The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 145: Catch The God King

Wei Niao was full of surprises: "Is it true, my lord?"

"Of course it's true, and you, Queen Wei, I will not only give you and your aunt this world tree, but also capture all the dragon energy in the world and send it to you, making you the only supreme empress in the world. "

Wei Yan'er's body stiffened suddenly, a trembling longing came from the depths of her soul, she knew that the person in front of her could really catch the dragon's energy.

If so, what is the mere queen of the Blackwater Empire, dizzy and dizzy by the news, the image of the Blackwater Emperor gradually blurred.

Wei Niaoyao was even short of breath. If she could do this, after the Wei family, she would be the only supreme god clan in the world, the Great Emperor's family.

I couldn't believe it and confirmed: "Where are the adults, the gods, the kings and the queens, they definitely don't agree."

Wang Yin laughed loudly: "If I want them to die, I will die, if I want them to live, I will live. Do I need their consent?"

This is strength, he can do whatever he wants, as long as he is happy, he can help a dog become a great emperor.

In the space of the giant tree, Wang Yin embraced the girl elf, pointed to the outside and said, "Look, this is the innate essence liquid that this king needs."

The girl elf was full of curiosity, and replied in an imperceptible way: "Isn't this what the beings outside often do? Why did God say that this is the innate essence liquid? Is the effect really so good?"

It's not that she doesn't understand anything, as a party of world consciousness, she understands the life continuation process in the world better than anyone else.

Not bad, not bad Wang Yin was relieved, thinking it was a blank piece of paper, but he was already a master of theory, so let's do it, at least it's a world of innate essence liquid, even if the quality is not high, the quantity is enough.

"God, is this how you evolve? It feels so unique."

Wang Yin concentrated on refining the congenital essence of the four worlds, and replied: "Yes, there are many devouring methods in the demon cultivator, but mine is more advanced."

Girl Elf: "Then you are amazing, Sifang has never seen someone so powerful like you, can Sifang learn this way of evolution?"

"Of course you can, but you can only learn the simplified version. The original version has been integrated into my flesh and blood, so I can't teach you."


In the palace of the Sifang God King, the Shaking God King nervously looked at the huge boulder in front of him, and the divine power penetrated into it again and again without any movement.

"Is the space passage blocked by the Supreme God World Tree?"

"No... I got this space spirit stone from outside the domain, and it can open all space passages. The Supreme God has closed the highest space several times, and I have opened it."

"Then what happened today."

"I don't know. I'll try again. Maybe it's because I've used it too many times, and the energy consumption of the space stone is too great."

After Shaking the Sky God King finished speaking, he mustered up his divine power and continued to drive into the space boulder in front of him. Originally, as a God King, he didn't need the space stone at all to go to other gods' spaces, so he just went as he said.

It's just that the Supreme God's space is different. The Supreme God lives in it, and without the space stone, the gate of the Supreme God's space cannot be opened at all.

That is a law that he can't understand. The Supreme God Tree in the space also contains a strong source of the way of heaven. If the Supreme God is willing to reward the source of the way of heaven and give him part of it for refining, he will be able to achieve the way of heaven in the four directions of the gods. Refining Transform the world.

Since then, God and Tao have become one, and I am the only one in the four-dimensional world. Unfortunately, he doesn't know that the four-dimensional world is not the only one he sees. .

Today, he deduced secretly with his heart and soul, and found that there was a huge change in the space of the Supreme God, so he quickly took out the space stone and wanted to enter it to find out.

It's just that the space stone didn't move at all today, no matter how he exerted his divine power, the space channel of the Supreme God would remain indifferent.

Of course he didn't know that this extraterritorial space stone that he couldn't understand was actually an ordinary stone on the Sifang planet.

It was picked up by a girl from the four directions world who used the tree body to transport a stone of a material that had never been seen in the core of the planet out of the territory to fool the god king. It's no wonder that the god king understands.

At the beginning, the girl Elf Sifang found out that she was still unable to advance after being reincarnated into a towering giant tree. She had no choice but to seek help from the outside world, so she focused her attention on the highest cultivation level at that time, the king of gods.

Deliberately attached a trace of her world origin to this stone, and transported it to the top of the tree through the branches and threw it into the starry sky.

And from the underworld, the four directions of the gods, including the world consciousness that the god king believes to be the consciousness of heaven, guide the god king on a whim, feeling that he will get a big opportunity.

Follow the induction to the universe and starry sky, and pick up this extraterritorial space stone.

So the God King finally discovered the space channel of the Supreme God from the space stone, which is the huge space at the core of the planet, which the God King called the Supreme God Space.

The king of gods who entered the space of the supreme god finally saw the huge sacred tree that broke through the void of the four directions of the gods, named it the world tree, and meditated under the world tree all the year round, sensing the consciousness of the four directions of heaven.

Since then, the king of the gods, born of ambition, has been out of control, racking his brains to find the origin of the four worlds, desire to unify the gods, and become the supreme way of heaven in the four worlds.

It's just that the girl elf Sifang, knowing his ambitions, why would she give her her origin to him, so she kept pretending to be a ghost, imitating the will of heaven to convey various wills to the god king, and asked the god king to help her find advanced clues.

The many abnormal behaviors of the God King were finally discovered by the Sifang Empress who has become his Taoist companion, so the Sifang Empress also joined in and became one of the pursuers of the Dao of Heaven.

Seeing that the God King was still unable to open the space stone in front of him despite all his efforts, Empress Sifang shook her head.

"No, even if I've been there so many times, it's not that I haven't found the origin of the world."

Shaking God King blushed and said: "No, we must find the source of the world and refine the way of heaven, so that we can unite with the masters of all parties to suppress Heitian Demon Emperor into the innate demon-killing formation."

After speaking, he turned around and looked at Sifang Empress tenderly.

"We can't be suppressed by Heitian Devil Emperor forever. I can't just watch you being bullied by him all the time, but I can't appear in front of him openly. Only when I become the Four Heavenly Dao, can I have the capital to enter Qianye God Realm."

Empress Sifang looked at her man tenderly, and reached out to help Shaking God King wipe away the sweat from his forehead.

"You have worked hard all these years. It's just that the sinister man Heitian Demon Emperor has the help of the God Realm and Heavenly Dao to deceive people's hearts. Our chances of winning are slim. Is it really worth it to go on like this?"

Shaking God King's eyes were sad and indignant: "You are my lover. He has occupied you for so many years, and he still has the face of saving the common people in front of people. Even if his soul is gone, I will also expose his true colors to the world, so that Daqian can dominate all living beings and see his true colors. true colors."

"It can't be because there is God Realm and Heavenly Dao to help him cover it up, so let's forget it."

Seeing that her man is so determined, the Empress Sifang can only obey: "Okay, I will listen to you."

While speaking, the stone god in the space in front of him shined brightly, and a portal was faintly revealed in it.

Shaking God King and Sifang Empress were overjoyed, and rushed into the space of the Supreme God Realm in a flash, and came to the towering and grounded pseudo-world tree.

Before seeing the space environment clearly, the two were imprisoned by a huge invisible force, unable to move.

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