The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 118: The Queen Bee Laments

Standing at the highest level of vision, watching the prosperity of all beings on the Bingpo Plain, a strong sense of accomplishment welled up in my heart.

It's just that he still can't figure out one thing, Wang Yin asked with doubts.

"Fairy, the freezing temperature of tens of thousands of degrees below zero in your world is not high for your galaxy level. Why don't you thaw it yourself."

Bingpo Fairy looked at him like an idiot: "Do you really think that tens of thousands of degrees below zero is my real temperature? This is already the warmest temperature I have tried my best to suppress."

"If I don't try my best to suppress it, all life in the galaxy where I live will be frozen and perish by my innate ice soul."

"In that case, you will be frozen to pieces next to me, how can you help me create life and spread the seeds of civilization."

"But this is my physique. I can only suppress it and not thaw it. If I want to completely thaw it, I must use the eternal yang energy of life civilization to melt my ice soul physique. That's why I'm looking for you."


Wang Yin has returned to Ant God. Originally, he really wanted to communicate more with Fairy Ice Soul to see if he could be promoted to nine stars, but this Fairy Ice Soul is simply not human, she is a merciless scumbag.

Obtaining Wang Yin's innate soul, high-level life breath success, the endless plains are full of unknown animals and plants, and those with crystal clear ice wings on their backs. After the ice and snow elves began to multiply, the ice fairy dumped him.

Ha ha, these women, those who just say that the men are pulling out are ruthless, he Wang Yin promises not to kill you.

Look at Fairy Bingpo, she is more ruthless than a scumbag like him, and immediately dumped him completely.

But let’s not mention this matter. The most depressing thing is that he was able to knock the planet out of life. It must be fate playing tricks on him and making him a bully everywhere. As for who is in charge of fate.

Whoever makes weak lives miserable is an evil existence who controls destiny.

But he is now an eight-star star, not far from the galaxy. Even if Ice Soul Fairy is willing to continue to help him, he can't improve much, at most he can reach nine stars.

Seeing Wang Yin suddenly appearing in front of her in the underground cave of Flying Ant City, Li Yingying cried and laughed, then transformed into a human body and threw herself into Wang Yin's arms desperately, hugging him tightly.

"Please, don't leave me, okay, I'm so scared, so scared, so scared, I thought I'd never see you again, woo woo woo..."

Holding the poor crying woman in his arms, Wang Yin didn't know how to comfort her, and also knew that what she loved for him was not love.

It is a kind of being abandoned in nowhere, thrown into a huge hole in a dark space, and has become a life that you fear and loathe. It is a manifestation of loneliness and fear for thousands of years. Fortunately, her nerves are strong, and ordinary people have collapsed long ago.

After finally finding a man who was the same as herself, but this man left as soon as he said he wanted to leave, she thought that she would continue to be lonely and grow old again, unable to die or live.

Throwing one of them onto the huge hollow spider web, the human body quickly rushed up to comfort this frightened, lonely and frightened woman. The most direct way was to beat her up hard.

An hour later, an exclamation suddenly sounded: "Ah, you have a human body, when did you change back to a human body?"

So Li Yingying, did you only find out that he has a human body? It took an hour to find out. Did you forget to find out because of your happiness?

Immediately afterwards, there was another coquettish call: "You, you, you, you have already advanced to seven stars, no, no, your aura is exactly the same as the old monster before, you are eight stars, right?"

Wang Yin was complacent, what he wanted was this kind of luxury discovered in a low-key way, this is the real pretentiousness, and he replied nonchalantly.

"What is eight stars? In the future, I will be promoted to the galaxy level, and I will break through the galaxy to reach the ancestor of Neyu."

At the same time, he slandered the Zhajing in his heart. This Zhajing made every realm mysterious and mysterious. If he didn't show it to him, he would still know the division of realms from other places.

Fairy Bingpo said that behind the Nine Stars is the galaxy life, and after the galaxy level is the inner universe level, which is equivalent to the level of a cultivator and saint.

