The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 142 Goddess Of Life

After closing the palace door, Emperor Heishui seemed to be a different person, groping towards the inner room of the palace lightly.

With a wicked smile on his face, he was already in his prime, and the queen was ten years younger than him. When no one was around, the two often let go and played around, and their relationship was very harmonious.

Today, he also wants to do what he did before, to suddenly attack and intimidate his queen from behind when the queen didn't find him, and to adjust the pressure brought about by the war during this period.

But today he was destined to be frightened. When he turned the gauze curtain and entered the bedroom, his body froze suddenly.

In the inner room in front of him, he and the empress were on the exclusive dragon bed, leaning against a strange man whom he had never seen before.

His Queen's Wei Yan'er seemed to be supported by an invisible bracket, suspended in front of the eyes of the strange man, who watched curiously and made a sound of admiration.

"Beauty, you are the queen. It is the first time this king has seen a queen since he was born. Tsk tsk, this dress is so complicated and gorgeous, how will your husband untie it, or someone else will help you untie it, hahaha .”

Empress Wei Yan'er's eyes were burning with shame and indignation, did she treat her like an animal? It was a great shame, even when she was a young lady, she was also a daughter of a great family, never had she been humiliated like this.

If she is given a sword now, she promises to slay herself immediately and prevent the villain in front of her from continuing.

There is also how the villains in the inner courtyard of the deep palace came in. After this catastrophe, the guards guarding the inner courtyard will be ransacked and exterminated, including the head of the guard.

When Emperor Heishui saw the scene in front of him, his eyes were instantly calm and calm.

Since the death of the first emperor, until he was squeezed out by the crown prince and ambushed and killed step by step, he walked step by step until he became the emperor today, and even started to attack the surrounding countries in order to dominate the world. He has never seen such a scene.

Without the true qualities of a hero, he couldn't make it to where he is today, and because he had been on the dragon throne for ten years, he had already developed the air of an emperor who does not show his emotions and anger.

The first time he stopped, he sent a sound transmission to the head of the bodyguard. To prevent any mistakes, he also notified the Mother Goddess of Protecting the Nation and the God of Black Water.

It’s just that what’s going on with the Heishui God Lord, the Heishui God Kingdom didn’t respond to any fluctuations after his sound transmission. Could it be that he got some benefits from killing the Flame God Lord and was practicing in seclusion.

An assassin appeared in the inner courtyard and insulted the queen. He decided that this assassin would be unable to fly, and only by ransacking his family and exterminating his family would he be able to relieve his anger.

When Wang Yin saw someone coming in, he knew it was the Black Water Emperor, and he had observed it in his consciousness, and greeted the Black Water Emperor with a smile on his lips.

"The emperor of the Blackwater Empire, right? They're all here, why come in and have a chat."

He knew what arrangements the Blackwater Emperor had made, but it didn't matter, he wanted to find the Blackwater Emperor to summon the Goddess of Life, otherwise why would he waste all his time running to the palace.

The woman hid in her life kingdom, and closed the entrance to the small world. It was really hard for him to find without the coordinates, not to mention that the queen's bedroom was actually connected to another strange space.

The breath of space is vaguely connected with the breath of the Goddess of Life, and it is best to attract the Goddess of Life here, otherwise, even if she hides in other universes, he can sneak into her red tent from the dream world.

Emperor Heishui resumed his imperial demeanor, walked slowly into the bedroom with a sullen face, and asked under the coercion of the king.

"Who are you, and why did you come to my Blackwater Emperor's Palace?"

What I think in my heart is to stabilize the thief first, and arrange a time for the head of the bodyguard to prevent the thief from running away before the Mother Goddess of Life arrives.

I am not surprised by Wang Yin's method of restraining the queen in the air. As long as the warriors in the empire have seven levels of strength, they can release their vitality to capture objects.

I just don't know how strong this thief is, but since he dared to break into the palace, his strength is naturally not low.

If the thief hadn't insulted the queen, he wouldn't have wanted to mobilize the crowd to invite the Mother Goddess of Life. There are so many masters in the palace, so he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to take down a thief.

He was not worried about the strength of the assassin, as long as he was not a god, he would not be able to stand up under the hands of the gods. He respectfully asked the Mother Goddess of Life to be foolproof, and Queen Wei's majesty should not be desecrated.

If the assassin was a god, he would have sensed that the god was fluctuating, and the appearance of that god in the world would not change his face, and his might was as powerful as hell.

Wang Yin smiled casually: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I am here."

Seeing the mighty and majestic Heishui Emperor in front of him, a golden black dragon appeared faintly roaring and roaring around his body.

With one move of his hand, the Blackwater Emperor was captured by the volley to his side without any resistance. This is a gap in strength.

He is now a life high in the nine heavens, and this Blackwater Emperor is just the leader of the ants.

The black water emperor finally changed his face. Now that he and the queen have fallen into the hands of thieves, even if the mother of life comes, I am afraid that they will have to be restrained. This is a great crisis for the empire.

He stretched out his hand again to grab Heishui Emperor, and he grabbed a colorful golden black dragon from Shenshui Emperor. Seeing that he was compressed by his energy, Wang Yin rolled and roared in his hand, baring his teeth and grinning as a miniature golden black dragon, exclaiming.

"It's really dragon energy. I've learned a lot. The real man wants to have this thing, right? Is your family's ancestral grave buried in the dragon's veins? No wonder you can become the emperor of a country."

The Black Water Emperor finally lost his mind and soul, opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of dragon blood, and his hair turned white in an instant.

What kind of method is this thief, how can he grasp the aura of the true dragon of destiny, without the aura of the true dragon of destiny, his country will not be stable, and the world will be chaotic.

", who are you and who sent you here? Are you not afraid of being ransacked and exterminated?"

Wang Yin rolled his eyes, this girl dared to threaten him, waved her hand: "Shut up, you noisy."

The Blackwater Emperor immediately shut his mouth tightly, and could no longer make a sound.

Wei Yan'er saw that even the emperor was arrested, and the thieves were able to capture the dragon's energy from the emperor, her pretty face flushed with anxiety, and she barely maintained her mother's posture.

"Your Excellency, please let my Emperor Heishui go, and return the Great Emperor's Dragon Qi. Don't pursue today's matter, otherwise, when the Mother God comes and catches you, it will be too late for you to regret."

Wang Yin saw that she was only in her twenties, but wanted to pretend to be an extremely mature and beautiful girl, reached out and pinched her face, and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter that the king is here, you can catch it as you like."

Looking carefully at Wei Yan'er's body, she saw that there was also a golden light on her body, it was a five-colored golden phoenix dancing in her body, Wei Yan'er was also stunned, and grabbed the five-colored golden phoenix from her body.

"Sure enough, it's really a pair. Is this a dragon and a phoenix singing together? No, your phoenix is ​​a female. It should be a dragon and a phoenix singing together, hahaha."

Chao Wei Yan'er blinked narrowly, and under Wei Yan'er's murderous gaze, she said with a smirk: "You said that if I stuff all this dragon and phoenix energy into your body, your husband will die suddenly, don't you?" Will you be able to ascend to the position of emperor and become the eternal empress of your Blackwater Empire, hehehe."

Before Wei Yan'er could react, there was the pattering sound of wind and rain in the bedroom, the curtains on the dragon bed rolled up automatically without wind, and wisps of rain appeared out of thin air, spreading all over the space without wetting the ground.

This scene filled the streets and alleys of the Heishui capital. Countless people took to the streets, raised their heads to bathe in the rain and cheered enthusiastically: "It's the Goddess of Life, the Goddess of Life has descended, the Goddess of Life has descended."

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