon slayer wizard, and ordinary people didn’t know about it?

This, even if Natsu is also a dragon slaying demon guide, he did not find it at all, and as a result, Miller actually found it?

“So, are you ready?”

The magic power in Laxus’s body condensed in his lungs, and then a dazzling light appeared in his mouth.

“Thunder Dragon’s… Growl! ”

The next moment, a furious thunder attribute shockwave erupted from Laxus’s mouth and roared towards Miller’s position.

“Is it a roar?!”

Naz was also completely stunned after seeing Laxus’s actions.

“Laxus is actually a dragon slaying wizard?!” Xn

The demon tailed people were also dumbfounded all of a sudden.

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