The Inner Universe Realm and the Poyu Realm in the Zha Jing display interface, the Inner Universe Realm is definitely the inner universe level that Fairy Bingpo said.

Hidden, trying to cover up but still can't clean up the tail, saying that his level is not enough and not showing it later, and then highlighting the column of Inner Universe Realm Breaking Universe Realm.

I'm afraid this scumbag has a brain hole, maybe an idiot.

If he practiced the exercises provided by this kind of guy with a brain, would he go crazy, and his brain would become a hole in the future, it's scary, so pay attention.

Li Yingying was full of admiration: "Then after you are promoted to the power of the galaxy, can you take me out, I really want to go back to my hometown to see."

Wang Yin stroked her excited and flushed cheeks, put away his pretentious thoughts and replied gently.

"Okay, but you don't need to be promoted to the galaxy level. I can take you back after I finish dealing with the Ant god star."

He is now an eight-star peak life, there is no need to hide in front of Li Yingying like before, he will be timid if he has no strength, and when he has strength, the former bosses are now all younger brothers.

In the giant-tailed hive of the Black Bee Canyon, the queen bee's black giant tail is like an ant on a hot pot, flying back and forth with anxiety and crying bitterly.

He was beaten by an eight-star peak power of the Blood Fly Clan, and the woman Blood Fly Clan asked a few Blood Fly Clan fighters to urinate into his mouth a few times to punish him for not being able to educate children.

And let him come back and ask him to catch Hei Bulun and sacrifice the queen bee.

During this period of time, the bloodfly clan did not know what kind of gunpowder they had eaten. Instead of being submissive before, they actually started to compete for the territory of the bee clan.

In fact, the interests and needs of the two parties are not consistent. The other bee tribe mainly likes flowers and honey, and other food resources are only secondary. The blood fly tribe mainly focuses on blood and other food resources, and there is no conflict of interest with them.

It’s just that the nature of the bee tribe is like this. Even if there is no conflict of interest, within the sphere of influence that the bee tribe considers, they will rush to drive away other alien races, and prevent other alien races from appearing under their noses. If they dare to appear, they will wait for them.

But now things have changed uncontrollably, and the Blood Fly Clan suddenly grew inexplicably, and began to compete for the Bee Clan territory.

The most terrible thing is that the Bee Clan who was vying for territory couldn't beat the Blood Fly Clan who was fighting for territory.

This has not happened for tens of thousands of years. No, it has never happened since the appearance of the Blood Fly Clan. The Blood Fly Clan used to be exploited and rubbed by their Bee Clan in all directions.

At first, the Queen Bee didn't know about this, because the territory of the Ant God Star Bee Clan was too big, and he couldn't handle it.

It wasn't until a few days ago that things got serious and the largest honey-gathering site of their Bee Clan was captured by the Blood Flies. He finally found out about it, and hurriedly organized an army to conquer the Blood Flies, hoping to regain the occupied territory.

Then there was no more, and he realized later that he and the army couldn't get out of the giant-tailed hive.

Outside, an eight-star peak bloodfly power who came from nowhere, with the blood fly clan who is also the eight-star queen of life, Blood Fly, and countless bloodfly soldiers who are all six-star peaks, have already put the giant tail The hive was surrounded by water.

If it wasn't for the fact that it would take time for a six-star peak to be promoted to a seven-star, hei Juwei absolutely believed that among the six-star peak soldiers, there would be countless seven-star lives.

Have the Blood Flies eaten gunpowder? Why did they suddenly erupt with such a powerful force?

The giant-tailed beehive is one of the largest cities in the Ant God Continent. It is a densely packed hive structure that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are countless guards and lives of various races. Now it is said that the encirclement is so silent.

How much strength does it take to make the giant-tailed beehive, one of the huge cities in the Ant God Continent, unable to receive any news from the queen bee.

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